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Continuation Bets


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After raising preflop with a hand like Aq, Ak and ur against one player. should you nearly allways continuation bet if you miss and the flop is all rags? I find its pretty effective and can scare off some people with pocket 10s, jacks. Any opinions?

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Re: Continuation Bets

I continuation bet against one player (if I raised pre flop) almost all of the time. My gut feel is that I should do it slightly less often though :unsure
No what you mean Gaf, if someone raises pre-flop I always expect them to bet the flop regardless, if they check I always think they have hit the flop big time. The good thing about betting after the flop it will tell you straight away where you stand in the hand.
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Re: Continuation Bets The problem I find with the continuation bet is when one single opponent calls the bet. I then assume they have a hand and I am beaten...I check on the turn, they continue the betting and I fold. If putting in a continuation bet on the turn you can find yourself digging a hole too deep to get out of. Occasionally, if you can put them on a draw, and the turn has missed them, then an all-in can get rid of them. But that can be ever so risky. Mind you that's the joy of poker...play the cards, play the position, play the player...the choice is yours and you win or lose depending on the validity of your own decisions. Having said all that I think the continuation bet is a valuable tool in poker, but like all other strategies it has to be used sparingly.

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Re: Continuation Bets In tournaments, it would depend on where we are in the tournament, chip stacks etc. In cash, If I raise pre-flop, and get one caller, I will use the continuation bet 90% of the time. I have found that more and more people are assuming you missed the flop aswell and are calling you (if they have a piece of it or a draw), but unless the turn card makes a draw or pairs the board, another continuation bet on the turn often takes down the pot. If they call on the turn, and I don't hit the river, I'm checking and folding to a bet.

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Re: Continuation Bets It depends on many things, in general against 1 opponent I make a continuation bet very often, the point is if you would alawys bet with a certain flop if you hit you always have to bet when you miss. There are 2 times when I don´t make a contiuation et all the times agaisnt 1 opponen. First when flop comes with a small pair on the board and there is no flush draws, but that because I could also be slowplaying with a big pair, you are typically either dead ( if your oppoent have flop trips) or very secure in front. So no reason to build a big pot. Second against a very aggresive opponent that is sitting behind me, if there is a very big likelyhood he will bet if I doN´t, I sometimes checkraises with nothing instead. Of course i also sometimes just fold, If I had hit I could also be checkraising.

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Re: Continuation Bets i like to use continuation bets but at varying levels usually dependant on my stack. if i have a big stack then i bet a lot of flops because i can afford to lose a bit but the smaller stacks cant ,so you win a lot of pots :okif i am doing this i will do the same with a bad hand or a good hand so i am tricky to read and more likely to get a call if i do hit a monster. with a small stack i tend to try to check raise more and use the continuation bet less .here i tend to use the continuation bet if i have a ok hand and need more info on the other players holding,sometimes you just pick up the pot or it stops you losing a lot on the 2nd best hand. i dont think a continuation bet would make a player with a highish pp fold on a low flop, but it would stop you losing a lot on top pair etc.if they reraise its usually a good time to fold:ok

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