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Royal Flush & Bad Beats!!


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Hi All! I just wanted to no who here has had a royal flush? - And wot happened? Was it live or online? I got one and only got £3.42 for it which is a bit sick! And wots the worse bad beat u have had or given? 4 me - someone flopped a nuts high straight but i tried to bluff with middle pair and i put them all in - they called of course - The turn pairs the board and the river gave me a three of a kind which made a full house!! - He was out of the tourney! Comment bac! W117

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Re: Royal Flush & Bad Beats!! I always liked this bad beat :- Full Tilt Poker Game #1830086866: Table Vasari (heads up) - $200/$400 - No Limit Hold’em - 14:21:11 ET - 2007/02/19 Seat 1: Son-in-Law ($67,608.75) Seat 2: durrrr ($77,241.75) durrrr posts the small blind of $200 Son-in-Law posts the big blind of $400 The button is in seat #2 *** HOLE CARDS *** durrrr raises to $1,200 Son-in-Law raises to $3,600 durrrr calls $2,400 *** FLOP *** [Td Ts 7h] Son-in-Law bets $5,000 durrrr raises to $15,700 Son-in-Law calls $10,700 *** TURN *** [Td Ts 7h] [5h] Son-in-Law checks durrrr has 15 seconds left to act durrrr bets $57,941.75, and is all in Son-in-Law calls $48,308.75, and is all in durrrr shows [6h 8h] Son-in-Law shows [Th Tc] Uncalled bet of $9,633 returned to durrrr *** RIVER *** [Td Ts 7h 5h] [4h] durrrr shows a straight flush, Eight high Son-in-Law shows four of a kind, Tens durrrr wins the pot ($135,217) with a straight flush, Eight high Son-in-Law is sitting out *** SUMMARY *** Total pot $135,217.50 | Rake $0.50 Board: [Td Ts 7h 5h 4h] Seat 1: Son-in-Law (big blind) showed [Th Tc] and lost with four of a kind, Tens Seat 2: durrrr (small blind) showed [6h 8h] and won ($135,217) with a straight flush, Eight high

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