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Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive

Guest gazza271

Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive  

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Re: Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive

If Alex was playing for Dan (surely?;)) does that mean I win? :lol
OUCH! Cheeky! :spank:spank:spank:spank All my own work babe! You can tell that by the outrageous calls with terrible hands........followed by the inevitable suck-out! :lol:lol:lol:lol:lol
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Guest gazza271

Re: Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive

OUCH! Cheeky! :spank:spank:spank:spank All my own work babe! You can tell that by the outrageous calls with terrible hands........followed by the inevitable suck-out! :lol:lol:lol:lol:lol
:lol:lol:lol Nice one again mate :ok Your details were sent to Ted the other day so hopefully you will have already heard from Oliver ? If not heard by Friday afternoon let me know and I will chase it up :ok
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Re: Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive

Sorry that you dont see the problem Rosco - but we have docked the nights BPP points on a focus game winner before as you can't win points if you haven't played. How can you have bet poker player points if you didnt play?? If it is the case that many people have a sub for BPP points then we may as well scrap BPP - but then again why let a few selfish people spoil the fun of others. RANT OVER.
Fair point on the BPP. although it doesnt state any rules, it is just curtious. You will see from my bpp results I wasnt trying to cheat that. My point was on the fact someone else playing a part in a tourny. anyway point resolved
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Re: Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive

it is just curtious.
By and large PL'rs are pretty cutious - no need for loads of rules for a fun tourney like BPP :ok As slap made the point - where it becomes a real issue, is where there is large added value :ok
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Re: Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive i cant remember ever insulting anybody in that tourny. if u can prove to me then i will hold my hand up n say sorry. on a lighter note, i look forward to meeting u all at the festival, and youll see am not all bad, just dont like to see shite poker. and i may even buy use all a beer 2 prove it lol

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Re: Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive

i cant remember ever insulting anybody in that tourny.
I'm assuming it was you at the start playing under Sean's alias. So from what I saw, insulting, probably not; critical and deliberately inciteful, definitely. Had the comments come from you playing as you, everyone who knows you would have treated them in the 'spirit' they were intended. :unsure However, to make them under someone else's username is very unfair to that person and increases the 'shock factor' to the observers who are not expecting such vitriol from that person. Perhaps in the same situation in future you should restrict yourself to nh, ul or gg, or say nothing at all. See you in Brum. ;)
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Re: Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive

i cant remember ever insulting anybody in that tourny. if u can prove to me then i will hold my hand up n say sorry. on a lighter note' date=' i look forward to meeting u all at the festival, and youll see am not all bad, just dont like to see shite poker. and i may even buy use all a beer 2 prove it lol[/quote'] *cough* TOSSER! *cough* :ok TQM
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Re: Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive It’s Birmingham I’d like to go. :loon To take part in this special show. :dude Alas it’s not to be. :\ The problem is you see. :tongue2 I can’t win a seat. :( I keep getting beat. :cry So that’s the end of me. :sad

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Re: Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive

some of u lot need to get a grip :cry
well am not being funny but they need to grow up' date=' its only a game, some are just better than others, and some are just jammy as fukc.[/quote'] If your refering to what I wrote, I wrote it because I was bored. I need neither get a grip nor grow up. Oh and I don't hide behind a screen, threatening people without meeting them...yeah that's class, seems I'm not the one that needs to grow up
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Guest gazza271

Re: Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive

if any 1 has a problem with me they can tell me face to face like a real man wud at the festival' date=' but i dowt it. they can all talk behind a screen, its pathetic[/quote'] my dad's bigger than your dad :moon
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Re: Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive

if any 1 has a problem with me they can tell me face to face like a real man wud at the festival' date=' but i dowt it. they can all talk behind a screen, its pathetic[/quote'] You might well get a shock then as I can guarantee it will happen. You're a fcukin clown of the highest order and I don't care if you're 9ft tall and 10ft wide, I would say it to your face and plenty of others want to do more than talk to you, you silly little boy. ;)
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Re: Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive is all this really called for?ok people dont like oulton for whatever reasons they have.i played on the table when the so called abuse went on and i just took it as harmless.peoples hate maybe comes from other occasions but does it really need highlighting in this thread,i would say no.next weekend is about meeting up with other pl'ers and poker.joe legge and virgin have put together a great weekend for you,i would hate to think it is spoilt because of things said online.i would have loved to have qualified and been there but the way it seems to be turning i'm glad i will be at home.peace out everyone and just have a great weekend.:ok

