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Poker Player Mag £10,500 WSOPE Freeroll


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Re: Poker Player Mag £10,500 WSOPE Freeroll

Fook me am I invisable
Who said that? :unsure Seriously though - what sort of problems are you having? Your first message was a little...erm....vague... Problems downloading? Problems opening an account? Problems connecting? ... I'm not having any problems, but that may be because I havent downloaded it yet :tongue2
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Re: Poker Player Mag £10,500 WSOPE Freeroll

Anyone else having problems with this site??
Sorry nige only just seen this (how could you be invisible btw you are the biggest bloke I have ever met) I had problems downloading it as well but I managed to get it resolved. I suggest people who want to play in this on Thursday don't leave it too late :ok
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Re: Poker Player Mag £10,500 WSOPE Freeroll No problem with the download, but the registration process ran very slowly and the lobby is also slow to respond, which makes me a little worried for how it will play. This is the first new style microgaming site I've run/played on so not sure whether that may be the problem for me. Might have to go back to some of the others and try them to compare. What I will go and check is whether they've all now got the following clause in their T&Cs in case it's a microgaming update, and not Gnuf specific. Should not be too onerous to keep on the right side of, but do need to be aware of it. gnuftcfj7.jpg Shot at 2007-08-16

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Re: Poker Player Mag £10,500 WSOPE Freeroll

Nice spot in the T&C Helen :loon I do need to go through and tidy my accounts up anyway - that may just be the push. I signed up this evening with gnuf, with no issues ..... how old is your PC?
I had an email from Gaming Club confirming this change in T&Cs. May be prima wide? FBF
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Re: Poker Player Mag £10,500 WSOPE Freeroll bubbled in 11th all that 4 nothing over 4 hours lol,went card dead in the last 2 hours and just hung on,still i enjoyed the structure and cant complain.would just like to say ul mrscolu allin with ak against other guy with ak and flopped all hearts and he had king hearts :wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall

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Re: Poker Player Mag £10,500 WSOPE Freeroll

bubbled in 11th all that 4 nothing over 4 hours lol' date='went card dead in the last 2 hours and just hung on,still i enjoyed the structure and cant complain.would just like to say ul mrscolu allin with ak against other guy with ak and flopped all hearts and he had king hearts :wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall[/quote'] Well Played getting that far Karl,:clap
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