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I'm starting on Monday at my new job as editor of Flush magazine. I know that quite a few PLers get this (as do I) so I'll be looking to get some input from forum guys. Ideas / news / tell me what you want to see in a poker mag, as there are a lot on the market. I'll be changing things around, bringing in some new sections and features, so any feedback, let me know. Jon

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Re: New job Nice one Jon - good luck with that :ok What happened to Matt Broughton? He hadn't been in the job long :loon I dont actually get it any more, my free issues have dried up ;) Have to be honest, I wouldn't pay for it at the moment either :$ Constructive feedback - I want a poker mag - not a "lads mag" - If I want a lads mag, there are plenty out there!!! Big fan of Cas Berry's articles :ok What he says seems to make a lot of sense to me, and he does it in an interesting way!!

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Re: New job good luck in your new job, jon:ok:ok:ok trev, this was taken from flush forum for your information;) Hello all I just wanted you guys to be the first to know that my time as Flush Editor has come to an end. Thanks very much for all your participation and support. If you want to follow my adventures you'll have to turn on your TVs or fire up www.skypoker.com I am on every week night at 8pm with a new show called The Club, as well as my usual work on The Open (catch me tonight with Helen Chamberlain in fact!) So, thanks again for your help. Happy hunting. Matt B

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Re: New job

Nice one Jon - good luck with that :ok What happened to Matt Broughton? He hadn't been in the job long :loon I dont actually get it any more, my free issues have dried up ;) Have to be honest, I wouldn't pay for it at the moment either :$ Constructive feedback - I want a poker mag - not a "lads mag" - If I want a lads mag, there are plenty out there!!! Big fan of Cas Berry's articles :ok What he says seems to make a lot of sense to me, and he does it in an interesting way!!
I hear what you're saying about the laddish element - good to strike some kind of balance IMO. More gambling I think and possibly (I know it's a revolution there) someone who's not a girl on the front cover.
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Re: New job Congrats on the new job Swampy. I must be honest I haven't read yours but something that the other mags seem to ignore is the thriving live 'circuit' that is below the top tier. There are buy in tournaments of all levels in most card rooms around the country and it would be nice to have a magazine that could do a decent review of them. :ok

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Re: New job I've been playing NLHE (albeit at small stakes) for about 8 months now. Very recently I've begun playing Omaha Hi. During this time I've devoured as many articles as poss (online, books & mags). As a result I'm getting a bit fed up with the constantly generic articles about: How to play pocket Aces (NLHE) How to play pocket Kings (NLHE) How to play AK (NLHE) How to avoid tilt Articles about Stu Ungar (he may have been great, but he's dead and I've read so much about him that I'm starting to feel as if I was related to him!!!) I'd LOVE to see articles on a beginners guide to Omaha, OH Hi/LO, Stud or Razz. I really think variants are the future for the serious player, irrespective of what level they're playing at. If you were really cute, you could run a series of begginer-to-intermediate articles on various different formats of the game, culminating in a series on HORSE. I'd also suggest you need to try hard to increase your distribution, as its fairly rare I see Flush mag available. Oh, and offer a discount exclusive to Punters Lounge ;)

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Re: New job The flush news and interviews always seemed very dated in comparison to the 'dennis' stable of poker mags. i remeber one that mr broughton did which was in around january this year from an interview he had done at the previous years world series. more info on the online pros as opposed to the american live pros - plus hopefully your attempts at sarcasm and humour will be better than mr broughtons - well to be quite truthful they could hardly be any worse could they good luck swampy !! oh and how about a little section on the poker blogs out there. also forget the other gambling stuff, the racing post does it far better with far more upto date information - i could never understand the appeal of a monthly gambling mag, its hard enough prediticing a day before nevermind month before. As prices,form,runners etc were never accurate

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Re: New job Well Poker mags are 10 a penny at the moment, all pretty much offering the same content. News from the big tournaments, strategy articles that are fairly rubbish at the best of times and very little else. To be perfectly honest the only reason I get em is for the freerolls/added value tourneys that are offered in em. Rest of the content is pretty naff. If you want to stand out from the rest of em try focusing on the people who are actually going to read the magazine. Thats what APAT has done and has done pretty well for itself. I'm no expert, but try stuff like partnering with the local casinos, get some writeups on their weekly tournaments and stuff. Interviews with the winners there and the like. You could also jump on the web 2.0 band wagon and start getting some user generated content in the magazine, get your readers to submit articles for publishing see how that goes.