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Re: Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive

is all this really called for?ok people dont like oulton for whatever reasons they have.i played on the table when the so called abuse went on and i just took it as harmless.peoples hate maybe comes from other occasions but does it really need highlighting in this thread' date='i would say no.next weekend is about meeting up with other pl'ers and poker.joe legge and virgin have put together a great weekend for you,i would hate to think it is spoilt because of things said online.i would have loved to have qualified and been there but the way it seems to be turning i'm glad i will be at home.peace out everyone and just have a great weekend.:ok[/quote'] It's more than called for Mick, when he called Pene a cnut, bitch and plenty of other things. What kind of muppet does that, especially to a female? He needs his fcukin face re-arranging and I might just arrange it.
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Re: Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive

if any 1 has a problem with me they can tell me face to face like a real man wud at the festival' date=' but i dowt it. they can all talk behind a screen, its pathetic[/quote'] Anyone think he's made a bit of a misjudgement:unsure
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Guest gazza271

Re: Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive

is all this really called for?ok people dont like oulton for whatever reasons they have.i played on the table when the so called abuse went on and i just took it as harmless.peoples hate maybe comes from other occasions but does it really need highlighting in this thread' date='i would say no.next weekend is about meeting up with other pl'ers and poker.joe legge and virgin have put together a great weekend for you,i would hate to think it is spoilt because of things said online.i would have loved to have qualified and been there but the way it seems to be turning i'm glad i will be at home.peace out everyone and just have a great weekend.:ok[/quote'] One thing I will say mate is that I have come across him a number of times on the Boss STT's and IMHO he's not a nice chap. Lose a hand, be it a bad beat or better play and a torrent of abuse is unleashed on the table by him. not needed or called for and I have personally witnessed this as well. I know what you are saying with regard to the Festival but lets be honest, he is the sort of person to hide behind his monitor and would run away at the first sign of conflict face to face. Because of this the Festival will turn out to be a great time with all PL'ers having a beer and a laugh :beer:ok
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Re: Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive I've just got no respect for anyone that acts like he does, and in such a cowardly way. I would never get my hands dirty on this clown, as I'd probably kill him, but I could make a phone call and see how hard this guy really is, there's no defending this guy, so please don't anyone try to do it. There's more than Pene he's insulted in a big way, and he needs to learn some respect.

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Re: Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive

One thing I will say mate is that I have come across him a number of times on the Boss STT's and IMHO he's not a nice chap. Lose a hand, be it a bad beat or better play and a torrent of abuse is unleashed on the table by him. not needed or called for and I have personally witnessed this as well. I know what you are saying with regard to the Festival but lets be honest, he is the sort of person to hide behind his monitor and would run away at the first sign of conflict face to face. Because of this the Festival will turn out to be a great time with all PL'ers having a beer and a laugh :beer:ok
hope your right m8.:ok
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Re: Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive I'll add my two penneth then..... :loon I've not had any previous encounters with Oulton, so there is no history there. What I saw during the game was a guy tilting, showing some poor etiquette, tilting some more (which I did my utmost to nurture and develop further), and then losing. We all see this all the time online from people, and whilst we don't expect it from forum members, its not exactly a case of lol smashhisfaceinaments! As I said, I have never played with the guy before, so if what Paul said is correct with regards to Penny, then that is simply deplorable, and I can understand his feelings. And if you are on my table at the Festival Oulton, I will introduce myself, I won't hide, and I will do my best to tilt you up and take all your chips. Again. ;) ;) ;)

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