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John Tabatabai!


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Does anyone know if this is the guy who finished second in the WSOPE has played on the APAT tour. When I played in the Cardiff APAT event there was a guy who looked the spit of this fella who sat down opposite me in a cash game. The guy played any 2 cards and was the most impressive cash game player I'd ever seen. It was also the most uncomfatable I've ever felt at a poker table, as he had position and I never knew where I was in a hand. I did come out of it with a nice profit though:).

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Re: John Tabatabai! Cheers Kev, I did think at the time this kid has a different game to everyone else and you really do need position on him to get involved in hands. Nice to know he's gone on to Stardom and he did seem a pretty nice fella in all honesty. I now realise how seriously out of my depth I was, or was I MCFC:dude.

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Re: John Tabatabai!

Thought you were Colchester Kev:$.
lol - Colchester Kev is a mod on Blonde :ok Colchester Kev and Col_U were the two PokerPlayer magazine freeroll winners to Singapore - part of ColU 's scheme for world domination I think, but it's gone a bit flat since then :loon :tongue2
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