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Anyone speak spanish?


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Re: Anyone speak spanish? Going a bit further, Canhut waited for the reply before calling - without the positive response from Morens, I dont think he would have called and my King high had a very good chance of being good against Morens (if he'd even called)

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Re: Anyone speak spanish?

call los dos y lo echmaos = call the two and the echmaos? espro ke no tenga el 5 = He does not have a five
Having used freetranslation.com for all of my french GCSE work i can safely say that it churns out a load of bllx ;):lol
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Re: Anyone speak spanish?

call los dos y lo echmaos = call the two and the echmaos?
What's that in English mate? :lol :lol :tongue2
espro ke no tenga el 5 = He does not have a five
I would think "espro" means "I hope" (I hope he doesn't have the 5)
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Re: Anyone speak spanish? he's saying call for 2 then throw away if dont hit....I think. I live on a spanish island and still have trouble at times :$ Call is not a spanish word, and the reply isn't in spanish either. Espreko is possibly portuguese :unsure Close to espero though which is spanish for I hope.

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Re: Anyone speak spanish?

the espro ke is I hope that' date=' a typo on espero and ke is spanish text speak for que. He's saying 'I hope he doesn't have the 5'.[/quote'] Thanks :ok It's actually the other comment I'm more interested in though .... call los dos y lo echamaos?
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Re: Anyone speak spanish? Well I speak Spanish, but I don't play poker, so I'm not sure I'm going to be much use here :lol Anyway, for the "los dos" bit, I'd say Strider's on the right lines - if it's "los dos" rather than "el dos", then it's "both" rather than "two". Both what, I don't know. Both of us, both of you? As has been said, "echmaos" is almost certainly a typo, should be "echamos". Echar is one of those annoying verbs that can mean dozens of different things depending on the context. One meaning which I wasn't aware of, though, and which I've just found in the dictionary, is "to deal" (as in deal cards). Both call and then we'll deal??? As for the "espro ke" bit, 2hcb is right, it's text speak (short for "espero que", text speak in Spanish often replaces a "qu" with a "k") and means I hope he doesn't have the 5. Well, strictly speaking it can mean "I hope I/he/she/you (formal form of address) don't/doesn't have the 5", but if he's talking about you then presumably it's "he" in this case. By the way, does the word "call" in there make sense to you? If it doesn't, one other thing that's just occurred to me, "callar" is the verb to shut up. If it's being used in that sense, it's missing at least one letter, as "call" doesn't mean anything in that context, but if it were another typo, it could be "Both shut up and echamos". Hope that's maybe of some help.

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Re: Anyone speak spanish? I'm stunned by the response I've had (presumably from Boss and not Paradise, although branded Paradise)

Our poker department checked your screenshots and they couldn’t find any indication for collusion. The two reported accounts are actively playing against each other. The screenshot is showing that player cangut is telling player morens10 to call, and he agrees. But cangut is not the small blind he was the bigblind. You were the small blind. The other player morens10 was holding A4, he called the big blind and then he called the all-in. Your customer would have lost that hand in any case with his all-in with K9. It appears that you had still enough chips before the all-in and they got caught with your wrong move.

IMO this is a blatent and clear case of collusion - am I wrong?
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Re: Anyone speak spanish? Have to say I was dead impressed on Prima the other day - someone started speaking in Swedish (I presume) and a PokerMGR appeared in chat straight away and warned him. He carried on and got a final warning. He continued and was immediately chat banned :ok

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Re: Anyone speak spanish?

Have to say I was dead impressed on Prima the other day - someone started speaking in Swedish (I presume) and a PokerMGR appeared in chat straight away and warned him. He carried on and got a final warning. He continued and was immediately chat banned :ok
There is a difference though between getting chat banned and banned for colluding
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Re: Anyone speak spanish?

Ok - the A4 would have beat me anyway - I accept that if he had A4 it didn't change the result - BUT THAT IS NOT THE POINT - there was an intent by my opponents to gain advantage by colluding......
All the betting was pre-flop? morens10 called the BB, you went all-in, then they had their little conversation and both called? Is it clear that either of them would have called the all-in without an agreement? I don't understand the reply you got from Boss at all. They start by saying there was no evidence of collusion and then immediately afterwards say that one of the players told the other to fold and he agreed. If that's not collusion, then what's their definition of collusion? And the last part of the reply ...
But cangut is not the small blind he was the bigblind. You were the small blind. The other player morens10 was holding A4, he called the big blind and then he called the all-in. Your customer would have lost that hand in any case with his all-in with K9. It appears that you had still enough chips before the all-in and they got caught with your wrong move.
I've read that six times and I just don't understand what they're trying to say at all. Any idea?
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