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Focus Tournaments


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Re: Focus Tournaments Generally rebuys are not allowed - I made an exception for the Cheapskates, due to popular demand, however, having tried it I didn't find it an appropriate focus game and am unlikely to repeat it again soon. Raked hand freerolls are typically not focus games. I have started making an exception to this where the raked hands are nominal and easy to get on the lowest stake tables - mainly the Virgin V Rolls - more than anything these are focus games because they're so popular and so many participate when they are focus. I try to avoid non PL password restricted games - the main casualty because of this are the Inisde Poker and Poker Player Magazine freerolls which I feel would make good focus games (apart from be heavily UK focused, so keeping non UK based players out) There is no real restriction on where they can be, apart from trying to keep to popular sites for PL'rs - the same tournament on a Popular and non popular PL site can see a huge difference in number of entries!! No max buy in, though I try to keep it lower - when I have tried higher buy in games before they've been extremely poorly supported.

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Re: Focus Tournaments Did have a phase where I was doing that :ok But you're right, time to start redoing it I think :ok The argument against a poll every day (which you're not proposing :ok) is that it will just be the same freerolls day after day.....

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Re: Focus Tournaments

How about some variants like omaha etc' date=' bound to be interest in other forms of poker![/quote'] We've tried them - they started off ok, with the novelty, but numbers quickly dwindled...... However nothing wrong with a variant from time to time :ok
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