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i know i shouldnt have called after the flop


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but with a raise preflop,why did he call?,i would have folded anytime, seems that just lately no-one can fold a hand no matter what.. and before you say it,i aint moaning,(not much anyway)..i know i should have folded but even now it is hard to lay aces down Transcript for your last 1 games requested by teaulc (email address edited) *********** # 1 ************** PokerStars Game #12646020048: Tournament #63858819, $8.00+$0.80 Hold'em No Limit - Level IV (50/100) - 2007/10/15 - 16:45:18 (ET) Table '63858819 54' 9-max Seat #1 is the button Seat 1: teaulc (2723 in chips) Seat 2: DIAMONDxxx (4110 in chips) Seat 3: justdoit77 (2705 in chips) Seat 4: casaque Noir (2010 in chips) Seat 5: Bubba Brown (7017 in chips) Seat 6: SLeandy (2510 in chips) Seat 7: nordburger23 (1488 in chips) Seat 8: *Phil adi* (1310 in chips) Seat 9: yokobus (3570 in chips) DIAMONDxxx: posts small blind 50 justdoit77: posts big blind 100 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to teaulc [Ac Ad] DIAMONDxxx said, "lol" DIAMONDxxx said, "ok" casaque Noir: folds Bubba Brown: folds probeermy [observer] said, "70 30" SLeandy: folds DIAMONDxxx said, "ty" nordburger23: raises 200 to 300 *Phil adi*: folds yokobus: calls 300 DIAMONDxxx said, "ok" probeermy [observer] said, "ok" teaulc: raises 400 to 700 DIAMONDxxx: folds justdoit77: folds nordburger23: folds yokobus: calls 400 *** FLOP *** [Ks Qh Qd] yokobus: bets 2870 and is all-in teaulc: calls 2023 and is all-in *** TURN *** [Ks Qh Qd] [4s] yokobus said, "oops sorry man" *** RIVER *** [Ks Qh Qd 4s] [Ts] *** SHOW DOWN *** yokobus: shows [Qc Js] (three of a kind, Queens) teaulc: shows [Ac Ad] (two pair, Aces and Queens) yokobus collected 5896 from pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 5896 | Rake 0 Board [Ks Qh Qd 4s Ts] Seat 1: teaulc (button) showed [Ac Ad] and lost with two pair, Aces and Queens Seat 2: DIAMONDxxx (small blind) folded before Flop Seat 3: justdoit77 (big blind) folded before Flop Seat 4: casaque Noir folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 5: Bubba Brown folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: SLeandy folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 7: nordburger23 folded before Flop Seat 8: *Phil adi* folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 9: yokobus showed [Qc Js] and won (5896) with three of a kind, Queens If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]

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Re: i know i shouldnt have called after the flop Sorry Al - I dont like your bet pre flop either - it's too small - if it "seems that just lately no-one can fold a hand no matter what", then why aren't you betting enough to give them a decision? He's getting over 4-1, would you fold?

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Re: i know i shouldnt have called after the flop

Sorry Al - I dont like your bet pre flop either - it's too small - if it "seems that just lately no-one can fold a hand no matter what"' date=' then why aren't you betting enough to give them a decision? He's getting over 4-1, would you fold?[/quote'] I'm with gaf here. With a raise and a call before you I am raising a lot more. Would even consider all in and take the pot down or let them try their luck.
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Re: i know i shouldnt have called after the flop when i am raising it to 7 x bb i am after some chips with any call and a decent flop,what i am saying is i should have thrown them away when he has gone all in,after the flop..,as i said even now ,it is hard to throw the aces away no matter what,but when i raise like that i expect the player to fold if he hasnt a high pair in his hand,but even more so that i have noticed more and more just lately that players are thinking any 2 cards are good no matter what...there seems to be a swing in the way players play their cards..in the long run,i know that will benefit the better player but even so............

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Re: i know i shouldnt have called after the flop I'd have probably done the same sort of re-raise trying to keep them in the pot! :ok I know it's tough to lay down Aces, but with a Flop like that surely this is one of the least difficult times! :unsure At the very least, you know you're taking a risk with your whole Tourney! As usual it's easy to say that - we're all Professionals when analyzing someone else's play! :lol Tonight could be the night! TQM

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Re: i know i shouldnt have called after the flop definately a bigger raise needed pre flop ,at least up to 1600. if you want a caller you either want him on a pp or ax ,so you may as well push pre flop vs 2 players in front and hope for a call. this raise lets in connectors because its a value call (as gaf said over 4to1)and connectors are a lot more dangerous vs aa than a pocket pair or ax. as for the call on the flop i think that was ok. i wouldnt expect him to go all in after hitting trips on the flop if you are hu on the hand ,unless the board was much worse than that (3 suited cards/possible made straight). i would probably put him on kx or maybe a straight draw trying to push you out . if he had a queen ,a value bet or check raise seems like a more obvious play to me .you obviously have something good but you are only likely to call his all in with ak ,aces ,ks or the other queen(your bound to have his kicker beat after your reraise) and 2 of those possible hands have him beat:tongue2,if it was me i give you the oppertunity to go all in first;) so i dont think it was good play by him:puke if he had played it better post flop you still would have lost your money so it was a real no win post flop, just one of those hands i think:\.

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Re: i know i shouldnt have called after the flop It's the Punter's Lounge '20/20 Hindsight' Club meeting again:loon!! I think this is an area where I and probably may other competent-very good players have a weakness is being too cute with Aces. Time and time again I've seen from my play and in others, the slight slow play of Aces, getting an unfortunate couple of calls, and then facing a nightmare flop. Perhaps we should all go back to basics and shove with Aces pre-flop!!

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Re: i know i shouldnt have called after the flop

It's the Punter's Lounge '20/20 Hindsight' Club meeting again:loon!!
That's how we all improve - we all make (a lot) of mistakes - looking at them afterwards and understanding what we do wrong is how we help ourselves to make better decisions in future in similar situations :ok
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Re: i know i shouldnt have called after the flop shove and (try to) get the short stack (nordburger) HU don't min reraise, its such an easy call for the villian for pot odds (even without shortie calling) there is 1450 in the pot and only 400 to call, he is getting 3.5 for his money so even if he knows you have aces he is mathematically right to call and hope to hit given his chip stack. Damo

but with a raise preflop,why did he call?,i would have folded anytime, seems that just lately no-one can fold a hand no matter what.. and before you say it,i aint moaning,(not much anyway)..i know i should have folded but even now it is hard to lay aces down Transcript for your last 1 games requested by teaulc (email address edited) *********** # 1 ************** PokerStars Game #12646020048: Tournament #63858819, $8.00+$0.80 Hold'em No Limit - Level IV (50/100) - 2007/10/15 - 16:45:18 (ET) Table '63858819 54' 9-max Seat #1 is the button Seat 1: teaulc (2723 in chips) Seat 7: nordburger23 (1488 in chips) Seat 9: yokobus (3570 in chips) *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to teaulc [Ac Ad] DIAMONDxxx said, "lol" DIAMONDxxx said, "ok" casaque Noir: folds Bubba Brown: folds probeermy [observer] said, "70 30" SLeandy: folds DIAMONDxxx said, "ty" nordburger23: raises 200 to 300 *Phil adi*: folds yokobus: calls 300
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