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APAT Season 2 Regional Championship


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Re: APAT Season 2 Regional Championship

the casino seems to think this will be over by 6`o-clock this evening so we will see....
with 30 minute levels and 80 people? Must say that I thought this would go on a lot longer than 3 or 4 hours. Then again, I suppose the casinos will be wanting their premises back for their usual business.
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Re: APAT Season 2 Regional Championship all i can say is i wasnt the 1st one out:loon:loon there were only 25 runners including myself,and i also met up with jonathan woodfield (inside poker razz winner who i met in vegas) who was looking well............ 1st player out lost big with pocket aces...i was second out,i had a/q with q/rag/rag and pushed to steal the pot of 1k,,oooops i lost to pocket kings. still always next month. we had to self deal to start with,until there was only 2 tables then the dealers would come into it,so only 3 places would qualify with such low numbers. not a bad little casino,and being so close to the hospital connors at ,gave me time to go see him today:)

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Re: APAT Season 2 Regional Championship 53 played in Ediburgh. Good venue with a cracking card room. Was all-in with my last hand before the 1st break... AQs v AQs v A9o. Both AQ's held up although I thought the other player was going to make his flush. In an earlier hand I was dealt 44 which I binned as it was early position. You can imagine my horror when everyone checked the flop and a 4 appeared on the turn. It got worse when the last 4 turned up on the river. Never really saw anything else until after the break when my QQ all-in ran into KK (discovered before hand that the player was a Partick supporter so I managed to have bit of banter with him as Morton were cuffing them 4-0!) Enjoyed this although it was over and done with (for me) by 4.45. My mate followed shortly after when his JJ ran into QQ. We left straight after that so I've got no idea how things are going. Paul's still lamenting some fish calling his AA all the way to the river with a paired 6 only to make his trips... that left him under real pressure after only 1 hand!

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Re: APAT Season 2 Regional Championship 23 Runners, 5hrs 45 to play and would have been longer if we hadnt have made a deal with 4 left I took Mad Duke out when i made a bet with 88 and he pushed for double my bet, i called and he had K9....i made my trips on the turn and he was gone in around 15th Slick Mick went shortly after as he had no help on the flop and was out around 13/14th (cant remember the hand) Got to final table fairly easilly after my Q10d shortstack shove was called by KJ and i made my flush on the turn again! 9 left and were all in the ranking points Got to final 4 after about 2 hours on the final table where we made a deal where we would get £60 each and play on for the 3 seats and the ranking points I made a fatal error by checking my queens on the flop only for a king to come on the turn and i doubled Millbet up! Nice one lol My demise came shortly after when i pushed 16k with 10 10 preflop to win 3200 blinds and my mate Barnes called instantly with QQ, 4th for £60, 6 points but no seat, Once the 3 had guaranteed their seats they loosened up with only points to play for and Barnes was heads up with Millbet, who despite being truley hammered managed to river a 4 card flush and take it down! Well done Millbet and nice meeting the two of you! See ya at the next one

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Re: APAT Season 2 Regional Championship

Well done guys :clap but does the TD need to brush up on his math' date=' I thought 10% of 23 would have given 2 seats :unsure[/quote'] Yeah something to do with the medals etc, they said top 3 should get medals and seats, and then split the prizepool we even enquired about having 4 seats and less prizepool but we were refused
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Re: APAT Season 2 Regional Championship I've just got back from the Luton event there were 68 players there, so no problems getting into the event. It was a well run event with dealers at every table. I made the final table finishing 7th which gave me £80 + a seat at the national event in Walsall. I would certainly try and get to future regional events there. :ok

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Re: APAT Season 2 Regional Championship Cardiff had about 50 runners manage tod get to 5k in chips with a major bluff in the first 20 mins. Then went card dead wasnt even worth calling on the small blind half the time and there was no way I could bluff as I managed to dwindle down my stack... Only got 1 pocket pair and they were 5's so I limped in early position and somebody went all in so I couldnt even see a flop. My exit came whilst blinds were 200/400 i think and I was down to 2k after posting the BB with JQ o/s we have a limper in early position, folds round to the small blind who makes up the diff and I see a flop. J Hearts, Qspades 9 hearts I bet 1k (dont know why as I would have been comitted anyway) early limper raises and SB goes all in I have to call no other option. EL turns over trip 9s and SM A4 hearts:puke:puke heart comes on the river but U was done on the flop basically Maybet next time

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