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betfair poker is dire

devil tish

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dunno what everyone else thinks, but betfair poker just does not do it for me. i know i make a good profit playing stt's on boss, and even sun, but blimey charlie. i have lost count of the hands in the last 24hrs i have played on betfair, where i have got my opponant to commit all his chips, needing a miracle 2-4 outer, and get done on the river. i know this happens in poker, and in the long run i will make a profit, but it is getting boring now. i am not even talking 2 overcards to my pocket pair, i am talking about totally dominated hands ie aa v a3, and qq qj, getting sucked out on every time. i jhave looked at my history and i have one 1 out of the last 15 such situations where i am an overwhelming fav, after cunningly trapping my opponant, getting him to commit all his chips on some miracle draw, and lose the hand. the software is annoying, the sounds irritating, the colours confusing.....why can't anyone match boss for gameplay/simplicity/multi-table ease/and muppetts:) know boss has its faults but it is way the best gameplay for me, and you can play fast literally, put your opponents under a bit of pressure, which i find in short table stt's with fast blinds can work to your advantage. so watch out kids the i am coming back to boss after getting a bonus on my devil tish a/c on paradise:nana love to see ya there, its been a while! tish

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Re: betfair poker is dire If you say that in 14 of the last 15 situations where you have been, lets say, a 90% fav ("an overwhelming fav") when the money went in, but lost, then quite simply, I'm sorry, I don't believe you :loon :tongue2 The odds of that are so remote as to effectively be impossible - if I were to see genuine evidence that that had happened, then I would accept that it's rigged/compromised!! I dont believe for 1 second that betfair is rigged/compromised!!!

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Re: betfair poker is dire

If you say that in 14 of the last 15 situations where you have been' date=' lets say, a 90% fav ("an overwhelming fav") when the money went in, but lost, then quite simply, I'm sorry, I don't believe you :loon :tongue2 The odds of that are so remote as to effectively be impossible - if I were to see genuine evidence that that had happened, then I would accept that it's rigged/compromised!! I dont believe for 1 second that betfair is rigged/compromised!!![/quote'] telling ya gaf, and my lottery numbers are 6 19 28 29 40 47:ok maybe not a 90% fav, but a fav the aa a3 and qq qj were prominent hands in particular, can't be arsed dwelling on it just sacking betfair for good. i dont do tourneys just stt's 5/6/9/10 seat. another classic was my 78c v 782 on flop, where a guy holding 72 called a massive raise to put himself all in, turn 2, river 2. longshot or what? just getting pee'd off with it m8 and the software is well crap imo.
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Re: betfair poker is dire I dont think in any way shape or form that its fixed (although many situations make me question it at at times), but I 100% agree that the software is shite. To the point that I only ever play there nowadays if its a freeroll. Look at Boss/ Paradise to see how a poker site should be run. Used to play Prima mostly (ok) and Betfred (I also like ), but tbh Boss actually have it spot on nowadays. Betfair are constantly changing/upgrading software but there is no personal feeling with any of it, its too square/clinical. Or is that just me?

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Re: betfair poker is dire

I dont think in any way shape or form that its fixed (although many situations make me question it at at times), but I 100% agree that the software is shite. To the point that I only ever play there nowadays if its a freeroll. Look at Boss/ Paradise to see how a poker site should be run. Used to play Prima mostly (ok) and Betfred (I also like ), but tbh Boss actually have it spot on nowadays. Betfair are constantly changing/upgrading software but there is no personal feeling with any of it, its too square/clinical. Or is that just me?
Nope, I agree!! Don't like Betfair at all and it doesn't exist on my PC! It'll probably re-appear at some point in the future tho', for a decent freeroll but no way am I depositing there! TQM
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Re: betfair poker is dire Betfair top the exchanges by a long way. However, their poker, don't forget, is still just a baby and I reckon it will develop into a top site. Must add that I have never questioned the randomness of the cards and surprised that anybody would, given the standing of the company running it. The adjustable table size is a god send when you're doing other internet things at the same time.

