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duplicate poker


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Re: duplicate poker

anyone tried this site
had a go there a couple of weeks ago,,,they have a game where your table has the same cards as the other tables and played in sync,,so someone on the other tables has the same cards as yourself and you progress like a round robin,,bit complicated but fun
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Re: duplicate poker

had a go there a couple of weeks ago' date=',,they have a game where your table has the same cards as the other tables and played in sync,,so someone on the other tables has the same cards as yourself and you progress like a round robin,,bit complicated but fun[/quote'] That's a foooking good idea. A poker version of duplicate bridge. For any of you that are bridge players you will know that rubber bridge means that you can be a poor player but if you are lucky in the cards you get dealt, you will beat even an expert player. Duplicate bridge removes virtually all luck from the game.
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Re: duplicate poker Had a look at it and far from convinced.... Less luck or more luck? The game is played by levels - a certain number of players are eliminated at the end of each level - seems to be solely about stack management (reset at the end of each level) - the player being eliminated at the end of each level HAS to go all in on the last hand (and possible hand before) to get out of trouble - other players to be eliminated HAVE to call - one of them has to win, with any 2 cards and doubles up, eliminating someone who thought they were safe.... You only get 10 hands or so per level.... From what I've seen (not a lot) there's less skill in this than "normal" poker (it's also painfully slow - it's effectively hand for hand for every street of every hand). The reason they "sell it" as a skill game is to by pass the US regulations... Am also majorly concerned about collusion in this - how do they stop it? A "team" of 4 or 5 players communicating on Skype or similar would be unstoppable (effectively they can KNOW what cards their opponents have)......

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Re: duplicate poker

give me good game of crib anyday:ok
You're on. Next time we meet I'll bring me peg board and a pack of cards. :ok Now how does the counting go when we're playing the cards at the start of each round ...................... ah yes: 22 and 9 will do 23 and 8's the spree 24 and 7's the door 25 and 6's alive 26 and 5's the fix 27 and 4's in heaven 28 and 3's the weight 29 and 2's in time :rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin
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Re: duplicate poker

Duplicate bridge removes virtually all luck from the game.
I think "virtually all" is overstating it a lot. It eliminates the luck of one side getting most of the good cards, but there are lots of other sources of luck that it doesn't eliminate. For example, you might bid a hand better than your opponents to get to a good contract that fails because of an unlucky lie of the cards, or you might play a hand better but find that the inferior line happens to work, etc.
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Re: duplicate poker

You're on. Next time we meet I'll bring me peg board and a pack of cards. :ok Now how does the counting go when we're playing the cards at the start of each round ...................... ah yes: 22 and 9 will do 23 and 8's the spree 24 and 7's the door 25 and 6's alive 26 and 5's the fix 27 and 4's in heaven 28 and 3's the weight 29 and 2's in time /quote] And don't forget "one for his nob" :loon
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