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You are playing in a 10 player normal speed STT. There are 8 players left blinds are 100/200 and you are BB with 1500 chips before you post BB. You are dealt AK off suited. A player from mid position goes all in for 895 chips. Everyone else folds so only you to act. Do you call or fold.

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Re: Question Easy call - he's short and desperate, he's shoving with a wide range, including any ace and a lot of Kings - a very good chance he's dominated - worst case is a race (the chance of him having AA or KK is small enough that it doesn't matter) - but you're not risking your tourney life....

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Re: Question I'd tend to fold, he's not that short. if you lose you've doubled him up and are short yourself. I'd put him on pair and myself behind. Whilst I'd love to see the flop with AK, i'm not calling that bet. I think it's unlikley you are that far behind, but see no need to engage in a coin flip at this stage

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Re: Question Call the guy damnit! As Gaf says the pusher's range is very wide. At that stage of the tournie with the blinds/ people left as they are i'd be pushing with AK anyway, calling a push isn't too different in this situation. Miles too good a hand to lay down at this stage. I could go on...

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Re: Question

Fold for me.... Yes, He may be desperate but then so would you be if he had AA or KK or flopped a set.... Drop the blinds there and then and move on :ok Now if it was reversed and i was mid with AK and in his position - Id most likely go all-in
100% agree, I'd push with AK in his position, but you need better hands to call than push with
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Re: Question I understand where you're coming frm FF, but this is a great chance to pick up 800 chips - over half your current stack at a time where times are hard and friends are few. At that stage of a tournament i cannot fold AK unless there are a couple of all ins at least ahead of you, it's a premium hand at the most crucial time of the tournament- people are gonna start to drop like flies because of the blinds and you need chips - AK is a premium hand which will make you more than you lose, personally i'm never folding in this spot.

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Re: Question It's an easy call for me, I believe with 5xbb he would push lots of hands and you are flipping at worst, mostly dominating. If he has aces or kings it's just unlucky because I believe you would make a +EV call due to his range.. I ran this through a program and I saw that it's really +EV to call...

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Re: Question

I'd tend to fold' date=' he's not that short.[/quote'] His M is 3 - that's not that short? :loon I'm stunned how many would fold, what is a premium hand - Putting it into SNGEGT it's break even ev to call if his range is JJ, QQ, KK, AA, AKs and AKo - if his range is bigger (which it blatently is), then it is positive ev to call..... ] 20070926sngegtsz3.jpg
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Re: Question

Dont forget - you're getting approaching 2-1 too..... (cost 695 into a pot of 1195)
... and to me, that's the other key element. On the button, with 2 more people to act after me, I can understand the arguments for folding (I'd probably still call though :loon), but in this situation, I'm already committed for 200 chips, so getting great odds against just the one opponent.
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Re: Question

You are playing in a 10 player normal speed STT. There are 8 players left blinds are 100/200 and you are BB with 1500 chips before you post BB. You are dealt AK off suited. A player from mid position goes all in for 895 chips. Everyone else folds so only you to act. Do you call or fold.
call too many plyers left so you need chips blinds are big vs your stack he is desperate so you assume his pushing range is huge and its 695 to win 1195 - 7/5 odds is good enough for me in this situation Damo
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Re: Question wow I can't believe so many are saying fold if he is only playing top 9% of hands equity win tie pots won pots tied Hand 0: 51.638% 46.03% 05.61% 70938771 8639145.50 { AcKd } Hand 1: 48.362% 42.76% 05.61% 65890298 8639145.50 { 55+, ATs+, AJo+ } if we give him top 3% you should still call given you nice pot odds equity win tie pots won pots tied Hand 0: 36.997% 36.71% 00.29% 15085877 118197.00 { AcKd } Hand 1: 63.003% 62.72% 00.29% 25773025 118197.00 { TT+ } this really is a no brainer IMHO Damo

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Re: Question Easy call. Every time. Player in his situation will probably shove with any Ax, so you'll have him dominated a lot of the time. Even if you knew he had a pocket pair, you're getting odds to call thanks to your BB. If I was on the button, I'd move all-in here, not call.

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