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multiday $5 mtt


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Re: multiday $5 mtt 94 starting players in this 4 day rebuy (for the first hour) tourney, and we have lost 20 by the time we get to the first break :loon It was quite wild in that first hour, more akin to Monday night's cheapskates. I saw one guy rebuy 6 times in the first 40 minutes, lose it all, then leave. 94 entrants, and 97 rebuys/add-ons, so plenty of overlay (over $500), but I can't see this going 4 hours, never mind 4 days. Glad I didn't book a room :lol

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Re: multiday $5 mtt Well, I take back what I said earleir. This 4-day tourney might actually go in to a 2nd day. 3rd break, and we went down from 43 to 24. I'm in 8th. :hope hobbo03 (pontefract) still around - is he a mate of shuby or rosco?

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Re: multiday $5 mtt End of Day 1 multiday7nov07jy3.jpg Tournament is on a break. Play will resume in 1184 min 32 sec :loon 15 left, prizes for top 10, starting at $30 - I'm in 8th, with just below average chip stack. Amazed at how many players had no idea it re-started tomorrow. Unsure how many will actually turn up. Is it a good idea for a PL game? I honestly don't know. It's different (for me), but hard work. Although the overlay is good, I can see the numbers dropping for the next one because of the time taken. As you can see from tonight's blog, I really didn't think we would be going in to a second day, never mind near the scheduled 4 days, but it really tightened up after the 2nd break, and I have tried to nick a bit here and there whilst not picking up any more big hands. This is an alien concept for me, as I prefer to play much more loosely ;) all the way through. So, here's to no problems tomorrow night when logging in, hoping loads forget to return. :hope Over and out McG :gimme

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Re: multiday $5 mtt Ho - hum :$ Had taken a private pledge of patience, patience, patience, and played with selective aggression - but my timing was poor :wall Almost lasted to the first break, and was only the 3rd person out in the hour - 13th overall. All in all, an interesting tournament, and a subtle variation on deep stack poker with that mad first hour. Was it a waste of 5 hours of play? Ask me tomorrow :sad

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