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Re: betfair poker is dire

after cunningly trapping my opponant, getting him to commit all his chips on some miracle draw, and lose the hand.
just like to point out Its more likely there innability to play/give a toss rather than your cunning thats got them to put their chips in the middle in situations like this lol :D
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Re: betfair poker is dire dont mind the software too much now, although it took a fair bit of play to get used to it, but prefer it over the microgaming sites without a shadow of a doubt. Regards the randomness of the other players, it can be very frustrating, sometimes it goes for you other times it just doesnt, same as anywhere else really.

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  • 1 year later...

Re: betfair poker is dire betfair is both dire and rigged, allegedly. It just seems strange that the rules of probability are thrown into chaos at certain times. it is true that losing streaks do occur, but I would be interested to know how betfair protect their games algorithms. Obviously, someone will have superuser access to the software, but I suspect that more than one person (in fact probably a select few) have access to override the software.

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Re: betfair poker is dire

why can't anyone match boss for gameplay/simplicity/multi-table ease/and muppetts:) know boss has its faults but it is way the best gameplay for me
Look at Boss/ Paradise to see how a poker site should be run. Used to play Prima mostly (ok) and Betfred (I also like ), but tbh Boss actually have it spot on nowadays.
Damn are you guys serious? Boss is easily the worst software I've ever played. It's like playing in the dark ages, as I've said before. No resizable tables, laggy software that often crashes, a rubbish lobby with no decent filters, hardly any traffic, hand histories that don't signify between different currencies, etc, etc. It's awful even the people at Paradise and other skins recognise that but they say the actual changes implemented by the Boss network will take a while. Surprised you guys are satisfied with it compared to the likes of stars and full tilt. And smaller site wise prima is a hell of a lot better than boss.
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Re: betfair poker is dire

Damn are you guys serious? Boss is easily the worst software I've ever played. It's like playing in the dark ages, as I've said before. No resizable tables, laggy software that often crashes, a rubbish lobby with no decent filters, hardly any traffic, hand histories that don't signify between different currencies, etc, etc. It's awful even the people at Paradise and other skins recognise that but they say the actual changes implemented by the Boss network will take a while. Surprised you guys are satisfied with it compared to the likes of stars and full tilt. And smaller site wise prima is a hell of a lot better than boss.
Well you just quoted me from a year ago :loon:loon:loon But I stand by the fact that Boss pisses all over Betfair software even today. I have changed my my mind with Microgaming/Prima, though. Refuse to play there now.
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Re: betfair poker is dire

Damn are you guys serious? Boss is easily the worst software I've ever played. It's like playing in the dark ages, as I've said before. No resizable tables, laggy software that often crashes, a rubbish lobby with no decent filters, hardly any traffic, hand histories that don't signify between different currencies, etc, etc. It's awful even the people at Paradise and other skins recognise that but they say the actual changes implemented by the Boss network will take a while. Surprised you guys are satisfied with it compared to the likes of stars and full tilt. And smaller site wise prima is a hell of a lot better than boss.
The Boss software has more than its fair share of problems, but I cannot accept that it's anywhere near as bad as you suggest To pick on just a few of your statements. Lobbies - specifically tournament lobbies - Boss is far far superior to Stars and Full Tilt - Stars and FT are the worst out there - they're unreadable, the fields are incomplete and looking for your specific tournament is never easy..... Hardly any traffic? Sure it lags behind Stars and FullTilt (everyone does!!) but its 24 hour peak in traffic (http://www.pokerscout.com/) makes it bigger than Ultimate Bet, Absolute, Pacific (wow - how far have they fallen? Now that is crap software - even the new version), Microgaming, Bodog, Entraction, Betfair, PKR, Cryptologic, Ladbrokes, Merge Crashes/lagging - historically it's been pretty bad, but I seldom have problems now Hand History Currencies: I'm pretty certain this has been corrected and the hand histories have (for a while now) defined currency (I presume you come at this from a PT perspective? Whether PT has implemented this change or not is a PT issue, not a Boss issue)
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Re: betfair poker is dire Am I the only one who like betfair on here then? They don't have many mtt's and struggle to get +100 players in most of there tournies but the cash tables are one of the softest ones I've seen. Much easier to be up a couple buyins on betfair than stars that's for sure! They all so tight on stars cash tables a lot of daily grinders on there than betfair!

