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AT with super-low M


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Deep into a tourney - 2254 started, down to the money stages by now - about 150 left, I'm somewhere around 140th. Does my super-low M give me enough reasons to shove here? PokerStars Game #11614083386: Tournament #58622821, $10+$1 Hold'em No Limit - Level XIII (1000/2000) - 2007/08/21 - 16:16:28 (ET) Table '58622821 186' 9-max Seat #5 is the button Seat 1: AnimalMdnite (10939 in chips) Seat 2: lucatone (21110 in chips) Seat 3: Plug1983 (40213 in chips) Seat 4: zoonie824 (19647 in chips) Seat 5: mikbru (37352 in chips) Seat 7: boris64 (29568 in chips) Seat 8: JadedJ (7397 in chips) Seat 9: airm@x90 (4376 in chips) AnimalMdnite: posts the ante 100 lucatone: posts the ante 100 Plug1983: posts the ante 100 zoonie824: posts the ante 100 mikbru: posts the ante 100 boris64: posts the ante 100 JadedJ: posts the ante 100 airm@x90: posts the ante 100 boris64: posts small blind 1000 JadedJ: posts big blind 2000 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to JadedJ [Ts Ah] airm@x90: folds AnimalMdnite: folds lucatone: raises 4000 to 6000 Plug1983: folds zoonie824: folds mikbru: folds boris64: folds

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Re: AT with super-low M Tough one - you're effectively calling an all in for your tournament life - ATo isn't that good, but you're out of time.......there are other factors I want to take into account (how lucatone has been playing, what the table has been playing like generally....) but I probably reluctantly shove here.....

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Re: AT with super-low M gut feel is to shove, but it depends until how many people are left to go out until the next level of prize money kicks in. If it's just a few I'd fold and hope to limp up a level in money terms

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Re: AT with super-low M I disagree with the others opinion, that it is a close call. In my opinion this is a very easy all-in. You are sitting in the BB with 7397 chips, you have put in 2000 as BB an 100 as ante already. So you have 5297 left, if you call and win you win 7397*2 + 1000 SB + 600 anetes from the players not in the pot= 16394. So you just need 32.31 % on average to make a call right, you almost have that against KK-JJ or AK-AJ and you have almost a coinflip against 99-22. Not to mention Villain could very well be stealing and you are actually ahead. To me thats a no brainer, easy push.

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