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Re: New job

Well Poker mags are 10 a penny at the moment, all pretty much offering the same content. News from the big tournaments, strategy articles that are fairly rubbish at the best of times and very little else. To be perfectly honest the only reason I get em is for the freerolls/added value tourneys that are offered in em. Rest of the content is pretty naff. If you want to stand out from the rest of em try focusing on the people who are actually going to read the magazine. Thats what APAT has done and has done pretty well for itself. I'm no expert, but try stuff like partnering with the local casinos, get some writeups on their weekly tournaments and stuff. Interviews with the winners there and the like. You could also jump on the web 2.0 band wagon and start getting some user generated content in the magazine, get your readers to submit articles for publishing see how that goes.
hit the nail on the head mate - definitely want to get local casinos / card clubs involved, get the 'grass roots' in, cos they'll stay with you forever once they've got something that relates to them.
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Re: New job Nice one mate. :ok It has to be "different" and I'm sure you're aware of that, what that difference may be, is down to you and getting ideas of people. You have to be unique to get noticed but if you crack that, then you can be sure you will get loyal customers, as long as you remain unique. ;) Does PL get a plug then?;););)

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Re: New job i agree with the freerolls thing absolutely - Bluff Europe (where I am now) usually appeals to more experienced players who maybe arent that fussed about freerolls - as such we never run them. Flush definitely fits in that Poker Player bracket of laddish / everyday player readership (without being patronising) who want cheap tourneys.

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Re: New job The reason most of us here have subscriptions with PP and IP is the value ie 5 pounds for a 12 month subscription to PP. If you offer a 12 month subscription for under a tenner you would get alot of takers, I would,nt rush down to wh smiths to buy any poker mag but would take out a subscription just for the ease of it.

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Re: New job

Nice one mate. :ok It has to be "different" and I'm sure you're aware of that, what that difference may be, is down to you and getting ideas of people. You have to be unique to get noticed but if you crack that, then you can be sure you will get loyal customers, as long as you remain unique. ;) Does PL get a plug then?;););)
Forum of the Month, 1st winner I think :)
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Re: New job

The reason most of us here have subscriptions with PP and IP is the value ie 5 pounds for a 12 month subscription to PP. If you offer a 12 month subscription for under a tenner you would get alot of takers' date=' I would,nt rush down to wh smiths to buy any poker mag but would take out a subscription just for the ease of it.[/quote'] Totally agree with this. I couldn't be bothered to buy any poker mag but more than happy to pay £10 a year to have them delivered to my house. As for stratgy articles they are often very basic and repeated across each magazine. for example PP, IP & WPT all had "How to play suited connectors" all in the same months:unsure. Better articles are if you have somthing like an article detailing how to play cash / sng / tournaments. Have a 6 part piece on each (thats your first 6 months sorted;)) These become more like mini books. A freeroll league is also good not just your one off freerolls, again have this over six months culimating in a live final. I had Flush magazine on a free 3 month subscritpion, nothing in there made me think is was worth paying for. With a new editor I give it another try! Also I'm totally disinterested in interviews with pro poker players, I never read them in the mags. Anyway good luck:D
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Re: New job i think the biggest problem is using the same pro's all the time. pp only use a couple of people for their main strategy stuff . i would prefer a much wider range of views on each subject as there are is more than 1 way to skin a cat ,using the one pro on a subject limits this a bit. i think the 6 part guide idea is exactly what i would want ,like you say pp is more for the lads mag market and although it is good for freerolls etc most of the poker talk is more lifestlye than strategy etc. maybe you could do a 6 part strategy with 3 different authors ,say nl holdem. 1 rock, chris fergerson ,hellmuth etc. 1 mid strategy player like negranu,lederer 1 ultra aggressive player hansen,vaswani each produces their own slant on things,i think it would be great:ok then do the same with each type of game and get the best you can for each. maybe you could do some sort of deal with stars or tilt,their name all over the feature in return for the use of their pro's, tilt has 300 or something silly and a lot of great players. it would be a great ad for them after all. i have 1 other idea as well although it would probably be tricky with your deadlines etc,how about a proper tourney planner for as many of the major sites as possible. gaf does a amazing job of doing this on here:notworthy:notworthy:notworthyand i realise you wouldnt be able to do last minute alterations but most sites run their regular games for months . maybe you could do a live and online one and although it would take up a fair few pages i think it would be quite popular. anyway well done on the job and good luck:ok

