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Anyone speak spanish?


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Re: Anyone speak spanish? I said that Cangut was the small blind to them - looking at the screenshot again it seems clear that he was the Big Blind and I was the small blind - though I could swear I was first to act - so they start off by correcting my error (the bug in the software means that I dont get the HH for the hand that knocks me out!!) I've asked them to send it to me. I find out that the other guy had A4 - no way he was folding and so I was getting knocked out anyway. The next part I dont understand what they are saying, but K9 was my holding (beat by A4 and J6). I dont understand the last sentence either!! i think they're trying to say, I made my move, got called and was caught out :unsure All the betting was pre flop. Cangut asked the question when it was his turn and allowed his clock to go right down whilst he was waiting for a response. When Morens said "ok" he called immediately. Without the confirmation from Morens, I have no doubts that he would have folded. I am convinced that Cangut changed his action and remained in the hand solely on the basis of the chat. Overall, there was foreign chat on an "English" table, there was discussion of a hand in play, and there was a written agreement by the players on how the players should act going forward - but Boss can see no wrongdoing? :unsure My reply to them (a little sarcastically) was along the lines to confirm that this was acceptable and that as soon as they had then I would be finding buddies to play with and would be discussing my actions in the chatbox with these buddies at critical times :unsure

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Re: Anyone speak spanish?

There is a difference though between getting chat banned and banned for colluding
So far as I understand it, no action has been taken at all - the players have not been reprimanded in any way for the non english chat, let alone the collusion... On Prima the guy was not colluding, just ranting a bit after his Aces were cracked - but Prima acted!! The far more serious case, here on Boss, has gone by with no action at all.....
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Re: Anyone speak spanish?

I find out that the other guy had A4 - no way he was folding and so I was getting knocked out anyway.
If the BB had folded, he'd have had to put in another 1265 with a pot of 2465, so about 2 to 1 pot odds. I agree that he should call with A4, and that he probably would, but I don't think it's beyond the realms of possibility that he'd decide to fold, especially if you'd been playing tight and had only just started the "shove" phase of your game. But I also agree that this is not really the point.
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Re: Anyone speak spanish? No chat ban for collusion but banned for swearing in Swedish ! What is the world coming to......I myself am chatbanned from Boss (Virgin) for calling someone an A**hole when he shoved into a dry sidepot with Ten high causing me to fold my eventual straight and allowing the allin mover to win the hand on the bubble with Ace High (and subsequently bubbling me).:cry So apologies in advance if I dont respond to any of you guys on Virgin. :sad

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Re: Anyone speak spanish?

banned for swearing in Swedish ! for calling someone an A**hole when he shoved into a dry sidepot with Ten high causing me to fold my eventual straight and allowing the allin mover to win the hand on the bubble with Ace High (and subsequently bubbling me).:cry
A chat ban sounds fair enough to me in that circumstance :unsure Boss dont chat ban enough, so I cannot criticise them for banning for abuse (AND in non English)....
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Re: Anyone speak spanish? Unfortunately I know you're right - won't stopped me getting worked up about it though!!!! (and it's not even got anything to do with the money - just get worked up that cheats are allowed to cheat so overtly and get away without sanction!!! Still talking with Boss and they're still insisting that there was no collusion!!! It was open, it was obvious, it is without doubt - how can they deny it happened????

This is the transcript of the hand in question:

Text replay of the hand # 761487787

Date/time Data

9/21/2007 4:55:48 PM Player 'ValeDown' (1) made a buyin of 1665

9/21/2007 4:55:48 PM Player 'ValeDown' (1) has blindstate postsmall

9/21/2007 4:55:48 PM Player 'Cangut' (2) made a buyin of 3235

9/21/2007 4:55:48 PM Player 'Cangut' (2) has blindstate postlarge

9/21/2007 4:55:48 PM Player 'Morens10' (4) made a buyin of 2600

9/21/2007 4:55:48 PM Player 'Morens10' (4) is dealer

9/21/2007 4:55:48 PM Player 'ValeDown' (1) paid ante/blind of 200

9/21/2007 4:55:48 PM Player 'Cangut' (2) paid ante/blind of 400

9/21/2007 4:55:48 PM Player 'ValeDown' (1) got card: nine of diamonds

9/21/2007 4:55:48 PM Player 'Cangut' (2) got card: six of hearts

9/21/2007 4:55:48 PM Player 'Morens10' (4) got card:

