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Dream Team


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Article about Team Bad Beat on page 36 of this months Inside Poker Mag - makes for some very interesting reading - I reckon it probably evokes some pretty strong emotions both ways? Any views? On the one hand, if you are a profitable player, I cannot see why you would play for only 70% of your winnings (eliminating risk, but if your good enough to win and disciplined enough to play a good bankroll strategy, your risk shouldn't be 30% of your profits!!) - on the other hand I think I really like the set up and think I could get a lot out of it...... Would i WANT to join? You know I think I would :unsure Might have to look into it some more (Wonder IF they'd have me? They say they take micro stakes players :unsure)

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Re: Dream Team

(Wonder IF they'd have me? They say they take micro stakes players :unsure)
Noone else in the slightest intruiged by this? Looks achievable enough :ok
Welcome to BadBeat, this site was created by a poker player John 'punkfloyd' Conroy and a futures trader Chris 'zim' Smith. We want to find the best up and coming poker players and give you a head-start in your poker career. Before you can join our team of Sponsored Players you must join the Trainee Trader Programme where BadBeat will provide you with 100% of your bankroll and you get to keep 50% of any profits you make!
To become a member of the Trainee Trader Programme you must prove to us that you're a winning player. If this is you then simply create a new account at one of the following Poker sites (downloaded from the links below): USA Poker Betfair Poker Mansion Poker DTD Poker You must play on this account for a minimum of 30 days completing a minimum of 40 table hours (If you play 2 tables then 20 hours is sufficient) each week; in order to qualify to become a Trainee trader you must make a minimum deposit of $10 and meet one of the following criteria:
  1. Deposit between $10 and $199 and show a minimum of $500 profit in the 30+ days and you will become a Trainee Trader on a $200-a-day bankroll.
  2. Deposit between $200 and $499 and show a minimum of $1,500 profit in the 30+ days and you will become a Trainee Trader on a $500-a-day bankroll.
  3. Deposit $500+ and show a minimum of $3,000 profit in the 30+ days and you will become a Trainee trader on a $1,000-a-day bankroll.

You must keep a track of your profit and loss (P & L) by entering your P & L each day into your potcheck, simply log-in to your badbeat account, click on potcheck and at the end of each day simply enter your Profit or Loss. Once you have met the above criteria on your new account, if we have not already contacted you, please send an e-mail to [email protected] with your account username and password (If DTD we will also require your account number) and we will verify your account, should you be successful we will fast track you into the next available Trainee Trader Programme. Please note that winnings from Multi Table Tournaments (MTT) will not be accepted as full profit, however Single Table Tournament (STT) play is accepted.

If you don't want to register a new account and would like to join the Trainee Trader Programme by showing us your profit on your current poker account(s), this is possible. However, the players that complete a month as a candidate will be fast tracked into the next available Programme, by not completing a month as a successful candidate you may be required to wait 2 or 3 months to join the Trainee Trader Programme. Once you are in the Trainee Trader Programme you will have one month on level 1 (e.g. $200-a-day Bankroll), should you complete the first month successfully you will be promoted to level 2 (e.g. $500-a-day Bankroll), should you complete the second month successfully this is when you may have the opportunity to be promoted to a fully sponsored BadBeat Trader, where not only will you get to keep 50% of your profit as you do as a Trainee Trader, you will also receive a monthly bonus which will be dependant upon both your monthly hours played and poker profit. As a Trainee Trader you will receive tools and management such as world class mentoring and you will have the opportunity to qualify for live sponsorship packages along with our Sponsored Players.
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Re: Dream Team Seems interesting enough, but doubt i could do it as i play cash games on PKR, SNG's now on Stars and Multitables on PKR/Boss i.e i play where i win most in each field so i doubt i could adapt to one of those new sites quick enough. Saying that though it could be a fun challenge. I've read it a few times but can't see whether it's possible to start it at any time etc..

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Re: Dream Team To qualify through that route you must sign up an account through their affiliate link (I presume it's more significant from the fact that they can track your progress rather than generating income) - that restricts me to USA Poker as I have accounts with the others - no idea what network they are on :unsure

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Re: Dream Team

Saying that though it could be a fun challenge.
I dont really view it as a challenge in that sense - I imagine you'd need to put some serious hours in to it - I view it more as a stepping tone to playing at a more serious level .... towards the route of turning pro....
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Re: Dream Team

I dont really view it as a challenge in that sense - I imagine you'd need to put some serious hours in to it - I view it more as a stepping tone to playing at a more serious level .... towards the route of turning pro....
Yeah i kind of agree with this. Its not about a challenge. however on the other hand, you would technically be working for them. You need to make the decision can you make more money playing for them or playing for yourself.
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Re: Dream Team

I don't know if you're being pedantic about the word 'challenge'' date=' but whatever :eyes[/quote'] Not meaning to be pedantic :unsure I got the impression that you had the wrong end of the stick, so just wanted to clarify how I saw it ....
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Re: Dream Team

You need to make the decision can you make more money playing for them or playing for yourself.
I'm liable to the odd donkament being more inexperienced than many of you which could also be down to the pressure being off just playing for myself. Playing for others would probably make me concentrate more for longer so it could work.
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Re: Dream Team I've just reg'd with Mansion and i've never seen such a low amount of traffic, i assume it must be busy sometimes or it would have shut down by now, but 1 STT going and about 3 cash tables is just embarrassing and no chance of making $500 on there with noone to play against. Does anyone know if the other sites are the same because if so i'm deffo out of this.

