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Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive

Guest gazza271

Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive  

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Re: Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive well im out in 7th went out to helen with a great hand,but i have to tell you im not happy at all i,ve played probably 100 or more pl games and never in my time as any1 criticised any1 else unless in a humourous way,but tonight 1 person for me spoilt the tourney criticised peoples raises and all ins and he knows who he is and IMO there was no need for it,he,ll probably win it as well and come on here and say he was only joking,joking my arse no lol or lmao was mentioned for me he spoilt the whole thing and if anybody thinks im out of place having my say then come tell me as i dont think i am :ok

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Re: Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive

well im out in 7th went out to helen with a great hand' date='but i have to tell you im not happy at all i,ve played probably 100 or more pl games and never in my time as any1 criticised any1 else unless in a humourous way,but tonight 1 person for me spoilt the tourney criticised peoples raises and all ins and he knows who he is and IMO there was no need for it,he,ll probably win it as well and come on here and say he was only joking,joking my arse no lol or lmao was mentioned for me he spoilt the whole thing and if anybody thinks im out of place having my say then come tell me as i dont think i am :ok[/quote'] totally agree with you m8 i dont need anyone to tell me how crap i am - i already know :lol
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Re: Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive

well im out in 7th went out to helen with a great hand' date='but i have to tell you im not happy at all i,ve played probably 100 or more pl games and never in my time as any1 criticised any1 else unless in a humourous way,but tonight 1 person for me spoilt the tourney criticised peoples raises and all ins and he knows who he is and IMO there was no need for it,he,ll probably win it as well and come on here and say he was only joking,joking my arse no lol or lmao was mentioned for me he spoilt the whole thing and if anybody thinks im out of place having my say then come tell me as i dont think i am :ok[/quote'] :rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin
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Re: Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive

I agree joneS' date=' thE guy was A Nob.[/quote'] I didn't even see the comments, but the subtlety of Nade wins through again - just say what you see, and the answer is clear - capital idea :lol
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Re: Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive What can I say? :nana:nana:nana:nana I'm just glad to have made the festival, but to have beaten the "most annoying online player in the universe" TM. heads up was the proverbial icing. :lol:lol:lol:lol Thanks to the railers and sorry to the couple of people I sucked out on. (There was only 2 i'm sure!) To be fair to the guy, it MAY have been an angle he was shooting, I don't know, so I returned the gesture.... sean? .......sean? ....sean? ...nothing.;) but thanks to PL for organising this last chance tourney, as otherwise I would have had to sit and watch as Alex pwned the tables at Brum! GL all with seats, I'm looking forward to seeing you there! THE TANKMAN COMETH...........

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Re: Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive Apologies to all offened i get the feel there might of been some bad feeling about comments made though out the torni, as i was out and had a friend play for me till i got home i can only say sorry to all offened, needless to say the usual poor heads up play was ME! GL all going and hope you enjoy it!

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Guest gazza271

Re: Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive Nice one Dan :clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap Can you send me a PM/email with your details on it and I will forward it to Virgin :ok

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Re: Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive

Apologies to all offened i get the feel there might of been some bad feeling about comments made though out the torni, as i was out and had a friend play for me till i got home i can only say sorry to all offened, needless to say the usual poor heads up play was ME! GL all going and hope you enjoy it!
Hi I too joined the tourney with someone playing the first 1 and a half for me so missed the comments, when I got in and on line I spoke to Sean on msn and said his mate was playing for him.

Have played poker with Sean quite abit and for what it is worth can verify he would not be like that. Particularly to a forum he is a member of.

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Re: Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive

i was out and had a friend play for me till i got home i can only say sorry to all offened' date=' [/quote'] Just an observation - have to say I'm a little uncomfortable with this - we've always said before that substitutes should not be used for PL games (and we've taken action before against people caught). There's clearly no mal intent here - as you've both been open about it, and there's no question of multiregging, but I'd ask PL'rs to be cautious about asking others to stand in for them on PL exclusive games in the future please.
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Re: Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive

I take it Sean's mate is Oulton......
Now THAT would make sense. The irrepressible Oulton, with his (or her) potty mouth, has upset more PL'ers than the whole of Portugal and Hungary put together. My own online experience of shuby is not one of bile unbounded, hence my surprise at the comments from others. But oulton, that's a completely different matter. Agree with GaF on the subs rule though. There's been many a time I have been tempted to get Junior to sit in for me until I get back from work, but have not done so in a PL focus game, 'cos them's the rules.
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Re: Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive

Agree with GaF on the subs rule though. There's been many a time I have been tempted to get Junior to sit in for me until I get back from work, but have not done so in a PL focus game, 'cos them's the rules.
Dont really see the problem here. it happens all the time. Only problem was mentioning it.
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Re: Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive Sorry that you dont see the problem Rosco - but we have docked the nights BPP points on a focus game winner before as you can't win points if you haven't played. How can you have bet poker player points if you didnt play?? If it is the case that many people have a sub for BPP points then we may as well scrap BPP - but then again why let a few selfish people spoil the fun of others. RANT OVER.

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Re: Virgin Festival - Final Chance, PL exclusive Hmm, I think there are various questions here. BPP points: I agree that you shouldn't be allowed to get somebody else to play to get BPP points for you, but this could be avoided by saying beforehand that you weren't in the running for them. In PL Exclusive games, people will expect "you" to be "you", and it would at least be polite to let other PLers know beforehand if somebody else is sitting in for you. Other than that, I'm undecided. Two extreme circumstances: If it's an event where PL has got significant added value, then I certainly don't think you should be allowed to get a non-PLer to play the whole tournament for you. If it's a PL exclusive tournament without added value, and you get somebody else to play the first quarter of an hour for you before you get home from work, I don't really see a problem. Somewhere in between, there's a borderline, and I'm not really sure where it should be.

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