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Mad Games on Full Tilt


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I know this was highlighted for the WSOP but Fulltilt are still running their mad SNG freerolls every 2 or 3 mins. At the moment they have ones for the Aussie Millions and Poker After Dark. For those who dont know - set your tourney edit filter to Hold em, NL, sit & go and freerolls and every few minutes one will pop up at the top of your custom window then you have about 5 seconds to enter it as they fill up fast 330 and 630 seats. It is all in or fold every hand but great fun if you fancy a night away from serious poker and when you bust out, wait for the next one to appear. If you manage to scrape through about 30 mins there will be about 50 people left and then it calms down a bit, it is usually a seat you win to a giveaway tourney with a slim chance of the big prize but what the heck :ok

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  • 11 months later...

Re: Mad Games on Full Tilt Anyone still play these? Currently running for Patrik Antonius HU matches They fill in about 2 seconds, so you have to really be on the ball - 180 players and top 2 qualify for round 2 (or 360 players and top player only goes into round 2)... But I have a solution :-) I've worked out an AHK script that will automatically register you (180 seat tables only) as soon as a new game appears in the lobby - will register you in all of them, without having to watch the lobby like a hawk!! Script is this (not php - just using those brackets):

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
WinGet, lobby_id , ID, Full Tilt Poker - Logged
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
ControlGet, AllTablesAvail, List, , SysListView3211, ahk_id%lobby_id% ;used below to close closed tables (no longer in the list box)
ControlFocus, SysListView3211, ahk_id%lobby_id% ;set focus to the ListView
ControlSend, SysListView3211, {PgUp}, ahk_id%lobby_id%
ControlGet, Row, List, Focused, SysListView3211, ahk_id%lobby_id%
StringSplit, RowArray, Row, %A_Tab%, ' H '   ; Fields (columns) in each row are delimited by tabs (A_Tab).
GameCapacity180:=InStr(RowArray6,"of 180")
If(GameCapacity180>0 and BuyIn="Freeroll")
COntrolClick, FTCSkinButton11,ahk_id%lobby_id%
sleep 120000

Or if you really REALLY REALLY trust me, you can just use this executable file... http://rapidshare.de/files/40314908/FT_Open_Freerolls.exe.html You must have your lobby set up right ..... recommend you do it as follows: 1) Go to Sit and Go tab 2) Go to custom tab, then "Edit" tab then Select Filter=Sit and Go, Game=Holdem, Type=NoLimit, Buy in=no minimum and Max=$1, Category= MultiTable and Category=Satellite, Tourney Type=Turbo, Handed=8/9 handed and show=FTP Points Tournaments 3) Ensure Show Running and Show Completed are not ticked - you probably have about 3 to 5 games showing in the lobby. 4) Sort by buy in so that the freerolls appear at the top. 5) Leave the script running and just wait for tabvles to open :-)

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  • 3 months later...

Re: Mad Games on Full Tilt

Anyone still play these? Currently running for Patrik Antonius HU matches They fill in about 2 seconds, so you have to really be on the ball - 180 players and top 2 qualify for round 2 (or 360 players and top player only goes into round 2)... But I have a solution :-) I've worked out an AHK script that will automatically register you (180 seat tables only) as soon as a new game appears in the lobby - will register you in all of them, without having to watch the lobby like a hawk!! Script is this (not php - just using those brackets):
#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
WinGet, lobby_id , ID, Full Tilt Poker - Logged
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
ControlGet, AllTablesAvail, List, , SysListView3211, ahk_id%lobby_id% ;used below to close closed tables (no longer in the list box)
ControlFocus, SysListView3211, ahk_id%lobby_id% ;set focus to the ListView
ControlSend, SysListView3211, {PgUp}, ahk_id%lobby_id%
ControlGet, Row, List, Focused, SysListView3211, ahk_id%lobby_id%
StringSplit, RowArray, Row, %A_Tab%, ' H '   ; Fields (columns) in each row are delimited by tabs (A_Tab).
GameCapacity180:=InStr(RowArray6,"of 180")
If(GameCapacity180>0 and BuyIn="Freeroll")
COntrolClick, FTCSkinButton11,ahk_id%lobby_id%
sleep 120000

Or if you really REALLY REALLY trust me, you can just use this executable file... http://rapidshare.de/files/40314908/FT_Open_Freerolls.exe.html You must have your lobby set up right ..... recommend you do it as follows: 1) Go to Sit and Go tab 2) Go to custom tab, then "Edit" tab then Select Filter=Sit and Go, Game=Holdem, Type=NoLimit, Buy in=no minimum and Max=$1, Category= MultiTable and Category=Satellite, Tourney Type=Turbo, Handed=8/9 handed and show=FTP Points Tournaments 3) Ensure Show Running and Show Completed are not ticked - you probably have about 3 to 5 games showing in the lobby. 4) Sort by buy in so that the freerolls appear at the top. 5) Leave the script running and just wait for tabvles to open :-)

Hello GottaFancy, I was hoping you could help me,your AHK script for entering freerolls,is it just for sit and go or can u make one that enters you in the freeroll tourny's?,I tried modifying it but it wont click register button,it's really annoying waiting 3 minutes everytime to get in them even then lucky if you get a chance,thought this would be an easier way,any help much appreciated .Thank's:wall
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Re: Mad Games on Full Tilt I'm not sure what freerolls are running at the moment, but will have a look when I get a chance (not tonight) and see if I can modify the script - I cant see why not :ok This was set up for the MTT SnG Freerolls on FullTilt, which I think is what you're looking at?

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Re: Mad Games on Full Tilt Full Tilt have changed the way they do these - now they are "announced" in advance of registering, with a time for when they will become available (leading I presume to registration filling even faster) - however in spite of this, the script still seems to be working (I've just got into 3 consecutive games) - I cannot I'm afraid know why you cannot get it to work Fr33roll3r (I'm not an AHK programmer - can just "get by" with some simple scripts). Only thought at the moment - is your Full Tilt client in English?

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Re: Mad Games on Full Tilt Hello GottaFancy, Thanks for replying so quickly:notworthy,you are correct im using English version of FullTilt,but it's not the announced Freerolls i want to enter,the 180 freeroll Tourny's still run every 3 min's,not sure about the 360 one's. freerollscy3.th.jpg The script you posted wouldn't keep focus on the list "SysListView3211",I changed it to 3210 i think,it stays focused now but just wont click the register button when they appear,again thank's for your fast responce :ok

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Re: Mad Games on Full Tilt Yes - this runs for those tournies - just the 180's, not the 360's. I notice from your screen print that you're in the Scheduled Tournaments lobby - have you tried with the instructions at the bottom of post 3? (i.e. in the sit and go custom tab, filtered?)

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