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Badly Played or Just Unlucky


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Did I play this wrong or was I unlucky? .00/200.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 14 October 2007 21:13:52 EUR1 Challenge (Real /Tournament ) Seat 1: CATHCASH3 (3381.00) Seat 2: chess72 (1284.00) Seat 3: murkaka (1050.00) Seat 5: devil tish (320.00) Seat 6: Douser (2440.00) Seat 8: pistnbroke (3697.00) Seat 9: Ukdobbin (2900.00) Seat 10: Adetrick1 (2785.00) pistnbroke post BB 200.00 ** Deal ** CATHCASH3 [N/A, N/A] chess72 [N/A, N/A] murkaka [N/A, N/A] devil tish [N/A, N/A] Douser [N/A, N/A] pistnbroke [N/A, N/A] Ukdobbin [Ks, Kh] Adetrick1 [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** Ukdobbin Raise to 600.00 Adetrick1 Fold CATHCASH3 Call 600.00 chess72 Fold murkaka Fold devil tish Fold Douser Fold pistnbroke Fold *** Flop(Board): *** : [8h, 8c, 4c] *** Bet Round 2 *** Ukdobbin Bet 1000.00 CATHCASH3 Call 1000.00 *** Turn(Board): *** : [8h, 8c, 4c, 5s] *** Bet Round 3 *** Ukdobbin All-in 1300.00 CATHCASH3 Call 1300.00 *** River(Board): *** : [8h, 8c, 4c, 5s, 6s] *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 6000.00 CATHCASH3 [8s, 8d] Four of a kind, eights Win: 6000.00 chess72 Fold Win: 0.00 murkaka Fold Win: 0.00 devil tish Fold Win: 0.00 Douser Fold Win: 0.00 pistnbroke Fold Win: 0.00 Ukdobbin [Ks, Kh] Two pair kings and eights Win: 0.00 Adetrick1 Fold Win: 0.00 Should I have raised more preflop?

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Re: Badly Played or Just Unlucky If you raise to 800 the result will be the same, if you raise to 1200 you get no action. Don't know what else to say as you want some action with KK, but not too much, you got your desired result with one caller and the flop was a bugger. Your play will win a lot more than it loses, so carry on IMO.

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Re: Badly Played or Just Unlucky i'll probably start thinking to fold after bet round 2 CAT calls 1000 at bet round 2, then the possibilities are; he/she might have 8 at his/her hand, he/she might have waiting another c for flush he/she might have waiting a middle card for str8 so, after call 1000, these possibilities that can beat your hand are very strong. i'll probably just check at bet round 3, and see what will he/she do. AA or KK are hard to fold but u must see that ur losing, especially against these "rock" tournament players that acts like that.

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Re: Badly Played or Just Unlucky I dont think it was a rock, it just flopped absolut nuts, and try to trap you! In my opinion, after the player calls your bet on the flop, you should just check the turn and see what he does... if he bets, fold cause you're more than likely to be beat! But it was a mix of badluck (she flopped 88... what are the odds?) and bad play with you bet the turn IMO

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Re: Badly Played or Just Unlucky A 3xBB raise in PL games, I have always found to be reasonable, and tends to say 'Big Hand'. As Nade says you could have raised to 1200+ and taken down the blinds, but most of us would have done the same. The board pairing on the flop, wouldn't have overly concerned me It was a low board, and Cath would reasonably have a good-ish pocket pair or a good Ace, neither of which hit the flop (apart from 88, of course). The call of your bet would lead me to think that Cath has an overpair to the board. You are only in trouble versus AA or 88. A low card on the turn seals your demise as you almost have to go all-in, and obviously are gonig to get called and beaten. I can't believe many people would check the turn, and then fold to a bet. In my opinion, Dobbin, you just got unlucky.

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Re: Badly Played or Just Unlucky

I can't believe many people would check the turn, and then fold to a bet.
I agree with all you say Hornet, but especially the above point. There's only 2 ways anyone can fold this hand in this spot. The first one is if it's a live tournament and so you have a shed load more reads on your opponent. The second way is if the player is the biggest rock in rocksville by which case they never bet so if they're raising extremely strongly you can assume you're beat. You have neither these things in this case and IMO it's easy to say fold after you've seen the outcome of the hand, but bigs or 279 if you'd hand on heart fold then i give the Mods permission to change my name to MichaelJackson. ;). Incidentally i once folded Kings pre flop, it was in a cash game and i raised first, one person went all in for $15, then the biggest of biggest rocks in rocksville who i've played against an awful lot also went all in for like $40+ and it was an easy lay down. The uber rock did have Aces. Also laid down Aces post flop a few times, including only yesterday :eyes. In a cash game i raised, got one caller, the flop comes 10c 2 2c. They raise i re-raise and they call, the turn comes another 10, we both check, the river brings Kc. They bet a quarter of the pot, which was very tempting but there was no possible hand i could have been beating which they'd call on the flop then check the turn so folded and showed my aces, they flashed me their 10 and everyone's happy. Obviously situations like this can dictate folding a big hand like aces or kings, but most times you have to rely on your read.
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Re: Badly Played or Just Unlucky

I dont think it was a rock, it just flopped absolut nuts, and try to trap you! In my opinion, after the player calls your bet on the flop, you should just check the turn and see what he does... if he bets, fold cause you're more than likely to be beat! But it was a mix of badluck (she flopped 88... what are the odds?) and bad play with you bet the turn IMO
you cannot fold the turn here, that is terrible - it leaves you with only 6BB left - there is no option but to shove and if you check and 'villian' puts you AI, you do not fold, you call never fold KK in this situation with so few chips left Damo
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Re: Badly Played or Just Unlucky A rock would not call with 88 they would fold A rock might just call with JJ-KK A rock would raise with AA so if you are correct on your read, the rock has JJ-KK, so you are splitting the pot at worst it seems that we are making a simple question into a complicated one? its a easy shove on the turn, its an easy raise and post flop play and its an easy call if we check and Cath shoves Damo

I the player is the biggest rock in rocksville by which case they never bet so if they're raising extremely strongly you can assume you're beat. .
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Re: Badly Played or Just Unlucky Damo i was merely playing devil's advocate to express how unlikely it is that you can fold this hand in this spot. Personally i've not even thought what else i'd do in this hand after my initial post which said i wouldn't do anything different! The query in the first post could have been summed up: UNLUCKY! Then close the thread. ;)

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Re: Badly Played or Just Unlucky sorry misunderstood your meaning:ok glad we agree that folding is bonkers :) Damo

Damo i was merely playing devil's advocate to express how unlikely it is that you can fold this hand in this spot. Personally i've not even thought what else i'd do in this hand after my initial post which said i wouldn't do anything different! The query in the first post could have been summed up:
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Re: Badly Played or Just Unlucky Thanks for the replys.... I thought I was just unlucky....in hindsign I should have raised more preflop but I wanted action...... I did put him on JJ or QQ on the Flop ,but knew straight away I was beat when he called my all in.....

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