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ChanPoker And PokerPlayer Magazine


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Re: ChanPoker And PokerPlayer Magazine Hi guys, I subscribed for PokerPlayer last week but have only recieved the new issue with the password for round two of this freeroll...I was just wondering if I could 'swap' someone to show that i genuinly do have the magazine and I'm not just trying to blag the password! Understand if you cant but just wondering as I really want to play

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Re: ChanPoker And PokerPlayer Magazine

I've chosen a name in keeping with the Chinese theme, its the greeting I get when frequenting my Local Takeaway WhaUWhan
:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol still not as good as mine ivemetgaf :rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin
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Re: ChanPoker And PokerPlayer Magazine Weird layout, and somehow the action avatar I have acquired looks like Jessica off Heroes - long blonde hair and a sexy, blue dress :loon And now I've moved table to become Johnny Chan himself ! - OK, which PL'er has the nickname "GAFisGOD"?

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Re: ChanPoker And PokerPlayer Magazine

Weird layout, and somehow the action avatar I have acquired looks like Jessica off Heroes - long blonde hair and a sexy, blue dress :loon And now I've moved table to become Johnny Chan himself ! - OK, which PL'er has the nickname "GAFisGOD"?
Im jackie chan aswell
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Re: ChanPoker And PokerPlayer Magazine something i noticed tonight was AA is,nt all that good :lol:lol:lol had em once no callers :eyes:eyes:eyes had 66 no raise hit trips busted AA :lol:lol:lol had me bogey hand kj guy small raises god knows why i call hit king on flop he he bets i go all in he turns over AA hit me jack on turn bust em once again:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol down to about last 50 get 44 all in pre flop as im low on chips 2 callers 99 and yes AA hit a full house and busted em both ;););););) who says AA is king?:eek:eek:eek:eek:eek:eek:eek

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