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Inside Poker $200 to $5000 strategy


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Anyone got any thoughts on the above article in this months Inside Poker? Starting off at $10 STT's with a bankroll of only $200 does seem risky but they've admitted this themselves. They also reckon that there's a major difference in the standard of play between $10 and $20 STT's. I'd imagine it varies from site to site and anyone giving this a serious try would have to change skin every so often to make it work as well as grind out bonuses. :unsure

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Re: Inside Poker $200 to $5000 strategy Haven't read the article yet, but I do similar on Boss and am quite confident of getting any starting bankroll from about $40 up to $1000 quite quickly and "safely". I play a max of 5% of my bankroll, BUT move down rigidly when necessary. So starting off with $200, I would play a $10 game, but if I lost it I would go down to $5 and stay there till I had over $200 again. When I hit $400, I can go up to $20. (I have done the same with 10% instead of 5% when "in a rush" without any real problems too). I'm quite confident I demolish the $3, $5 and $10 STTs, I'm profitable at $20 and $30. I'm inconsistent at $50. Off to read the article now ;)

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Re: Inside Poker $200 to $5000 strategy

Haven't read the article yet' date=' but I do similar on Boss and am quite confident of getting any starting bankroll from about $40 up to $1000 quite quickly and "safely". I play a max of 5% of my bankroll, BUT move down rigidly when necessary. So starting off with $200, I would play a $10 game, [/quote'] Is that Multi Tabling Gaf ? or one table at a time
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Re: Inside Poker $200 to $5000 strategy I did it last week - $152 to $1400 :dude I did that on the short handed speed tables - I started one, and as soon as the BB hit $100, then I started another. When the BB there hit 100, then I started another - most of the time I had 2 tables going.....

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Re: Inside Poker $200 to $5000 strategy

I did it last week - $152 to $1400 :dude I did that on the short handed speed tables - I started one' date=' and as soon as the BB hit $100, then I started another. When the BB there hit 100, then I started another - most of the time I had 2 tables going.....[/quote'] would be interested to hear some basic game play theory for achieveing this - I don't need to know all your secrets, but one or two nuggets would help. I have been playing cash for the last couple of months as my STT play went completely down the pan - am wondering whether it was me playing crap, or the fact that others have caught up and I need to up my game again? any help/advice most appreciated :ok thanks Damo
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Re: Inside Poker $200 to $5000 strategy No secrets - no special strategy - just pretty basic (predicatable? :tongue2) poker - in fact pretty similar to the way I played the game that was recorded... Critical is awareness of M (but you know that) and when to move from folding marginal hands to shoving them. I do find that I always seem to miss out on the money the first few games at ANY level I play at - I presume I make some pretty small adjustments, based on how much fold equity I believe I have, and that seems to turn it around....

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Re: Inside Poker $200 to $5000 strategy yours or other peoples? I am aware of mine but I am finding other aren't and I end up shoving for 8BB or so after being TAG for the first 3/4 levels and getting called by all kinds of junk that often has me as a 60/40 dog (eg I shove with Q10 and the SB calls with K4 for a 40% of his stack etc) am really struggling to figure out why folks call with crap when they don't have to just because it is the bubble Damo

Critical is awareness of M (but you know that) and when to move from folding marginal hands to shoving them. .
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Re: Inside Poker $200 to $5000 strategy Yours AND others..... There are some atrotious calls out there - but pick your spots (late position against players who haven't shown a tendancy to call with nothing before, and aren't desperately short, or extra large) and it gets through enough to be profitable...... You HAVE to be aware of the buy in too - the lower the buy in, the more likely you are to get a bad call..... Depending on the situation, I will usually let myself get lower than 8xBB before shoving with nothing....