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Re: New job Received the latest issue yesterday and glanced at it last night, one thing I noticed is an obvious mistake on page 69. One of the first things I learnt when I started playing poker was that the chances of your first card dealt being an ace was 1 in 13, and the second being an ace was 1 in 17, so the odds of being dealt pocket aces is 1 in 221 or 220-1 against. The article on page 69 states the odds as 12-1 against and 16-1 against and states that 'of every 193 hands dealt, only 1 will be A-A and the remaining 192 will not'.

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Re: New job Yeah - I noticed that - pretty poor really for an "expert strategy" article!!! I also strongly dislike the way the article closed - after saying that 13 is the least frequently drawn ball in the national lottery, the author goes on to say "maybe back it in the next draw because it's going to catch the pack up sometime" - whilst I dont necessarily believe the author believes that, it is the most frequent misconception amongst people who have no stats knowledge and misunderstand the "law of averages". The "law of averages" would be better called the "law of large numbers". As more draws take place, then the number 13 will move closer to the number of picks it should have, not because it is over compensating for its earlier "bad luck" but because as more draws take place then the significance of the earlier "freak results" diminishes. To illustrate this: The number 13 should be one of the 7 numbers drawn 14.2857% of the time. The National Lottery website shows that it has been drawn 147 times. It doesn't say how many draws there have been, but does say that 147 equates to 11%, so we can hypothesize that there have been approx 1336 draws. If over the next 1,000,000 draws the number 13 is draw exactly in proportion, it will be drawn 142,857 times Add this onto what has already happened and you have 1,001,336 draws where the number 13 has occured 143,004 times - that is 14.2813% of the time. The Number 13 has caught up to almost exactly where it should be, without any need to "over compensate" for the bad run it started off with.....

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Re: New job

Yeah - I noticed that - pretty poor really for an "expert strategy" article!!! I also strongly dislike the way the article closed - after saying that 13 is the least frequently drawn ball in the national lottery, the author goes on to say "maybe back it in the next draw because it's going to catch the pack up sometime" - whilst I dont necessarily believe the author believes that, it is the most frequent misconception amongst people who have no stats knowledge and misunderstand the "law of averages". The "law of averages" would be better called the "law of large numbers". As more draws take place, then the number 13 will move closer to the number of picks it should have, not because it is over compensating for its earlier "bad luck" but because as more draws take place then the significance of the earlier "freak results" diminishes. To illustrate this: The number 13 should be one of the 7 numbers drawn 14.2857% of the time. The National Lottery website shows that it has been drawn 147 times. It doesn't say how many draws there have been, but does say that 147 equates to 11%, so we can hypothesize that there have been approx 1336 draws. If over the next 1,000,000 draws the number 13 is draw exactly in proportion, it will be drawn 142,857 times Add this onto what has already happened and you have 1,001,336 draws where the number 13 has occured 143,004 times - that is 14.2813% of the time. The Number 13 has caught up to almost exactly where it should be, without any need to "over compensate" for the bad run it started off with.....
my missus is like that ,if you flipped a coin and it was heads she would be 75 percent certain the next would be tails;)
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