9/21/2007 4:55:48 PM Player 'ValeDown' (1) got card: king of clubs

9/21/2007 4:55:48 PM Player 'Cangut' (2) got card: jack of diamonds

9/21/2007 4:55:48 PM Player 'Morens10' (4) got card:

9/21/2007 4:55:52 PM Player 'Morens10' (4) called 400

9/21/2007 4:55:56 PM Player 'ValeDown' (1) went all in with 1465

9/21/2007 4:56:16 PM Player 'Cangut' (2) called 1265

9/21/2007 4:56:18 PM Player 'Morens10' (4) called 1265

9/21/2007 4:56:18 PM Table '21569654' got community card: jack of clubs

9/21/2007 4:56:18 PM Table '21569654' got community card: five of diamonds

9/21/2007 4:56:18 PM Table '21569654' got community card: five of spades

9/21/2007 4:56:21 PM Player 'Cangut' (2) checked

9/21/2007 4:56:23 PM Player 'Morens10' (4) checked

9/21/2007 4:56:23 PM Table '21569654' got community card: five of hearts

9/21/2007 4:56:25 PM Player 'Cangut' (2) checked

9/21/2007 4:56:27 PM Player 'Morens10' (4) checked

9/21/2007 4:56:27 PM Table '21569654' got community card: queen of hearts

9/21/2007 4:56:31 PM Player 'Cangut' (2) checked

9/21/2007 4:56:33 PM Player 'Morens10' (4) checked

9/21/2007 4:56:33 PM Player 'Cangut' (2) Showdown action

9/21/2007 4:56:34 PM Player 'Morens10' (4) mucked

9/21/2007 4:56:34 PM Player 'ValeDown' (1) Showdown action

9/21/2007 4:56:36 PM Player 'Cangut' (2) won 4995

In this case as player Morens10 was the first to act there is no collusion as he is actively calling and initially goes against the big blind which is Cangut. After that you put yourself in the position of raising all-in pre-flop which is a result of your strategy and not of any collusion between the players. We would like to point out that in this case there was no collusion however as the game of poker is a game in which all circumstances are different we would advise against you discussing your hands at any point to avoid confusion.

The player who won the hand was obviously only in the hand because it was agreed in the chatbox that the other player would not raise - How can there be no collusion? With the hand history, this is my slightly revised account - if anything, looking at the chip stacks, I probably had more fold equity than I originally appreciated ......
I have 1665. Cangut has 3235. Morens has 2600 Blinds are 200/400 I am SB, Cangut is BB. Morens flat calls for 400. I go all in for 1465 extra Cangut says to Morens - "Shall we call and check it down" Morens says "OK" Cangut calls for 1265 extra Morens calls for 1265 extra The players then check it down as agreed in the chat box.
Does anyone want to defend the Boss position? Am I making a mountain out of a molehill?
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Re: Anyone speak spanish?

Does anyone want to defend the Boss position? Am I making a mountain out of a molehill?
No. And no. Their position is so ridiculous that I'm half-convinced that they haven't understood what you're complaining about. Of course the fact that you went all-in was not a result of the other players' collusion! That happened before their collusion! :eyes
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Re: Anyone speak spanish? I am Spanish. The conversation means: Call los dos y lo echamos: "Why don`t we both call and put him out of the tourney?" ("echamos" means put out of, eliminate) When the other guy says ok, Espero que no tenga el 5: "I hope he does not have the five" Of course I have written the spanish correctly, they used abbreviations and was not correctly written in order to look for in a dictionary

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Re: Anyone speak spanish?

You going back to boss with this Gaf
TBH, not sure there's any point - the last direction of communication was from me to them, and they haven't responded.... Not sure this really adds anything new, just confirms what we kind of already knew - and Boss aren't going to do anything are they!!!
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