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20070806 Virgin PL STT - Level 5


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Re: 20070806 Virgin PL STT - Level 5

Ah - now I see why there were no comments - the video wasn't working - someone should have said something!!! Should be fixed now :ok (Level 6 will be up in a couple of mins...)
The real reason is we just don't care GaF! Joking! :)
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Re: 20070806 Virgin PL STT - Level 5

Ah - now I see why there were no comments - the video wasn't working - someone should have said something!!! Should be fixed now :ok (Level 6 will be up in a couple of mins...)
I've not really had any time Gaf :sad I will take a look at the next levels ASAP and post some comment hopefully this weekend :ok
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Re: 20070806 Virgin PL STT - Level 5 Hand 28 - Crap fold by me, I should have been at it there :eyes Hand 30 - Same here for GaF he should have raised here. Hand 30 & 31 - Again I have decent raising hands but I dont like the position so err on a fold. Hand 34 - I can see your point GaF but I have been waiting for the position to do that and have patiently folded all this round. I like to leave a bit behind it indicated more strength than an all in - See the article in this months IP about playing with less than 10BB I found it very interesting ;) Hand 35 - Nice shove and delay tactics GaF :clap It has all gone a little tight on this level and like GaF I note that for the coming levels.

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Re: 20070806 Virgin PL STT - Level 5 In poker, you can win in 2 ways - you can win by showing down the best hand, or you can win because your opponent(s) fold. Fold Equity is the value (equity) you have when you bet and your opponent folds.... Fold Equity is the reason why aggressive players are more successful than passive players. A little article on it in wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fold_equity - not sure it's the best/clearest, but might help elaborate a little on what I've said.

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Re: 20070806 Virgin PL STT - Level 5

nice to actually see players folding hands such as qj' date=' most people at the lower levels are more than happy to bet their whole stack on hands like that! [/quote'] Watch the later levels - you'll see me playing with anything as my stack gets shorter..... 20070806 Virgin PL STT - Level 7 - This is where it gets interesting IMO
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Re: 20070806 Virgin PL STT - Level 5 No worries, just wondered. And YES i would like to see some bad Gaf-isms if you wouldn't mind, you know you gotta show some bad once in a while ;) My problem is i only talk about my bad, maybe i should take a leaf out of your book ;)

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