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Poker Stars $100k guaranteed RESULTS


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Free Image Hosting at allyoucanupload.com 15,000 entrants created a pize pool of $150,000and it took 7 hours and 51 minutes to complete (if my maths is correct). Pokerstars paid out from 200th (winning $15). Final table players were guaranteed $705. I must be mad cos I've just bought into a $2 satellite for it. :$
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Re: Poker Stars $100k guaranteed RESULTS i played in this on sunday night , i bought direct in and to be honest , probably wont bother again, for an $11 buy in , it was a complete all in fest, i dont think it helped with the 10 minute blinds (although with the amount of entrants would probably still be going now if the normal 15 mins blinds were used). on the few tables i played on , it could quite easily have been compared to the boss safety net.

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Re: Poker Stars $100k guaranteed RESULTS

i played in this on sunday night , i bought direct in and to be honest , probably wont bother again, for an $11 buy in , it was a complete all in fest, i dont think it helped with the 10 minute blinds (although with the amount of entrants would probably still be going now if the normal 15 mins blinds were used). on the few tables i played on , it could quite easily have been compared to the boss safety net.
think its a no no for me,to reach ft would mean no sleep before work on monday(or very little)gl guys......
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Re: Poker Stars $100k guaranteed RESULTS

bollox its gonna be my focus game this sunday.........and im sure if you make it that long into the night you can afford to have monday off lol
Could be a Focus Game record single score then on Sunday :D 1st from 15,000 how many points will that be GAF ??
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