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Bluff Called By Limper, What Next?


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Nothing much in the way of a read on Christoz here. 75 mins or so into the tourney, am 12th of 36 at the moment - 18 places paid. Decided to go for a bluff with A5s, then made a continuation bet on the flop to see what he did. What should I go for now? (Pot's 1820, he has 1135 left) Full Tilt Poker Game #3179667755: $20 + $2 Tournament (24224231), Table 12 - 60/120 - No Limit Hold'em - 10:14:41 ET - 2007/08/07 Seat 1: christoz (1,955) Seat 2: cobere32 (2,745) Seat 3: ass-pokermann (14,275) Seat 4: JohnnyT18 (10,535) Seat 5: JadedJ (3,720) Seat 6: BrotherIvory (840) Seat 7: eagle5803 (710) Seat 9: MAINTAINEN (4,150) BrotherIvory posts the small blind of 60 eagle5803 posts the big blind of 120 The button is in seat #5 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to JadedJ [Ad 5d] MAINTAINEN folds christoz calls 120 cobere32 folds ass-pokermann folds JohnnyT18 folds JadedJ raises to 300 BrotherIvory folds eagle5803 folds christoz calls 180 *** FLOP *** [3h 9s 4s] christoz checks JadedJ bets 520 christoz calls 520 *** TURN *** [3h 9s 4s] [7d] christoz checks

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Re: Bluff Called By Limper, What Next? Looks like he has a big-ish hand, limped in early position and if he knows there 's usually a raise behind him (possibly by you? ;)) then he'll let others do the work. He doesn't have too many chips left either so seems like he wants to extract the maximum he can and this is shown through by checking then calling the big bet on the flop. I think you're behind so should just give it up and check and hope it's checked down and he has KQ which might be your best chance as he's already called 2 big bets, he's unlikely to budge to much from a 3rd bet anyway imo. You still have a large-ish stack so no harm in giving it up after you've played at the pot on the flop.

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Re: Bluff Called By Limper, What Next?

he is flushing - check and bet the river if a non flush card comes Damo
Maybe that's what he wants to represent but it would be a really poor play if he is as he didn't have the odds on the call on the flop, plus he's short stacked so the play is even riskier. Just doesn't make logical sense to me as he'd want to be making plays where he was favourite instead of chasing draws he doesn't have the odds for, but it is a possibility.
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Re: Bluff Called By Limper, What Next?

I think you got to let this one go' date=' check-fold. Out of wonder why did you decide to bluff, you have 30 BBs so can afford to wait for a genuine hand.[/quote'] with 30 BB you have the option to play lots of hands and keep your 30BB - you are better to play rather than wait Damo
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Re: Bluff Called By Limper, What Next? I bluffed for the reasons Damo gave above. (So HA! to those people who thought I bluffed because I'm a muppet...) I decided, as Damo did, that he was flushing, so shoved. He turns over... Ks Js. My A high holds up, and he's out. Thanks for the comments guys - well read Damo, and Nade, I agree with you - terrible play from him IMO. Not saying mine was brilliant by any means, but his was shocking.

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Re: Bluff Called By Limper, What Next? agreed his play was poor, the check from him on the turn was dreadful, gave away his whole game plan. If he'd bet out about 2/3 of pot at the turn, representing an overpair, what would you have done ??

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