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20070806 Virgin PL STT - Level 6


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Re: 20070806 Virgin PL STT - Level 6 Hand 37 - weeeeeeeeeeeee Hand 38 - 3rd time flva had gone all in with the button (not good my friend) Hand 39 - Should have been an instacall Jolly :ok Hand 40 - Nice move GaF love it :clap:clap Hand 41 - I really cannot understand the fold here, given that you had aleady tagged Jolly's moves during the game, ideal time to shove. Hand 42 - I'm shoving with A rag just because its flva's BB and hoping to get lucky if he calls which I'm pretty sure he will not. I cannot believe now that Jolly had AK, I just got even luckier :ok Hand 43 - Damo doubles up flva :wall I would have shoved pre flop to the SB limp personally but I as reading flva maybe damo didn't have his eye on the ball? Hand 44 - I was expecting the shove from Damo here and I was poined over the call button but no I get a walk and my stack is rising slowly :) Hand 45 - Now Damo shoves with a worse hand with another player to go through. At this stage I am worried about two things - I have started to tread water and I need to start shoving and Jolly is accumlating chips. GaF still being at the table concerns me but the other two are dead money.

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