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Time For a PL Fish-Tank?


Time For a PL Fish-Tank?  

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    • Yes - Its always good to know your enemy
    • No - Sometimes the information can be misleading
    • Not Sure - What if they join PL at a later date?

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I know people have offered to share their player notes before and I've also done a write up on PLers in the past (tongue firmly in cheek) but I was wondering if we could perhaps keep track of the fishes we're swimming with? I know that information on opponents counts for a lot and I do pay off on the river when I know I've lost a hand just for information. It would be nice to be able to look in here and see "XYZ plays his draws aggressively" along with a HH (from the PL nominating them) to back it up. What does everyone think? If its agreed upon I was thinking of doing it in the following format; Table name---Type of Game---Level/Buy-In---Beat Me/Donked to Me---Comments and then the hand history below

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Re: Time For a PL Fish-Tank? Sounds like a minefield to me, though the idea is sound in principle. Are there not too many different criteria to make it manageable and thus useful? If you could just limit to, say, STT's, it could be managaeable, but to attempt to cover all facets of the game over a plethora of sites seems tricky to say the least. Also there is a concern that potentially you could be 'slagging off' a future PL-er or indeed a current one playing under a new/unknown ID.

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Re: Time For a PL Fish-Tank? I know I should have a file on the fish, but I just can't be bothered / too pissed! They're normally pretty easy to spot anyway! When I start taking poker serious it will be top of my 'things to do list'. :ok I know most of the PL's styles for the Focus games! (especially Jaded :lol) If I come across any fish or arses at the tables I normally stick that in the notes Log - our paths never seem to cross again though! :unsure Could be an interesting thread though, nice one V! :ok Time for the pub before my usual 7 Sunday night Tournies! :beer TQM

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Re: Time For a PL Fish-Tank? As happyhornet said the principle is good but in reality it's pretty unworkable. Say i'm sat there in a cash game against 9others who are mostly coming and going regularly, i'd be spending more time looking through a list on here to see if i can spot one of their names who apparently is a fish rather then acquiring my own info which i can see right in front of my eyes. I reckon the vast majority of us can tell when a player is playing bad and what they do badly within a couple of rounds of play. Whereas it'll probably take a lot longer to find these players on a list and then process the information about the players and incorporate the tactics into your own game. It could be workable but it would take a lot of effort for someone to organise the data into very separate categories which would make it easy to read. And also , i'd be on the list, so it's a silly idea anyway ;)

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Re: Time For a PL Fish-Tank? I think this information can be mis-leading depending on what level you are playing. If someone made notes on me in a freeroll that info would be totally useless to them in a $100 buy in. Also players evolve and you could meet a donk one day and 3 months later he could be a shark. So only very recent information at the appropriate level would be useful. I tend to just go off the information that PokerOffice gives me now.

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Re: Time For a PL Fish-Tank? I'm a bit wary of this. If we were a private community, I'd have no problem with the idea (though to some extent I share other people's doubts about how useful it would be). But sooner or later, one of the fish would Google his user name, find he's on our list of fish, and get offended. I'm just not sure it's worth the potential ill-feeling.

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Re: Time For a PL Fish-Tank? I've voted yes but think it may be unworkable - too many players at different levels to keep track of. Anyone who is identified as a fish and then joins PL is proving that they have took the first step in becoming a non-fish. I also think that we all have our fishy moments ..... and all get hooked and gutted on occasion :rollin.

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Re: Time For a PL Fish-Tank?

we already post up lists of fishes - they are in every hand history thread that appears here - don't quite see what the difference is between having a sperate focussed thread (like this) or lots of general ones? Damo
I think there is a difference. I'm sure (almost) all of us will admit that we occasionally play a hand like a complete moron. We've even seen hands on TV where world class players play a hand like a complete moron. So if somebody came across a particular hand that they played badly immortalized on a forum, they might be embarrassed about it, but I don't think they'd usually find that as insulting as a general claim that they were a total fish.
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