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Inside Poker $200 to $5000 strategy


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Re: Inside Poker $200 to $5000 strategy I would agree with GaF on this - at low levels play solid poker and get your money in when ahead, at the $55's 2 things happen: you get more chips (on the boss network its 2k rather than 1500) and the money starts to matter! more chips equals either:

  1. the chance to sit out for longer and wait as you can go another level of blinds and still have 1500 chips by 100/200,
  2. or the chance to gamble a bit more early and hope to hit. The tricky thing is figuring out early if someone is gambling or has the cards.

Generally folks play better post flop - i.e on an $11 you hit the flush on the river and bet and someone calls with their 2 pair. On a $55 they are more likely to fold (how much more likely? I would say they would call about 10-20% of the time rather than 60-80% of the time). generally people also understand how weak their AJ is PF to a raise re-raise and shove at the $55's compared to the $11's. These are the little things but as GaF says it's other mistakes that make you money. Cash - by winning a $55 you are getting a profit of about £100 for the hour or so it takes to play - I don't know what most folks hourly work rate is but that is a lot to me - where as at the $11's you are making about £20 profit and need lots of them to make a living at the game hence the multi-tabling (hope this doesn't sound patronising - to win anything at any level is important, but to win so much per hour makes you think about turning semi-pro etc) I could never ever win at the $55's my record is terrible. I could just about hold my own at the $109's but the swing in BR was huge and after several losing games you realise that you could have paid your mortgage for the month rather than lose it in the last 4 hours or so of playing - thats when i decided I couldn't take the pressure anymore and went back to the $22's and $33's. I was under resourced for the level (I started with about 30 buy-ins got to about 70 had around 40 buy-ins when i quit playing them) as I didn't have the mental strength to play them/cope with the downswings or the skill to consistently win. I would say for me that I would want closer to 80-100 buy-ins to play at the $109's now. That way I can have my 16 out-of-the-money finishes :$ and still have a BR to play with (a 16 game losing streak :puke) I would encourage everyone to step up at some time and have a go - as GaF said, you will improve your game as you need to learn to play at a new level of poker and the buzz of winning your first $55 or $109 is great, especially when you see the BR zoom up! :rollin But only play when you can afford to, please don't unduly risk a major portion of your bankroll just to try! Just my thoughts Damo

Yes - I'm not good enough :tongue2 I think that the way I play is the style I have developed to take on the low stakes opponents i.e. bad players. I play pretty basic TAG poker, moving through the gears as my M dictates - there's little deception, or post flop play - as you said - I dont play a lot of poker .... this game relies on my opponents making mistakes - my profit comes from my opponents mistakes - quite simply, at $50, the mistakes aren't as frequent or as big - I think I might have to learn to play some poker at this level :tongue2
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Re: Inside Poker $200 to $5000 strategy

Is it possible that small stakes tables offer (ATM) the best opportunity of profit so??
I would say that in percentage terms yes - an ROI of 25-30% is achievable at the $5.5's & $11's, but unrealistic at the $55's & $109's - however you might make more actual $'s by winning fewer $109's than loads of $5.5's because of the money staked. its the risk-to-reward problem - say you can consistently earn $20 per hour by multi-tabling & grinding the $11's for 5 hours a day every day, but potentially could earn $100 per hour playing the $109's for 2 hours, what would you prefer to do? most folks would prefer to play for 2 hours rather than 5 and play less games - its about sound BR management and having the BR to absorb the swings. Without sound BR management and a strong mental attitude then folks would be better off sticking to the $11's to make money rather than risking the $109's because it is generally easier to win at lower levels than at higher ones if you are an above average player. An above average player will probably just about break even at higher levels, but they will make a consistent profit at lower stakes. Just my thoughts Damo
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Re: Inside Poker $200 to $5000 strategy Im on Paradise at the moment and after losing the first three games, I tweaked my play a little and promptly won the next three...Guess I was a little rusty too which didnt help. Agree with "sit-tight and see approach" here as there are usually only 3 players left as the blinds hit 50/100.. Despite the chip advantage in their favour, you Now have a 2/3 chance of profit - 66% and a good player can generally use this to his advantage. As a player Im not a bully and its not really my style but I can be very aggressive on a small stack and that kind of play suits me...But I do push with a lot of crap!! :lol:lol

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