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Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive

Guest gazza271

Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive  

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Re: Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive

is all this really called for?ok people dont like oulton for whatever reasons they have.i played on the table when the so called abuse went on and i just took it as harmless.
Mate, this guy really does have a long history of abuse at the tables - it wasn't just that one game .... he's been like it EVERY time I've seen him playing.... It's deliberate - to make people tilt, to get them off their game - I can only assume that all his comments in here are designed for exactly the same purpose at the Virgin festival - don't let him win people - play your best game, not the tilty aggressive game he wants you to play.....
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Re: Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive Well Mr Ross I dont know Oulton from Adam and you might run/own this board, but you are well out of order. And yes I am hiding behind my monitor saying this but I think most right minded people on here would agree your threats are more threatning than any "table abuse" ever will be.

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Re: Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive

Well Mr Ross I dont know Oulton from Adam and you might run/own this board, but you are well out of order. And yes I am hiding behind my monitor saying this but I think most right minded people on here would agree your threats are more threatning than any "table abuse" ever will be.
That's right, you don't know Oulton, so keep your opinions to yourself. :ok
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Re: Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive

Well Mr Ross I dont know Oulton from Adam and you might run/own this board, but you are well out of order. And yes I am hiding behind my monitor saying this but I think most right minded people on here would agree your threats are more threatning than any "table abuse" ever will be.
christ glcued i dont often agree with you but 100% right. and paul what you are saying is no different from oulton in my eyes in fact worse, the guy is clearly winding you up ( and doing it well). Paul the big man talk is not called for !!
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Re: Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive

Well Mr Ross I dont know Oulton from Adam and you might run/own this board, but you are well out of order. And yes I am hiding behind my monitor saying this but I think most right minded people on here would agree your threats are more threatning than any "table abuse" ever will be.
disagree with you there glceud- if anyone online called my misses what he said i would be in the same boat, if the guy cant handle bad beats then go back to playing snap
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Re: Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive It's not big man talk as you put it, this is showing this guy he can't go around disrespecting people as he wishes. I really don't give a flying fcuk what people think of what I've said, I stand by it and I refuse to be diplomatic just because I own the forum.

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Re: Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive

He needs his fcukin face re-arranging and I might just arrange it.
This is not big man talk? hmmmmmm i disagree i am personally dissappointed with this reaction, yes he is acting the goat but is that how it should be dealt with
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Re: Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive

This is not big man talk? hmmmmmm i disagree i am personally dissappointed with this reaction, yes he is acting the goat but is that how it should be dealt with
Steph who gives a shite man PM me where you are staying an we'll have a few dry sherry's
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Re: Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive

One thing I will say mate is that I have come across him a number of times on the Boss STT's and IMHO he's not a nice chap. Lose a hand, be it a bad beat or better play and a torrent of abuse is unleashed on the table by him. not needed or called for and I have personally witnessed this as well. I know what you are saying with regard to the Festival but lets be honest, he is the sort of person to hide behind his monitor and would run away at the first sign of conflict face to face. Because of this the Festival will turn out to be a great time with all PL'ers having a beer and a laugh :beer:ok
was it some guy from yorkshire , did not seem to be inthe usual PL friendly style, he thought flopping trips made him Phil Hellmuth
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Re: Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive

if any 1 has a problem with me they can tell me face to face like a real man wud at the festival' date=' but i dowt it. they can all talk behind a screen, its pathetic[/quote'] Is that an offer? Yeah ok, I'll get there early specificaly to call you a tosser to your face...... :loon Anyone who says something like that (cnut, bitch, etc) to a woman at a poker table 1) isn't a proper man, and 2) needs a good kicking in my view. I've put up with that sort of abuse against me at the table and its not pleasant - although I did then proceed to take all of his chips....."ship your ass to the rail" lmao - he did not like that!!! :nana Forgetting about that nutter who Oulton, (who deserves to be forgotten), I cannot wait for next weekend, its going to be awesome to meet up with the PL-ers again and play a quality tournament. See you all in Birmingham next weekend. I'm staying at the Travel Lodge on Broadway Plaza and look forward to seeing the PL-ers in the bar!!! :ok
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