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KK in Deep Stack, Raggy Flop


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Deep stack on Stars, 5k chips with 30 minute blinds - about 1 hr 15 mins in at this point. I've been fairly restrained up til now. No real read on anyone because I'd been moved to the table not too long before this. PokerStars Game #11663367326: Tournament #58540387, $20+$2 Hold'em No Limit - Level III (25/50) - 2007/08/24 - 09:43:37 (ET) Table '58540387 19' 9-max Seat #9 is the button Seat 1: jhucks (3253 in chips) is sitting out Seat 2: sstfc (8120 in chips) Seat 3: iren (9965 in chips) Seat 4: SATANSHARK (14545 in chips) Seat 5: Telma123 (7650 in chips) Seat 6: JadedJ (8725 in chips) Seat 7: hekat09 (14610 in chips) is sitting out Seat 8: partypokerx (5998 in chips) Seat 9: twistedplaye (10910 in chips) jhucks: posts small blind 25 sstfc: posts big blind 50 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to JadedJ [Ks Kh] iren: folds SATANSHARK: folds Telma123: folds JadedJ: raises 150 to 200 hekat09: folds partypokerx: folds twistedplaye: folds jhucks: folds sstfc: calls 150 *** FLOP *** [5c Td 7d] sstfc: bets 150 How much should I reraise by?

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Re: KK in Deep Stack, Raggy Flop Think i would be raising more than the pot here maybe 900-1000, infact the psychological barrier of 1000 will do. He might be seeing implied odds to a 500 raise and his stack is big enough for him to gamble with.

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Re: KK in Deep Stack, Raggy Flop Thats the beauty of poker and the futility of a strategy forum. There is no correct way to play any hand online. Its quite early in the tourney so often as not I would flat call him, let him bet the turn, flat call him, let him bet the river and flat call him again and despite that being the most dangerous approach it would probably win the most chips(or lose the most). Also it sets up a great table image as the most passive wimp at the table. But I do like putting in a $1000 chip if you just want to take the hand down which is what most would do here. The big problem with this hand is the other guys chip stack!

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Re: KK in Deep Stack, Raggy Flop I would probably put in a continuation bet of about 350. It's the expected thing and hides your hand to a degree. If you are re-raised then the set may have you beaten. Unless a pair or a diamond hit the turn, you are probably ahead, then it may be time to turn the screw.

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Re: KK in Deep Stack, Raggy Flop Id play exactly the same as Staffy here. Re-raise of about 350 thus making it a 500 to play pot.. A diamond or a pair or and Ace sees me to the next hand where I play by ear.. Any big raise and Ive fcuked off.. Any check and Im betting 500 again or maybe even 1,000 depending on how I see the play evolve ahead of me! Id be very sick if he has 5,7 o - Very sick indeed!!!!!

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Re: KK in Deep Stack, Raggy Flop I raised by 300... what now? PokerStars Game #11663367326: Tournament #58540387, $20+$2 Hold'em No Limit - Level III (25/50) - 2007/08/24 - 09:43:37 (ET) Table '58540387 19' 9-max Seat #9 is the button Seat 1: jhucks (3253 in chips) is sitting out Seat 2: sstfc (8120 in chips) Seat 3: iren (9965 in chips) Seat 4: SATANSHARK (14545 in chips) Seat 5: Telma123 (7650 in chips) Seat 6: JadedJ (8725 in chips) Seat 7: hekat09 (14610 in chips) is sitting out Seat 8: partypokerx (5998 in chips) Seat 9: twistedplaye (10910 in chips) jhucks: posts small blind 25 sstfc: posts big blind 50 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to JadedJ [Ks Kh] iren: folds SATANSHARK: folds Telma123: folds JadedJ: raises 150 to 200 hekat09: folds partypokerx: folds twistedplaye: folds jhucks: folds sstfc: calls 150 *** FLOP *** [5c Td 7d] sstfc: bets 150 JadedJ: raises 300 to 450 sstfc: calls 300 *** TURN *** [5c Td 7d] [6c] sstfc: checks

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Re: KK in Deep Stack, Raggy Flop Probably round about three quarters to a pot sized bet, but not over the pot, i never like putting bets bigger than the pot in as it's over-committing to a pot which in this case, if you're re-raised then you have to fold anyway. I don't get why the guy would call on the flop unless he was drawing at something and it's likely he's ahead here with pockets between 4's and 8's seems v likely, but i'd fire out a bet and see what happens.

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Re: KK in Deep Stack, Raggy Flop Far too many draws to be betting 3/4 pot as he HAS the chips to gamble with, stick the lot in and move onto the next hand or if your beat the next tourney. Unfortunatly it ruins the "passive wimp illusion". Only other option is to try and check it down. The raise on the flop was too small to do anything other than get a call by any sort of hand followed by a check/raise or check/fold on the turn. I think my second option of calling would have won more chips if he missed and lost less chips if he had hit. As I keep saying the other guy has chips to play with and could be in this hand wth absolutly anything( it cost him 1% of his stack to see the flop despite the raise) so you really dont have a clue were you are.

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Re: KK in Deep Stack, Raggy Flop I'm a lazy git at the best of times...hit pot bet, it's easier than typing amounts in. {KK has been very sweet to me over last few days, seemed to have it lots. Hit KKKK once and trips each time I've been challenged (apart from one this morning where I faced a pot raise after Ace on flop and folded).}

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Re: KK in Deep Stack, Raggy Flop I love the passive wimp play as well, if the draw happens it is going to happen unless you shove them all in. He has called a raise in the BB with a drawing hand, he has called your bet on the flop (too low BTW) with the odds. Shoving is very dangerous and I am guessing any bet is wasted chips, check and see the river if he comes out betting an amount upto a 1100 I think you are beat but it may be worth calling as you have not wasted those chips on the turn. If he checks the river he may have missed he wouldn't have liked your check on the turn if he had a made hand and will have to stick a value bet in on the river.

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