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what do you do next nr2


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It was my first venture on higher limits. I was up $80 over 2 tables and then comes this hand. I cant remember the guy Im battling with playing a single hand before. PokerStars Game #11239972952: Hold'em No Limit ($1/$2) - 2007/07/31 - 17:17:31 (ET) Table 'Phyleus II' 9-max Seat #1 is the button Seat 1: heniek31 ($190.65 in chips) Seat 2: daaguato ($166.35 in chips) Seat 4: Kutila ($50.65 in chips) Seat 5: AceTo5 ($197 in chips) Seat 6: rubyc0n ($173 in chips) Seat 7: Skompton_G ($199 in chips) Seat 8: daveaneo ($304.30 in chips) Seat 9: Ajven ($225.65 in chips) daaguato: posts small blind $1 microfish4: is sitting out Kutila: posts big blind $2 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to heniek31 [Qc Ad] microfish4 leaves the table AceTo5: folds rubyc0n: folds Skompton_G: folds daveaneo: folds Ajven: raises $6 to $8 heniek31: calls $8 daaguato: folds Kutila: folds *** FLOP *** [Ac 4d 6h] Ajven: checks heniek31: bets $6 Ajven: calls $6 *** TURN *** [Ac 4d 6h] [Qd] Ajven: checks heniek31: bets $14 Ajven: raises $26 to $40 heniek31: calls $26 *** RIVER *** [Ac 4d 6h Qd] [7h] Ajven: bets $60 ???

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Re: what do you do next nr2 its AQ or a set imo. If what you say about him is true then he doesnt have A4 or A6 (why the raise preflop), doesnt have AK-A10 (betting to strong post flop) and he bet the turn when the Q came. Looking at this however, its exactly how i would try and play a set on a rainbow board... Feel free to criticise my thinking, bit of a noob at hand analysis here.

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Re: what do you do next nr2 A check call on the flop followed by a check raise on the turn. He thinks he's ahead I believe. Follow that with a half pot bet on the river which is small enough to tempt you to call or even shove. I'd say he hit his hand on the flop meaning AA, 44, 66. Saying that I'd call every time (but would not shove) as it's tough to fold top 2 pair with no flush and minimal chance of a straight.

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Re: what do you do next nr2 Thank you guys :ok. After the flop, I presumed he didnt have 44 or 66, cause I couldnt imagine him raisng x4 with that sort of hands. As I said, it was his first hand played Id seen. When he called on the flop, my thoughts were AK most of all, but top 4 pairs run through my mind. If Q didnt hit the turn, It would ve been easy lay down, but unfortunately it was a disaster. I knew, was no chance for me to get away from this hand :$. Ajven: bets $60 heniek31: calls $60 *** SHOW DOWN *** Ajven: shows [Ah As] (three of a kind, Aces) heniek31: mucks hand Ajven collected $228 from pot Well done DP. As close as it gets :clap.

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Re: what do you do next nr2 Heniek, reading through a hand history is much easier than playing it obviously but if you look through it again you'll see that you told him by your betting what you had. Call of a raise pre-flop - good pocket pair or strong A. Leading out on the flop - bluffing an underpair or strong A (therefore a pair) Increasing your bet on the turn when you made your 2 pair just confirms to him that he's got you hooked.

*** TURN *** [Ac 4d 6h] [Qd]Ajven: raises $26 to $40
Maybe here is where you should have thought seriously that he has you beat. I'm not saying I'd have played it differently Hen, and I guess you were unlucky but the signs are there.
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Re: what do you do next nr2 Cheers Andy. I have to admit, it looks like I have my blinkers very tight on :eyes. Just to confirm Staffys comment AQ is really poor hand to go to battle. Unless I had a strong case for 2 pairs, but what was this guy thinking? Makes me look bit of a less of a donk :tongue2. PokerStars Game #11288447838: Hold'em Pot Limit ($0.25/$0.50) - 2007/08/03 - 13:28:53 (ET) Table 'Mathilda V' 9-max Seat #6 is the button Seat 1: bubsy2222 ($153.20 in chips) Seat 2: nimzo ($26.40 in chips) Seat 3: coolguy50 ($43.80 in chips) Seat 4: heniek31 ($80.95 in chips) Seat 5: HesseJames ($60.85 in chips) Seat 6: gijsb ($29.50 in chips) Seat 7: cl!ck-b4ng ($14.85 in chips) Seat 8: milan94 ($49.50 in chips) Seat 9: reRaiseoma ($28.40 in chips) cl!ck-b4ng: posts small blind $0.25 milan94: posts big blind $0.50 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to heniek31 [Ah Ac] reRaiseoma: folds bubsy2222: folds nimzo: folds coolguy50: raises $1 to $1.50 heniek31: raises $2 to $3.50 HesseJames: folds gijsb: calls $3.50 cl!ck-b4ng: folds milan94: calls $3 coolguy50: calls $2 *** FLOP *** [6s As 9c] milan94: checks coolguy50: checks heniek31: bets $9 gijsb: folds milan94: calls $9 coolguy50: calls $9 *** TURN *** [6s As 9c] [Td] milan94: checks coolguy50: checks heniek31: bets $39.25 milan94: calls $37 and is all-in coolguy50: folds *** RIVER *** [6s As 9c Td] [4h] *** SHOW DOWN *** milan94: shows [Ad Qc] (a pair of Aces) heniek31: shows [Ah Ac] (three of a kind, Aces) heniek31 collected $112.25 from pot

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Re: what do you do next nr2

Cheers Andy. I have to admit, it looks like I have my blinkers very tight on :eyes. Just to confirm Staffys comment AQ is really poor hand to go to battle. Unless I had a strong case for 2 pairs, but what was this guy thinking? Makes me look bit of a less of a donk :tongue2. PokerStars Game #11288447838: Hold'em Pot Limit ($0.25/$0.50) - 2007/08/03 - 13:28:53 (ET) Table 'Mathilda V' 9-max Seat #6 is the button Seat 1: bubsy2222 ($153.20 in chips) Seat 2: nimzo ($26.40 in chips) Seat 3: coolguy50 ($43.80 in chips) Seat 4: heniek31 ($80.95 in chips) Seat 5: HesseJames ($60.85 in chips) Seat 6: gijsb ($29.50 in chips) Seat 7: cl!ck-b4ng ($14.85 in chips) Seat 8: milan94 ($49.50 in chips) Seat 9: reRaiseoma ($28.40 in chips) cl!ck-b4ng: posts small blind $0.25 milan94: posts big blind $0.50 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to heniek31 [Ah Ac] reRaiseoma: folds bubsy2222: folds nimzo: folds coolguy50: raises $1 to $1.50 heniek31: raises $2 to $3.50 HesseJames: folds gijsb: calls $3.50 cl!ck-b4ng: folds milan94: calls $3 coolguy50: calls $2 *** FLOP *** [6s As 9c] milan94: checks coolguy50: checks heniek31: bets $9 gijsb: folds milan94: calls $9 coolguy50: calls $9 *** TURN *** [6s As 9c] [Td] milan94: checks coolguy50: checks heniek31: bets $39.25 milan94: calls $37 and is all-in coolguy50: folds *** RIVER *** [6s As 9c Td] [4h] *** SHOW DOWN *** milan94: shows [Ad Qc] (a pair of Aces) heniek31: shows [Ah Ac] (three of a kind, Aces) heniek31 collected $112.25 from pot
:rollin:rollin:D:D But no Q.
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