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what do you do next?


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***** Hand 704982390 ***** 0.05/0.10 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 01 August 2007 22:26:18 TH Mini 71 (Real /Cash Game ) Seat 1: drhaus (26.25) Seat 2: dvojica (12.67) Seat 3: abelt (6.80) Seat 4: morlspin (40.26) Seat 5: Carlo57 (10.18) Carlo57 post SB 0.05 drhaus post BB 0.10 ** Deal ** drhaus [N/A, N/A] dvojica [N/A, N/A] abelt [N/A, N/A] morlspin [Ks, Kd] Carlo57 [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** dvojica Call 0.10 abelt Fold morlspin Raise to 0.40 Carlo57 Call 0.40 drhaus Raise to 1.00 dvojica Call 1.00 morlspin Raise to 8.40 Carlo57 Fold drhaus Call 8.40 dvojica Fold *** Flop(Board): *** : [2s, 7s, Ah] *** Bet Round 2 *** drhaus All-in 17.85 :\

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Re: what do you do next? So what range of cards do you put him on? Strong aces and high pocket pairs? Strong aces being the more likely because he didn't reraise you pre flop.... He sounds like a tight, maybe ABC player? Have you seen any indication he is capable of making a move? I still fold ;) (PS $10 buy in and you're sat there with over $40 - nice one

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Re: what do you do next?

So what range of cards do you put him on? Strong aces and high pocket pairs? Strong aces being the more likely because he didn't reraise you pre flop.... He sounds like a tight, maybe ABC player? Have you seen any indication he is capable of making a move? I still fold ;) (PS $10 buy in and you're sat there with over $40 - nice one
cheers m8 to be honest, i didnt know what to do, i put him on a lower pair actually if he had aces, he would of or should have raised me all in, if he had an ace rag he probably wouldnt have called my initial raise of $7.40 into a $2.50 pot.....
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Re: what do you do next? I would pretty much agree with the pair view.... if he is as tight as you say he is his range of hands is prob AK only for the A.... find it hard to see an ABC player calling such a raise with AQ as it looks like a raise to protect a strong hand. One thing I don't see is why he would call you pre flop with say AK putting you on AK or a highish pair (depending on your own image which would be interesting to address) and then when the A hits he just pushes.... It seems like such a no value play (Well it is) this says to me pair in which case u got it... then again he could be playing silly buggers with the bullets (can't really consider this)... although looking at it again it does look feasible (tho hardly likely any cards that you would call this bet you would bet out with anyways he could then check/raise 98% of the time). There's all the chance he hit a set of 7's... strong play putting you on A* thinking he'll get an instacall from you... really IMO the play is bad... really bad... there are no hands he could be holding where this is a good play unless he is being tricky with top cards... but then he could quite as easily slow play you... so summary it's poor... however getting to the 5c/10c mindset seems like hes got AK, AQ and is "protecting" against the flush (just a though, a silly one at that).... so AK, AQ is my answer just because you asked for 1... bad play though by your opponent...:ok Bit of a pointless rant there... hope someone gets something out of it...:ok BTW can u PM me result if you know it... I am VERY interested now....

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Re: what do you do next? OK HERE IT IS, I WENT WITH MY GUT INSTINCT TELLING ME IT WAS A SMALLER PAIR, I MAY HAVE RUN INTO TRIPS BUT DECIDED THE POT SIZE WAS RIGHT TO CALL.... morlspin Call 17.85 *** Turn(Board): *** : [2s, 7s, Ah, Kc] *** River(Board): *** : [2s, 7s, Ah, Kc, Kh] *** Showdown *** : Rake: 2.69 Total Pot: 51.21 drhaus [Qc, 10c] Pair of kings Win: 0.00 dvojica Fold Win: 0.00 abelt Fold Win: 0.00 morlspin [Ks, Kd] Four of a kind, kings Win: 51.21 Carlo57 Fold Win: 0.00

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Re: what do you do next? ***** Hand 705046288 ***** 0.05/0.10 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 01 August 2007 23:15:48 TH Mini 71 (Real /Cash Game ) Seat 1: drhaus (16.18) Seat 2: dvojica (37.91) Seat 3: riffo (10.73) Seat 4: morlspin (54.88) Seat 5: jokke3 (9.05) morlspin post SB 0.05 jokke3 post BB 0.10 ** Deal ** drhaus [N/A, N/A] dvojica [N/A, N/A] riffo [N/A, N/A] morlspin [Ks, Kh] jokke3 [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** drhaus Call 0.10 dvojica Raise to 0.50 riffo Fold morlspin Raise to 0.90 jokke3 Fold drhaus Call 0.90 dvojica Call 0.90 *** Flop(Board): *** : [3s, 10s, Kd] *** Bet Round 2 *** morlspin Check drhaus Bet 5.00 dvojica Fold morlspin Raise to 15.90 drhaus All-in 15.28 *** Turn(Board): *** : [3s, 10s, Kd, 2d] *** River(Board): *** : [3s, 10s, Kd, 2d, 9s] *** Showdown *** : Rake: 1.66 Total Pot: 31.70 drhaus [10c, Ac] Pair of tens Win: 0.00 dvojica Fold Win: 0.00 riffo Fold Win: 0.00 morlspin [Ks, Kh] Three of a kind, kings Win: 31.70 jokke3 Fold Win: 0.00

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Re: what do you do next? ***** Hand 705064403 ***** 0.12/0.25 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 01 August 2007 23:31:38 TH Mini 78 (Real /Cash Game ) Seat 1: lessing17 (18.45) Seat 2: morlspin (27.50) Seat 3: PLjones (25.00) Seat 4: drhaus (13.92) Seat 5: efohun (16.93) drhaus post SB 0.12 efohun post BB 0.25 ** Deal ** lessing17 [N/A, N/A] morlspin [Qs, Qd] drhaus [N/A, N/A] efohun [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** lessing17 Fold morlspin Raise to 1.25 drhaus Call 1.25 efohun Fold *** Flop(Board): *** : [5d, 10h, 4c] *** Bet Round 2 *** drhaus All-in 12.67 morlspin Call 12.67 *** Turn(Board): *** : [5d, 10h, 4c, 6c] *** River(Board): *** : [5d, 10h, 4c, 6c, 10s] *** Showdown *** : Rake: 1.40 Total Pot: 26.69 lessing17 Fold Win: 0.00 morlspin [Qs, Qd] Two pair queens and tens Win: 26.69 PLjones [N/A, N/A] Highest card five Win: 0.00 drhaus [8d, Ad] Pair of tens Win: 0.00 efohun Fold Win: 0.00

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