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Re: Inside Poker $200 to $5000 strategy okay this is what I mean - am I right to bet here with my draw or not and why does he call with K3? I would never make that call - limp your any 2 sooooted but when you miss :eyes Damo ps and what has the other guy got - he can't bet a 3? 15.00/30.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 05 September 2007 19:52:33 5 Player $10 NL (Real /Tournament ) Seat 1: @bsolut (1380.00) Seat 2: curt78 (1380.00) Seat 3: Eukay (1800.00) Seat 4: robilaruk (1425.00) Seat 5: D_Ray (1515.00) Eukay post SB 15.00 robilaruk post BB 30.00 ** Deal ** robilaruk [Qd, Kd] *** Bet Round 1 *** D_Ray Call 30.00 @bsolut Fold curt78 Call 30.00 Eukay Call 30.00 robilaruk Check *** Flop(Board): *** : [10d, 4h, 3s] *** Bet Round 2 *** Eukay Check robilaruk Check D_Ray Check curt78 Check *** Turn(Board): *** : [10d, 4h, 3s, Jc] *** Bet Round 3 *** Eukay Check robilaruk Bet 60.00 D_Ray Call 60.00 curt78 Call 60.00 Eukay Fold *** River(Board): *** : [10d, 4h, 3s, Jc, 2c] *** Bet Round 4 *** robilaruk Check D_Ray Check curt78 Check *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 300.00 @bsolut Fold Win: 0.00 curt78 [3h, Kh] Pair of threes Win: 300.00 Eukay Fold Win: 0.00 robilaruk [Qd, Kd] Highest card king Win: 0.00 D_Ray Fold Win: 0.00

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Re: Inside Poker $200 to $5000 strategy 2nd place is effectively getting your money back - so you need your fair share of wins - so you have to play to accumulate chips around the bubble and as stacks start getting short - you need to keep pressurising your opponents. Early on, your cards are important, later the situation is far more significant.... Early on I'll fold hands like AQ quite easily, late I wont think twice about shoving 32o from the SB when everyone has folded to me... Trying to think more at a theoretical level (rather than practical experience) - a major difference will be drawing hands - against 4 opponents they're far less valuable than on a full table.. I'm pretty confident I could do the same on the 10 seat non turbo tables - it just takes longer...

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Re: Inside Poker $200 to $5000 strategy

No secrets - no special strategy - just pretty basic (predicatable? :tongue2) poker - in fact pretty similar to the way I played the game that was recorded...
lol love it :lol but believe it or not it will reap rich rewards at that level :ok I have not read the article yet..... but yes it is very achievable
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Re: Inside Poker $200 to $5000 strategy

I'm not going to get as much time to play these as I'd want over the next week
That was the part that killed me on their strategy... think it said something about playing 200 STT's in month?? :unsure I'm lucky if I've played 200 STT's since I started playing poker 2 years ago!! :lol Might be tempted to give it a go... quite comfortable playing 4 cash tables at once now so 2 STT's at a time should be quite manageable! :ok I'll report back... when, and if (!!), I can get started!
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Re: Inside Poker $200 to $5000 strategy Thinking of moving away from the cash tables since prima started raking the $0.50/$1.00 pots under $5 little as it seems it doesnt half eat into my profit. Is it worth paying the extra rake to try this on the Betfred etc "jackpot" tables? Not suprised to see you doing well short handed GaF I still remember Parbet!

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Re: Inside Poker $200 to $5000 strategy

Haven't read the article yet, but I do similar on Boss and am quite confident of getting any starting bankroll from about $40 up to $1000 quite quickly and "safely". I play a max of 5% of my bankroll, BUT move down rigidly when necessary. So starting off with $200, I would play a $10 game, but if I lost it I would go down to $5 and stay there till I had over $200 again. When I hit $400, I can go up to $20. (I have done the same with 10% instead of 5% when "in a rush" without any real problems too). I'm quite confident I demolish the $3, $5 and $10 STTs, I'm profitable at $20 and $30. I'm inconsistent at $50. Off to read the article now ;)
Why haven't you retired?
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Re: Inside Poker $200 to $5000 strategy

