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WSOPe £5000 PL Omaha live updates


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Re: WSOPe £5000 PL Omaha live updates Hands #3-4 Hand #3: Sherkhan Farnood raised. Dario Alioto called from the big blind.. The flop was as.gifjd.gif7c.gif. Dario Alioto bet 12,000. Sherkhan Farnood raised the pot. Alioto called. The turn was the kh.gif. Alioto fired out 40,000. Farnood folded. Alioto won the pot. Hand #4: Sampo Lopponen raised the pot. Andy Bloch called from the big blind. The flop was 10d.gif8d.gif2d.gif. Bloch checked. Lopponen checked. The turn was the 9h.gif. Bloch checked. Lopponen bet 35,000. Bloch called. The river was the 3d.gif. Bloch checked. Lopponen checked. Lopponen showed a set of tens and won the pot.

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Re: WSOPe £5000 PL Omaha live updates Hands 5 and 6 Hand 5: Dario raises to 31k And takes down the pot Hand 6: Razaghi calls Andy Blach calls Callaghan calls kc.gif9s.gif8c.gif Callagah bets 25 Razaghi calls 2c.gif Razaghi is all in for 74k Callaghan goes into the tanks and calls Callaghan jc.gifkc.gif7c.gif5d.gif Razaghi jh.gifjd.gif9h.gif8c.gifqd.gif Callaghan wins the hand and Razhagi is out in 9th

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Re: WSOPe £5000 PL Omaha live updates Hands #7-8 Hand #7: Istvan Novak raised to 30,000 and everyone folded. Novak won the blinds. Hand #8: Dave Callaghan limped. Tony G checked from the big blind. The flop was qs.gif3h.gif2d.gif. Everyone checked. The turn was the 10d.gif. Tony G fired out 24,000 and Callaghan folded. Tony G won the pot.

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Re: WSOPe £5000 PL Omaha live updates Andy Bloch is Out in Eighth Place Hand 9: Tony G, Farnood, and Callaghan call. 10c.gif8d.gif9h.gif Checked around. Turn: 2c.gif Tony bets 30K and takes the pot. Hand 10: Bloch raises to 35K. Farnood calls on the button. 6h.gif8d.gifkc.gif Farnood checks. Bloch bets 82K. Farnood raises 320K total. Farnood does a little stretch and yawn. Bloch goes into the tank. Bloch calls all in. Bloch: 6c.gif7s.gif8h.gif9s.gif Farnood: kh.gifkd.gif10h.gifac.gif Turn: 2d.gif River: jc.gif Andy Bloch is out in eighth place

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Re: WSOPe £5000 PL Omaha live updates Hands #11-12 Hand #11: Ina battle of France and Italy, Antoine Arnault limped and Dario Alioto checked. his big blind. The flop was 6h.gif6c.gif2h.gif. Both players checked. The turn was the jc.gif. Both players checked. The river was the 2d.gif. Arnault showed a pair of 8s for two pair. It was good enough to win and he dragged the pot. Hand #12: Dario Alioto raised to 36,000 and everyone folded.

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Re: WSOPe £5000 PL Omaha live updates Updated Chip Counts Seat 1: Sampo Lopponen - 265,000 Seat 2: Tony G - 245,000 Seat 3: Sherkhan Farnood - 940,000 Seat 4: Istvan Novak - 380,000 Seat 5: Dario Alioto - 340,000 Seat 8: Dave Callaghan - 310,000 Seat 9: Antoine Arnault - 260,000

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Re: WSOPe £5000 PL Omaha live updates Hands 13-14 Hand 13: Tony G Calls Dario Calls on the button Callaghan Calls Antoine Calls js.gif10c.gif2s.gif check check check 3h.gif Tony bets 35k Dario Calls River: 10h.gif G checks Dario bets 76k G calls Dario:7s.gif8s.gif9s.gifjc.gif Tony G mucks, the flush wins. Hand 14: Dario raises to 31k Callaghan calls kh.gif10c.gifas.gif Dario bets pot Callaghan mucks

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Re: WSOPe £5000 PL Omaha live updates Hands #15-16 Hand #15: Dario Alioto raised to 31,000 and everyone folded. Alioto won the blinds. Hand #16: Dave Callaghan limped. Tony G called from the small blind and Sherkhan Farnood checked his big blind. The flop was 6s.gif5d.gif4h.gif. Everyone checked. The turn was the kd.gif. Everyone checked. The river was the 6h.gif. Everyone checked. Tony G showed a pair of kings. Everyone else mucked and The G won the pot.

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Re: WSOPe £5000 PL Omaha live updates Hands #19-20: Fear the Button Raise Hand #19: Action folded around to Istvan Novak, who raised to 32,000 from the button. The blinds folded and he won the pot. Hand #20: Dario Alioto raised to 36,000 from the button. The blinds folded and Alioto won the pot.

