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Pop Quiz (part XXIX) - call, re-raise or shove?  

  1. 1.

    • Call and use position on the flop
    • Reraise and get a few more chips in the middle
    • Shove whilst you can get him off his hand/get him to call

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unusual post for me this one - not bubble time but blinds are big and still six players left do I call and use my position on the flop before deciding to commit my chips or shove PF and get my chips in now? I am not sure a re-raise will work? Keksik has about 2K left and as I hate the min reraise (another 600) I would be raising about another 1200 chips at least, so am I better to just shove? (am prepared to be convinced otherwise!) keksik has been fairly quiet after I busted his 2 pair with a turn straight after he gave me nice odds to call his flop bet, and has played one major hand since and won about 1400 chips - he has been fairly solid early and not playing much (like everyone else) so I think he is a 'not bad' player The table has been playing fairly tight since we hit 100/200 as we all had similar stacks, and a 2BB raise normally takes the blinds, and even tighter at 150/300 with 2 'shorties' and Traumas bullying (not calling, but raising) If I get this wrong I am essentially out of the game with no chance of cashing (I think) with only about 700 chips left cheers Damo 150.00/300.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 09 July 2007 22:06:02 STT $50 NL (Real /Tournament ) Seat 1: keksik1 (2988.00) Seat 2: Mr Mojito (2140.00) Seat 3: @OLDWOLF@ (1510.00) Seat 6: robilaruk (3612.00) Seat 7: traumas (8258.00) Seat 9: maller75 (1492.00) traumas post SB 150.00 maller75 post BB 300.00 ** Deal ** keksik1 [N/A, N/A] Mr Mojito [N/A, N/A] @OLDWOLF@ [N/A, N/A] robilaruk [Kh, Ks] traumas [N/A, N/A] maller75 [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** keksik1 Raise to 900.00 Mr Mojito Fold @OLDWOLF@ Fold Hero?????


Re: Pop Quiz (part XXIX) - call, re-raise or shove? Reraise all in from me - There's 1350 in the pot,so if I "only" win that, not a disaster - happy enough if called too...... A smaller raise here - screams big pair - I think the all in is more likely to get action than a min raise...

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