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  • 3 months later...

Re: betfair poker is dire oh betfair poker, what a joke if u wish to keep hold of ur money i suggest u keep well clear, its amzing how many times a bomproof hand loses on there been losing on so may ridicolus outcome, today was just another expmple flop flush on flop go all board 9,8,3, hrts by the way holding 6,7 hrts go all in he call with k,9 turn river 3,3, pocket queens flop j,10 4 ,all in 7,j on other days allins with high pairs only 4 for suits to come on brds suprisingly i,m never holding the right suit, 2 pairs river a pairs produced to which u never have. i,m not moaning as other sites ie pacific poker i recommend deal a proportanate amout of good wins bad beats, but betfair seems to constantly dealing 13/1 shots and higher i think next time luton town play manchester utd i ;ll bet on luton as poker odds go it sounds like a winning bet ,just for people outthere if u wanna keep on getting constantly outdrawn on long shots then i recommend betfair, if not then i,d stay well away and save ur money

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  • 5 months later...

Re: betfair poker is dire ok I am going to give you some names clubsoda fred2029 spasaratt nassemasse1 and 2 sunnysund and many more for different limits ( multiple accounts players) with an average of 500% roi, thats way more of the best players in the world.... You dont know but if you look at this players locations they come from brasil, canada, south africa etc etc in reality they all come from MALTA with bristish passport playing in the same room...if you checked how they play you come across the idea that those players play really bad poker and they get extremily lucky on rivers well think again because you can be the best player around using the best strategy with discipline they will take your money hand after hand..those players have a deal with erika brickley ( she is 1 of the top manager based in westminster working for betfair) she call malta every monday to betfair payroll ( specificly for poker) she ask them to deposit 85% rake back to all this players ( illegal pokerprops)...the overroll ammount of rake back is 100% she gets the remaining 15%... In may 2008 betfair during the match s.petersbourg Vs rangers had to close their site down for security reasons...some hacker have managed to entry they security system also managed to steal some valueable infos from betfair users...however betfair act on time but those hackers walked out with some poker infos that later have been used to controll the poker rooms having the unfair advantage to see the opponents hole cards ( ultimate bet , absolute bet almost same situation)..this player was reported by those pokerprops and later caught by betfair his name was VALE he made over 350.000 pounds...but bare in mind that betfair has not managed to stop it so this VALE keep coming in with different usernames..the pokerprops they starting to lose business because of that so some of them have left and paid out by betfair to keep their mouth shut....so if you play at betfair you most likely to lose money for bad luck, pokerprops and hackers........ most of you will think this is nonsense but unfortunaly it is all true... sorry for my english ...........good luck

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Re: betfair poker is dire I've played Betfair for 6 years and still I struggle to come to terms with this site.... at least at cash where it tends to hit hard on the river .... I must admit it is on a par with Pokerstars cash which is totally surreal at times ..... I see so many times where someone has a monster hand and the river will nearly always make someone (only 2 or 3 in pot) else a monster so they feel "obliged" to call .... obviously without their 3 / 4 outer hitting they aren't going to call a bet on the river ... thats alot of rake over the site per day .... Today .... 5 5 7 5 K ..... he has 5 ... i have KK but only call a double my bet reraise on river .... Also 10 s 6d Js .... 9s 6c .... he has Ks Qs .... I have J J .... these were both omaha hands .... but its so uncanny how the RNG gives me the river both times to complete a pretty strong in both cases .... At the time I don't think there are many players who would fold ... in hindsight yes both are easy folds ..... or knowing the sites inside out they are DEFINITELY easy folds ....:sad. I have this strange thing at the moment where I read it pretty well but call "just incase i'm wrong" .... crazy really ......:rollin.

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