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Stans EPT London RH Freerolls


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EPT London 'Eeee's a cheeky, chirpy cockerney....' and so on Now rolling straight off the back of our EPT Barcelona Freerolls, where lucky winner ‘Spud83’ will be enjoying his first major event as part of his $14,000 prize, Stan’s Poker are now offering our players the chance to take a Freeman’s to London town. That’s right, it’s the EPT London next month and you can be there on us in another $14,000 package, and once again; its free to enter with Stan’s. There is one key difference… We’re changing the structure from weekly to DAILY Freerolls and there will be more seats in the final so more of you have a chance to win this belting prize! From Monday 27th August to Sunday 9th September, we have daily tournaments all offering various numbers of seats to the final on Monday 10th September at 20:00 sharp.


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