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10c focus game

the croc

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Re: 10c focus game Up to 4k. 2nd hand doubled up KK v 1010, then lost about 500 with AQ, flopped top pair A, turn brought flush i folded, they showed flush, then next hand i called someones all in for 1k with double gut draw with AJ hit 2 pair in the end, (thought i gotta play a lot looser to accumulate chips with the rapid blinds) :lol

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Re: 10c focus game outttttttttttttt PokerStars Game #11907400490: Tournament #59837858, $0.10+$0.00 Hold'em No Limit - Level IV (50/100) - 2007/09/06 - 16:16:34 (ET) Table '59837858 198' 9-max Seat #3 is the button Seat 1: Lector {GER] (1445 in chips) is sitting out Seat 2: Franksal (4120 in chips) Seat 3: Nictauxrebel (1345 in chips) is sitting out Seat 4: Iamdead (2750 in chips) out of hand (moved from another table into small blind) Seat 5: Billiam34 (3980 in chips) Seat 6: aceswildgirl (1760 in chips) Seat 7: mtd520 (1260 in chips) Seat 8: SCTrippin (9120 in chips) Seat 9: Bogo Bandit (1430 in chips) Billiam34: posts small blind 50 aceswildgirl: posts big blind 100 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to mtd520 [Qh As] mtd520: raises 200 to 300 SCTrippin: folds Bogo Bandit: calls 300 Lector {GER]: folds Franksal: folds Nictauxrebel: folds Billiam34: folds aceswildgirl: folds *** FLOP *** [Ah Jd 4h] mtd520: bets 960 and is all-in Bogo Bandit: calls 960 *** TURN *** [Ah Jd 4h] [Tc] *** RIVER *** [Ah Jd 4h Tc] [8h] *** SHOW DOWN *** mtd520: shows [Qh As] (a pair of Aces) Bogo Bandit: shows [Js Ts] (two pair, Jacks and Tens) Bogo Bandit collected 2670 from pot

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