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Greece - Spain

Guest Ell Ess Dee     0

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Guest Ell Ess Dee     0

Spain @ 2.10 blue square... Is this the bet of the weekend or what.. Cant even see Greece scoring....??? Anyone else info on this match cos Spain seem way overpriced IMO...

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Guest theshooterman

Re: Re Greece - Spain Wait a minute. Greece aren't bad but Spain can be very good. This is one of the few matches with half decent odds. Surely worth 5 points for a win.

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Guest Perseas

Re: Re Greece - Spain First of all i am Greek and i find the odds very strange i believe that the bookmakers think it will be a draw. I personally don't like football and especially Greek football but it is the first time i see our players to look so determine for a game ,one thing is sure with Rehagel a new era starts for Greece .I believe in home win ,but only because i am Greek. These are the latest news: GREEK NATIONAL TEAM: "Shall thy valour prevail" 09/06/2002: Posted 14:33:05 EST, 19:33:05 GMT By Karras Greece's opener in the 2004 European Championship qualifying stage is against the strongest team of the group, Spain, which Greece will face on Athens' Leoforos Aleksandras stadium on Saturday, 7 September 2002 (21:45GR). Greece national team coach Otto Rehhagel, as well as his players, have stated that this is their chance to prove that this is the dawn of a new era for the Greek national soccer team. The German coach, at the press conference held prior to the crucial opener, asked for passion, will and power, while at the same time asked his players to look at their opponents straight in their eyes. "We want to win, Every game will be a personal win or loss. We must show on the pitch what we can accomplish," Rehhagel stated. The players had to say something as well, through Angelos Charisteas and Pantelis Kafes: "It is up to us who will lead the group," Charisteas said, while Kafes talked about the fans will to jam-pack the Leoforos Aleksandras stadium in show of their support: "It will put wings on our feet." Rehhagel does not have any problems to deal with on the eve of the big match, while at the same time had a "closed doors" training session to let his players concentrate. During his press conference Rehhagel stated that he has 2 positions to think about. Nikopolidis will defend Greece's goal, Patsatzoglou will be the right back, Fyssas or Venetidis the left, while Dellas and Dabizas will take care things in the middle of defense, and Kostas Konstantinidis will become a libero. Skipper Thodoros Zagorakis will be a defensive-midfielder, Giannakopoulos will take care the right flank with Vryzas on the left (Charisteas would be a surprise in this position), Tsartas will be the play-maker and Nikolaidis the attacking force of the team. Meanwhile, all of the tickets available for the game have been sold out, except 300 tickets, which were returned by the Spaniards and will be available for sale on the day of the match at the stadium. The Greek Soccer Federation has asked the fans to support their national team, while prior to the game 10,000 jerseys will be given away. The gates will open at 19:15GR. On the other side, Spanish coach Ineaki Saez seems to be taking Greece very seriously. "They are at the same level as we are," Saez stated and then added: "We came to win." The Spanish coach will use a 4-2-3-1 formation and is expected to start off with Casillas, Salgado, Marcena, Raul Bravo, Cesar, Chiavi, Helquera, Mendieta, Vizente, Valeron, Raul.

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Guest ahahouhas

GREECE VS SPAIN Hi Perseas I am greek too.I agree with you.This match is very important for Greece.We have a very good coach and the best team I can recall for years.I dont know for a home win but I am sure that Spain will not win.

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Guest Tristan13

Re: GREECE VS SPAIN Dont be so sure ahahuhas!Damn we are playing SPAIN!After the world cup slaughter and the change of coach,they came determined for a win!Only thing to keep my mind from that is that we have Olympic Games in 2004(you know what it means)!Anyway first result for me,Spain win and then draw! Any opinions welcome! Cheers!

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Guest Perseas

Re: GREECE VS SPAIN Yes Tristan you are right we are playing with Spain ,but it is the first time i see our players so determined ,as country we have great basketball,great volleyball,great polo great runners and athletes football was our black hole i believe in something good today,it is not a game to bet the odds are too low for all .....

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Guest Perseas

Re: GREECE VS SPAIN It wasn't bad we played them like equals and i must say we have been better ,but when you make such a childish mistake .. First time our team looked someone in th eyes i expect more luck and something better...

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