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Re: Dream Team If you get through the first part, this is the second stage of "qualification"...

1 1

Welcome to the BadBeat Trainee Traders Programme

Congratulations on joining the only team dedicated to making you a top earning poker professional. Over the course of the Trainee Trader Programme we will provide you with the tools, support and guidance to prove to us that you have what it takes to become a fully-fledged BadBeat Trader. This handbook is your guide to how the programme works, what you need to do to succeed; and what we expect of you. You will be given the full support of the BadBeat team, its members and its traders during your Trainee Trader period and hopefully beyond. We will be in regular contact with you and we are always on hand to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

Playing Time

You are required to play a minimum of 40 table hours a week (If you multi table then you can divide the table hours by the number of tables you play – e.g. if you play 2 tables at a time then 40 / 2 = 20 hours). You are not to play between the hours of 6am and 10am – the reason for this is to enable us to collect your P & L and to carry out money transfers


Playing Rules and limits

Your daily loss limit will be $200 - you are not to lose more than $200 in any one day. Your account will have $200 available each day. We will sweep any profits made or if you have a down day, we will top up your balance as necessary. You are recommended to start on a maximum limit of 50c/$1 to enable you to fulfill the weekly table hours required, should you be up on the day, you are able to move up the levels and play in tournaments.

Single Table Tournament Players Only

As an STT player only then you are recommended to start with a maximum buy-in of $30 as this is 15% of your bankroll, once in profit you can play in bigger buy-ins as long as you do not risk more than 15% of your available bankroll on that day in any one tournament. The table hours are irrelevant as an STT player however you must play in a minimum of 35 STT’s a week.

Should you lose your daily loss limit or close to it 3 days running or lose $600 in a week, your daily loss limit will be dropped to $100 a day, should you lose this 3 days running or $300 in a week your loss limit will then be dropped to $50 a day, should you lose this limit 3 days running or $150 in a week you may be removed from the trainee trader programme. Should you complete the first month successfully and your mentor recommends you to month two of the trainee trader programme, you will be promoted to month two at the start of your second month. If you meet numbers 1 & 3 or 2 & 3 of the following three criteria and you have not breached your limit you will be promoted to month two.

2 2

1. $500 Profit 2. $1,000 Gross Rake 3. Positive assessment from mentor


Playing Rules and limits

Your daily loss limit will now be $500 - you are not to lose more than $500 in any one day. Your account will have $500 available each day. We will sweep any profits made or if you have a down day, we will top up your balance as necessary. You are recommended to start on a maximum limit of $1/$2 to enable you to fulfill the weekly table hours required, should you be up on the day, you are able to move up the levels and play in tournaments.

Single Table Tournament Players Only

As an STT player only then you are recommended to start with a maximum buy-in of $75 as this is 15% of your bankroll, once in profit you can play in bigger buy-ins as long as you do not risk more than 15% of your available bankroll on that day in any one tournament. The table hours are irrelevant as an STT player however you must play in a minimum of 35 STT’s a week.

Should you lose your daily loss limit or close to it 3 days running or lose $1,500 in a week, your daily loss limit will be dropped to $250 a day, should you lose this 3 days running or $750 in a week your loss limit will then be dropped to $125 a day, should you lose this limit 3 days running or $375 in a week you may be removed from the trainee trader programme. Should you complete the second month successfully and your mentor recommends you to month three of the trainee trader programme, you will be promoted to month three within the first week of the following month. If you meet numbers 1 & 3 or 1, 2 & 3 of the following three criteria you will be promoted to a BadBeat Trader, if you meet number 2 and you have not breached your limit you will repeat month two again unless your mentor suggests otherwise. 1. $1,500 Profit 2. $1,250 Gross Rake 3. Positive assessment from mentor


We have a team of mentors who are dedicated to help you. You will be assigned one of these traders as your personal mentor. You MUST contact your mentor before you start playing. They will monitor your play on a regular basis and advise you where necessary. You will receive full mentoring sessions on your play where you will have a full in-depth discussion during play to get the most benefit from your mentor.

Your mentor on a daily basis will review your last 24 hours of hand history and will post comments on noteworthy hands in the BadBeat forum.

Review your 5 biggest winning and losing hands and will discuss these with you.

Call you at least once a week to discuss your mentoring.

Carry out at least one session a week over skype and will provide you with a report.

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