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AJs 7k Challange


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This is the output from my Robotic poker thread here http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/showthread.php?p=893778#post893778 I'm calling it my 7K Challange for a couple of reasons, firstly this is my 7,000th post on the PL, and secondly because I want to clear $7k using this system in the next year. It's all about disipline and doing nothing smart, and just playing tight by the rules poker against stupid people. I'll make no reads on players, nor will I bluff, steal, check raise or the like. This is becuase it's designed from the outset to be multi tabled as much as possible, I'd like to get up to 8 tables as quickly as possible, Table selection is important, i'm looking for loose tables, I'll not play anything with a flop percentage of less than 25% I'll start a fresh poker tracker database for this project and post updates in this thread. Here's my rules Group 1 AA, KK, QQ, JJ - Push preflop in all circumstances Group 2 88 99 10 10, - Push from early position, fold to all-in before me, or raise and re-raise. From mid and late position i'll call a small raise. Push all other times. Group 3 All other pocket pairs, limp and look for set. Push if make set, other wise Fold to any other bets. Suited connectors Trash low suited conenctors from early, Limp from late. Call single BB raise with higher (8-9 and above) ones from any position. Otherwise trash them. Everything else Fold. Idea is to buy in for 50 x BB and aim to triple buy in and leave. so $5 on the 5c/10c tables.

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Re: AJs 7k Challange

Idea is to buy in for 50 x BB and aim to triple buy in and leave. so $5 on the 5c/10c tables.
What's the thinking behind 50xBB? You are playing relatively tight and for implied odds (against "calling stations") - I would assume the deeper the stack the better (presumably 100xBB is maximum you can buy in for) ....
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Re: AJs 7k Challange Thanks, I'll do all this on PokerStars, very liquid always a large number of tables. The reason for 50xBB is it gives me enough to get paid when I hit, but not too much to deter calls when I push with a large PP. on the 5c / 10c tables, you're way more likely to get callers this way, some people will call a $5 push with almost anything. when I fall to 35 x BB I'll top up to 50

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Re: AJs 7k Challange I agree with all in post 1 except this: Group 2 88 99 10 10, - Push from early position, fold to all-in before me, or raise and re-raise. From mid and late position i'll call a small raise. Push all other times. IMO this will lose you a lot more then you win with it simply because you're in early position you have no idea what the others have and they're unlikely to call an all in with less than pocket 10's. I don't know, maybe it's just me but i'm always careful with mid PP unless in an un-opened pot in late position where i'll raise i limp all others apart from high pockets for implied odds value.

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Re: AJs 7k Challange I see your point, I see a lot of people calling an early all in at low levels with a drawing hand, AQ AK etc. My mid level pair is a fav against these hands, but a total dog against higher pairs. Might not be a positive ev play in the long term. I'll rethink this one

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Re: AJs 7k Challange ok, first session was a stinker. Nothing wrong with system, but I violated it twice and got reamed both times with 99 274 hands, down 11.90, all of this due to my 99 fetish. Ran into QQ and AA two times I played it. system changed to reflect nades advice

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Re: AJs 7k Challange tightened up a bit, played exactly to my rules, have turn it round a bit. Have brought this experiment back into profit, don't have the full numbers to hand because I played a quick 30 min session at work this afternoon and forgot to mail the HH files home. Think I ground out about $10 this afternoon. But after tonights winning session my PT database records 485 hands Net loss of $7.80 VP$IP 15.26% Encouraged that this system can grind profits if I keep it tight. Playing 4 tables just now, will try and step up to 8 soon.

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Re: AJs 7k Challange updated figures 524 hands Net Profit $11.57 VP$IP 15.84% Starting to win so, I'll leave it as is, but my gut feel is i need to losen up in later position Will try another 300 hands or so tonight and see where I am

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Re: AJs 7k Challange Another winning session. Grinding out a small profit on 5c/10c seems a waste of my time, but I'm finding it really educational for my game; and a system developed here should scale quite well up to some larger value tables, perhaps as have as 50c/$1 Still think the $7,000 over a year is possible even though my win rate in the early days is way behind what I need for this target.\ 791 hands Net profit $15.02 VP$IP 14.66% BB/100 hands 20.06

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Re: AJs 7k Challange not had much time for this in the last week, but some updated stats Played 1,197 hands Profit $16.06 Vp$IP 17.96 BB/100 9.95 Figures are decent, but should be better, I lost two pots about $25 each in which I was 75%+ fav in both cases. Not making many -ev calls, happy this is going to churn a profit, will update at 2,000 hands

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