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the gent is back

Guest English Gent2

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Guest Parahandy

Re: the gent is back English Gent


I have to say some serious gamblers lost a fortune tonight on England, but at least we are not scotland

you're dead right mate. . . Scotland are winning ;) England are hyped up at every turn by your unbelievable media. They lack flair and invention and desperately need at least one midfield player who can go past people. They are very static in that area. Got two very lucky goals to beat Slovakia then Sven says they were unlucky last night. He talked a lot of c**p in his post match interview. Macedonia fully deserved a draw. I can imagine what the English press must be saying this morning. Back to the drawing board with their Euro 2004 predictions I would think. Truth is England should be a much better team than they are. Ericksson is nothing special, no better than his recent predecessors. This was proved in the World Cup finals. The first time they came up against real quality opposition they were exposed for what they are. . .a grossly overrated team.

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??????? England beat Argentina in the WC which was a result in anyone's book. They lost to Brazil because of lack of belief. However, with the players they have I feel that the quarterfinal was a fair placing for them. Scotland have a poor team at the moment, and didn't need to "come up against quality opposition" to be "exposed for what they are". By the way, before you start slagging me off, I am not English and have no alligence to England. I look on all your national teams objectively. The things England need to look at is why their manager dropped the formation that he rescued him in the last match, and reverted to a 4-4-2. The English always play this formation, and it is so easy to smother. However, England need not panic. Nothing has changed for them. Because of Turkey's goal difference it was always neccessary for England to beat Turkey. If they do this once and draw the other match against them, then they will be ahead by one point. The only impressive performance from Britain last night was Wales who succeeded against a very dubious referee. The republic of Ireland suffered because of the manager they have (he really has no idea. I was at the match in Moscow last month, and he made no changes eventhough it was obvious his midfield was struggling). northern ireland suffer from a lack of international quality players, and will not feature in 2004. You say that England are overhyped by the media. This is the English way. If you look at the map of the world, you expect so much from a small country. My country is several 100 times the size of england, and we achieve fcuk all, so imagine how we feel. Although with 6 points from 2 games, we do start to imagine glory, and although glory for russia is only a dream, its a nice one :)

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Guest Samarsky

England... I have no intentions to offend the Leeds United fans (especially Paul Ross) but I think these players Alan Smith, Woodgate (and also Lee) must not be in our national team. They are not good enough... and we need a new keeper...

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Guest tigertough12

MACEDONIA England was very lucky to escape with a draw I must say, what a great night it was for macedonian football. 5 of their best players were not even on the park, either injured or suspended. Who was England missing????????????

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Guest tigertough12

Re: MACEDONIA Emille WHO???????????? is he that player that warms up the bench and cuts the oranges at half time for liverpool? ps. I dont fancy your chances of beating turkey if you cant even beat macedonia at home. In fact, I dont even think you will qualify, not even finish 2nd in the group.

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Guest toshibakid

England Macedonia did not deserve a draw,England fully deserved to win!! We pounded there goal,they where trying 50 yard shots all the second half!! !! They got one lucky goal and and seaman was blinded by cambells fat ass on the second,Beckhams goal was quality and Gerrards was class,We had a goal which wernt offside canceld out,so in effect we where cheted by the little t*ats from macedonia who kept on time wasting!! Still the scoreline reads 2-2,Macedonia where lucky as simple as that! Germany 1 - 5 England!!! :)

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tosh in that group England will finish no worse than 2nd no doubt, but you dont have a fcuking clue you need to accept when you play bad thats it, footie they deserved at least a draw don't keep harping back to past performances, its what you do now that matters. England can play better, fair enough, yes? so why don't you just accept it you were shite, admit it and move on

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Guest tigertough12

SPOOF lets the whole team down AGAIN i totally agree with you dirkscot but england are hopeless and should've lost to slovakia on saturday as well. As long as SPOOF (seaman) is in goal, England will do nothing.

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