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** Poker Monday 24th September **

Guest poker head

** Poker Monday 24th September **  

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    • No Poker
    • 19:00 BetonBet European Leaderboard
    • 19:45 Virgin Festival Sat
    • 20:00 Paradise PL Exclusive $1000 Freeroll
    • 20:15 Virgin Cheapskates
    • 21:00 BetOnBet $1000 RH Freeroll
    • 21:00 SkyPoker The Open
    • 21:15 Ladbrokes Cruise Freeroll
    • 21:30 Paradise 50 Up Club
    • 22:00 The Sun Freeroll League

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Re: ** Poker Monday 24th September **

Am experimenting a bit and seems to be a huge improvement :) I know she won't believe me, but I think I learnt a few things from watching Helen play the RP final at the weekend :)
If I were in your place, I'd be worried that he hasn't actually said whether he learnt to do what you did or learnt not to do what you did, Helen. :tongue2 But I think I'm one of a select few that he'd be that mean to. :cry
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Re: ** Poker Monday 24th September **

Well I only played 1 hand HU and lost....... Although one of my 'strategies' is to tend not to get involved with multi-way pots so I suppose in that respect I'm HU a lot during the game.
Actually it was to do with the way you waited let your stack go right down but came bacl before the 6th place bubble ..... hands where I thought you had to call with any 2, you clearly did better by folding - I'm trying to temper my aggression a bit......
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Re: ** Poker Monday 24th September **

Actually it was to do with the way you waited let your stack go right down but came bacl before the 6th place bubble ..... hands where I thought you had to call with any 2' date=' you clearly did better by folding - I'm trying to temper my aggression a bit......[/quote'] At this years WSOP, Hellmuth was at a final table as the short stack, he folded numerous hands and made a comment along the lines of 'the internet players think i should be pushing with any 2' after folding a marginal hand. The next hand he picks up aces and doubles up and says 'see there's the rest of the world then there's me' :lol I think this is along the same lines as what you're saying Gaf - it can be better to fold then go with the maths sometimes. But then again i didn't see Helen's HU and so i'm not sure if this is what you're getting at. If not then i just gave you a nice anecdote anyway ;)
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Re: ** Poker Monday 24th September **

At this years WSOP, Hellmuth was at a final table as the short stack, he folded numerous hands and made a comment along the lines of 'the internet players think i should be pushing with any 2' after folding a marginal hand. The next hand he picks up aces and doubles up and says 'see there's the rest of the world then there's me and avongirl' :lol
:ok another of my pupils.
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Re: ** Poker Monday 24th September **

:ok another of my pupils.
Well I'm playing VERY different to how I usually do Heads Up (deep stack) and something's working - I'm in the final - gtd $221.40 minimum for my VD account :dude
Very nice Gaf :clap:clap Shame it isn't a focus game though aye ;) If possible could you post some hands or just your strategy of your HU play as i've only won 3 of my last 10 HU and i've been leader in nearly all, i've just forgotten how to play them :unsure.
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Re: ** Poker Monday 24th September ** Woooooooooohoooooooooooooo Can't believe I've actually won a HU tournament :loon :loon I'm NOT a good HU player - maybe watching Helen at the weekend was an "Halleluya"(sp?) moment!!!!!!! :hope Shocked at how bad my last 2 opponents were (certainly compared to the others I played) - the last one was just so overaggressive ...... in fact exactly the way I played HU before tonight :dude Thanks for the support everyone :)

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Re: ** Poker Monday 24th September **

If possible could you post some hands or just your strategy of your HU play as i've only won 3 of my last 10 HU and i've been leader in nearly all, i've just forgotten how to play them :unsure.
Will post some thoughts specifically on what I think I changed in tonights tournament (but not tonight zzzzzz)
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Re: ** Poker Monday 24th September ** Very well played. :clap:clap How strange that I felt I'd changed my game a bit towards the end on Saturday and shoved a few hands I was 'uncomfortable' about where normally I might have let myself be completely blinded away, so may be we've found the middle ground here. :ok

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Re: ** Poker Monday 24th September **

Actually it was to do with the way you waited let your stack go right down but came bacl before the 6th place bubble ..... hands where I thought you had to call with any 2' date=' you clearly did better by folding - I'm trying to temper my aggression a bit......[/quote'] HHHmmmmm, think when I mentioned that to you elsewhere on the forum in got told "I was speaking a load of cobblers".:moon:moon When 'The Voice' speaks it pays to listen :dude (PS Nice win anyway GaF :clap:clap)
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Re: ** Poker Monday 24th September **

Woooooooooohoooooooooooooo Can't believe I've actually won a HU tournament :loon :loon I'm NOT a good HU player - maybe watching Helen at the weekend was an "Halleluya"(sp?) moment!!!!!!! :hope Shocked at how bad my last 2 opponents were (certainly compared to the others I played) - the last one was just so overaggressive ...... in fact exactly the way I played HU before tonight :dude Thanks for the support everyone :)
Well done GaF, I guess you are describing playing poker :tongue2 though it did me no good lastnight :(. It is a good tourney that, every Pler should play it regulary it is not too hard to cash and it is valuable HU experience, it is just too late for a school night
HHHmmmmm, think when I mentioned that to you elsewhere on the forum in got told "I was speaking a load of cobblers".:moon:moon When 'The Voice' speaks it pays to listen :dude
Too true 'the voice' I do think HU is a rather more fluid strategy that you need to adjust to suit your opponent. You cannot have one set strategy for HU and assume it will work in most situations.
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