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Hi guys, Despite playing for a couple of years, I have been (and continue to be) naively clueless with regard to rakeback. Should I be doing something about it, and if so, how do I go about it? Also, does it 'work' on all sites? With PL not doing much on Paradise now, I may withdraw most of my funds from there and deposit elsewhere. Any thoughts would be appreciated.:ok Steve

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Re: Rakeback This is a bit of a tricky one to answer, because there is a bit of a conflict of interests. Obviously, wherever possible, we want people to sign up through PL links and to support PL :ok To get rakeback though, you usually have to sign up through the link of a rakeback site. The truth? If you are playing cash games, you should be making sure you get cash back, certainly at your "core" site. Similarly if you are playing Mid to high stakes STT's. If you are playing low stakes STTs or MTTs, then rakeback is probably pretty insignificant to you (and "shopping" around for value is more important).... Does it work on all sites? No - some sites dont offer rakeback, some offer through rakeback sites and others just offer it to everyone - not 100% certain, but I think if you sign up to BetonBet through the PL Link (or through any link) then I think you automatically get rakeback. How much is rakeback? Typically about 30%. I believe World Poker Exchange (Name may be wrong :unsure) give 100% rakeback to everyone. If you already have an account, and generate "substantial" rake, then approaching the poker room direct can get you put on the rakeback - for example, I think if you generate $1000 rake a month on average, and approach Joe Legge directly at Virgin, then he'll probably put you on their rakeback scheme. Who are the intermediate sites? People like raketherake - but obviously we dont want to publicise them too much!!! Bonuswhores is also a significant site for reload bonuses. (Hope I don't get banned for this :loon :unsure :tongue2)

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Re: Rakeback Just punched some numbers into a rakeback calculator - they don't go down to 0.12/0.15 and they measure it in time instead of hands... If you play 10 seat $0.25/$0.50 for 12 table hours per week and are on 30% rakeback, then they estimate $2 rakeback per day (If you annualise it, that's $700, so not as insignificant as it sounds). Your numbers will I imagine be less than that (about half?)

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