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Re: WSOPe £5000 PL Omaha live updates Hands 21-22 Hand 21: Tony G raises to 35k Sampo Calls 10h.gifkd.gif10s.gif chec check 6d.gif Sampo checks, Tony checks River 7d.gif check check Tony has a king in his hand Sampo mucks Hand 22: Sampo completes the small blind, Tony G checks. 7d.gifas.gifac.gif Sampo bets 13k, Tony raises to 30k Sampo reraises to 80 total, Tony g folds.

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Re: WSOPe £5000 PL Omaha live updates Hands #23-24 Hand #23: Sampo Lopponen raised to 35,000 from the button. Tony G raised the pot from the small blind. Sherkhan Farnood folded the big blind. Lopponen folded. The G won the pot and said, "I'm trying to get my money back!" Hand #24: Sampo Lopponen raised from the cutoff and everyone folded.

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Re: WSOPe £5000 PL Omaha live updates Hands #25-26 Hand #25: Antoine Arnault limped. Sherkhan farnood limped from the button. Istvan Novak called from the small blind. Dario Alioto checked the big blind. The flop was ah.gifkd.gif3d.gif. Istvan Novak fired out a pot-sized bet and everyone folded. He won the pot. Hand #26: Sampo Lopponen raised to 30,000 and everyone folded.

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Re: WSOPe £5000 PL Omaha live updates Hand 27:

  • Callaghan completes the small blind, Antoine checks. Flop: kd.gifas.gif5c.gif Check, check. Turn: 2c.gif Antoine bets 16K. Callaghan reraises and wins the pot. Hand 28: Callaghan calls on the button, Antoine completes, Sampo checks. Flop: jd.gif7h.gifda.gif Sampo bets 36K. Callaghan goes into the tank and folds, Antoine calls. Turn: kd.gif Antoine bets the pot, 180K. Sampo folds and Antoine wins the pot. Hand #29 Hand #29: Istvan Novak raised to 32,000. Tony G called from the big blind. The flop was 9s.gif9h.gif8d.gif. Tony G checked. Novak bet 40,000 and The G folded. Novak won the pot.Hands 27-28
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    Re: WSOPe £5000 PL Omaha live updates Hand #30 Hand #30: Dario Alioto raised to 42,000 and everyone folded Hands 31-32 Hand 31: Dario raises to 41K under the gun... And wins the pot. Hand 32: Tony G now has his hoody on, Unabomber-style. Dario gets a walk in the big blind.

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    Re: WSOPe £5000 PL Omaha live updates Hand #33: Tony G Doubles Up Hand #33: Tony G raised to 55,000. Sherkhan Farnood reraised 125,000 more. Tony G moved all in. Farnood called. Tony G: as.gifac.gif7d.gif6h.gif Farnood: kc.gifkh.gif10s.gif9c.gif Tony G was ahead with two aces against Farnood's kings. The flop was jd.gif3c.gif2d.gif. The turn was the 4h.gif and the river was the 9d.gif. Tony G's aces held up and he doubled up. Tony G is up to 480,000.

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    Re: WSOPe £5000 PL Omaha live updates Hands #40-41: "I Want Your Hands!" Hand #40: Sampo Lopponen raised to 40,000 and Tony G said, "I want your hands. You're raising all the time!" Dave Callaghan reraised the pot and Lopponen folded. Callaghan won the pot. "That's power," commented The G. Hand #41: Dario Alioto raised to 45,000 and everyone folded.

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    Re: WSOPe £5000 PL Omaha live updates Hands #44-45 Hand #44: Tony G raised to 59,000 from the button. Everyone folded. No action for The G. Hand #45: Antoine Arnault limped. Istvan Novak called from the small blind. Dario Alioto checked the big blind. The flop was 9d.gif5s.gif3c.gif. Everyone checked. The turn was the 2h.gif. Novak fired out 40,000. Alioto called. Arnault folded. The river was the ks.gif. Both players checked. Novak showed two pair, queens and nines. Alioto showed a set of fives and won the pot.

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    Re: WSOPe £5000 PL Omaha live updates Hand #166: Dario Alioto Wins £5,000 PLO Bracelet (£234,390); Istvan Novak Eliminated in Second Place (£137,280) Hand #166: Istvan Novak was all in preflop against Dario Alioto. Novak : ac.gifqc.gif3c.gif9d.gif Alioto: da.gifks.gif7c.gif5c.gif The flop was 10c.gif7d.gif6s.gif and Alioto flopped a pair. The turn was the 5s.gif and Alioto picked up two pair. Novak was drawing dead and the meaningless as.gif fell on the river. Istvan Novak was eliminated in second place. He won £137,280. Dario Alioto is our champion and won £234,390.

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