That was the part that killed me on their strategy... think it said something about playing 200 STT's in month?? :unsure Might be tempted to give it a go... quite comfortable playing 4 cash tables at once now so 2 STT's at a time should be quite manageable! :ok
I had decide to concentrate my bankroll building efforts in September on the Low-Buy In Full Tilt 18 Man STT, but I read this article when I recieved the mag last week and thought I'd give it a try. I was a bit wary of $10 Buy-In, (being a bit of a tightwad) but have started off - averaging 2 Tourneys a day, it suggests 200 in 2 Months to hit the $600 figure. One tactic I would recommend is Patience. Anyway the standard is pretty average, and I've so far played 8 Won 3, 2nd Twice,and Out of Money other 3 times, with a return of +$101. So Brael I would definitely give it a crack. If an All-In or Fold Merchant like GaF can manage it then anybody can :tongue2 (BTW it recommends Multi Tabling in Months 3-4)
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Re: Inside Poker $200 to $5000 strategy

averaging 2 Tourneys a day' date=' it suggests 200 in [b']2 Months to hit the $600 figure. One tactic I would recommend is Patience. So Brael I would definitely give it a crack. If an All-In or Fold Merchant like GaF can manage it then anybody can :tongue2 (BTW it recommends Multi Tabling in Months 3-4)
can someone post a quick précis of the 'system' please? Thanks Damo
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Re: Inside Poker $200 to $5000 strategy To be honest, I don't think there's anything "clever" or surprising about it - I doubt there's anything you don't already know (and the specific example I would argue is too rigid....), but just for you... Month 1-2 Play $10 SnG's and aim to get from $200 to $600. If you average a profit of $2 per $10 game, then this will take 200 games (that's between 3 and 4 a day for 2 months). You should only play 1 table at a time. Month 3-4 Play $20 SnG until you hit $1200. If your ROI is 10%, then this will take 300 games (About 5 games a day). You should start to play 2 tables at a time. Month 5-6 Play $30 SnG - build to playing 4 games simultaneously. If you need to, move back to $20 games. This should take 400 games to get to $2500 Month 7-9 - Play $50 games till you hit your target...

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Re: Inside Poker $200 to $5000 strategy

you said your form at $50 was inconsisitent - where you able to identify what the big difference in being profitable was ? - between say $50 + $30 ?
Yes - I'm not good enough :tongue2 I think that the way I play is the style I have developed to take on the low stakes opponents i.e. bad players. I play pretty basic TAG poker, moving through the gears as my M dictates - there's little deception, or post flop play - as you said - I dont play a lot of poker .... this game relies on my opponents making mistakes - my profit comes from my opponents mistakes - quite simply, at $50, the mistakes aren't as frequent or as big - I think I might have to learn to play some poker at this level :tongue2
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Re: Inside Poker $200 to $5000 strategy

Yes - I'm not good enough :tongue2 I think that the way I play is the style I have developed to take on the low stakes opponents i.e. bad players. I play pretty basic TAG poker, moving through the gears as my M dictates - there's little deception, or post flop play - as you said - I dont play a lot of poker .... this game relies on my opponents making mistakes - my profit comes from my opponents mistakes - quite simply, at $50, the mistakes aren't as frequent or as big - I think I might have to learn to play some poker at this level :tongue2
Interesting point which makes me ask this question.... Our styles could not be more different - Im OVER agressive and you would (In my book) be classed as tight. I have made a regular good profit from small stakes - short handed tables yet our styles are so different... Is it possible that short handed tables offer (ATM) the best opportunity of profit so??
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Re: Inside Poker $200 to $5000 strategy

Am not too sure were the GaFs tight image comes from as if he does move "through the gears" aggression has to come through as the blinds increase and the table becomes more short handed.
In general poker terms - Not applying that to short handed game. But, two totally different players with totally different styles can make a few quid so the ask has to be...Are $5 or $10 short handed players poorer than most??
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