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Paradise PL MTT League - October


Paradise PL MTT League - October  

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Re: Paradise PL MTT League - October

The "risk" is far smaller for this than the freeroll - and gatecrashers would be unlikely to lead to cancellation. The majority of added value is manually added, so anyone who shouldn't be in will just be excluded from the manually added value....
lets get more regulars playing - its supports PL in the eyes of paradise if they see lots of players getting involved and leads to a better working relationship I would think Damo
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Re: Paradise PL MTT League - October

lets get more regulars playing - its supports PL in the eyes of paradise if they see lots of players getting involved and leads to a better working relationship I would think Damo
You can count on me :) As long as I can afford the buy in :)
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Re: Paradise PL MTT League - October LoL my hands that got half of my stack each: I had: 99 and limped board: 9 K J + T + blank lost to Q7 who called my big bet in the flop ------------------ I had: TT pushed the remainder stack all in pre-flop Board: 6 7 8 A Q lost to AK who called .... ul ... story of my life! But oh well, good thing is the add 1000€ are not for today :)

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Re: Paradise PL MTT League - October glad to have you here for your first PL game out draws happen (unfortunately!) - I flop trips and the other fella a FH I then have my 99 run into KK and I am out :) see you next week:ok Damo

LoL my hands that got half of my stack each: I had: 99 and limped board: 9 K J + T + blank lost to Q7 who called my big bet in the flop ------------------ I had: TT pushed the remainder stack all in pre-flop Board: 6 7 8 A Q lost to AK who called .... ul ... story of my life! But oh well, good thing is the add 1000€ are not for today :)
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Re: Paradise PL MTT League - October Thanks GaF, My first win in an exclusive PL event, which feels like a real achievement considering the competition.:nana Really enjoyed it as always, and hit some decent cards on the final table which always helps. Well played to all in the money, roll on next Weds.. Time for a drink!

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Re: Paradise PL MTT League - October Great turn out and game last night guys... and well played Ade! :clap:clap:clap Really enjoying being back playing poker after my enforced absence whilst sky were sorting out my broadband... all better now! Always enjoy the PL games and maybe one day I will win one of them...:loon

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Re: Paradise PL MTT League - October I must say, the tournament today was rigged ;P GaF missed being eliminated giving shortstk a bad beat, hitting a 6 to a two pair ;P But he then won playing well ;P good game you all ;) I managed to be short stack untill I get to the final table, and got 4th place losing 9Js against QJo

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Re: Paradise PL MTT League - October Leaderboard updated :ok As anyone who saw that will tell you, I had rather ridiculous amounts of positive short term variance tonight - sorry rivd (and everyone else I knocked out on the way) - you were unlucky Well done Adetrick - that's some lead you have at the top :loon

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