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Paradise PL MTT League - October


Paradise PL MTT League - October  

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    • Yes, Please send me the password before game 1
    • Yes, but no need to send the password, I know it from last month
    • No, I cannot play this month

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Re: Paradise PL MTT League - October That's it, it's all over :sad Well done to Dobbin, Avongirl and Hornet who made up our Podium tonight :clap :clap :clap And well done to all of the top 10 in the Leaderboard :clap :clap :clap It's already been said in another thread - but big thanks to Paradise for all of their support :clap :clap :clap

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Re: Paradise PL MTT League - October :clapWell played all:clap For me it was a bad way for it to end as just after 8.00pm i lost all internet connections and couldn't get back on for love nor money. There seems to have been a powercut round Manchester at that time and i'm thinking it screwed up round the Telephone Exchange,so went out of this and the Pumpkin game(had trip jacks and would have won the hand putting me right up there) But it's been great fun on a Wednesday with this tourney and with all the players who have made it a good laugh and (alledgedly) a tough game.

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Re: Paradise PL MTT League - October

Got my League winnings today 10euros($15) but havent been regged for the 3600 euro freeroll yet....Still 1 day before the tourney starts...
Dobbin, It appears that none of us who qualified via the league have been entered yet. I'm sure that will be rectified.;)
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