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Training Software


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Re: Training Software All of the rooms offer "play money" tables - this is probably a good starting point - though dont try and learn any strategy from it - just the mechanics of the game :ok Then you can give some freerolls a go - these are games that are free to enter but give out real cash prizes..... There's a VERY good thread by Mr V here that should help ..... How To Start Out in Poker Without Risking Your Own Cash This is probably a good thread to read too :ok Poker Novice Questions

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Re: Training Software I tried 2 play money games but was way out of my league as I just sat there not really knowing what to do. Of course I lost, so I then just watched the play but it was so fast that I could not keep up with who was betting what and what was actually going on.

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Re: Training Software I've taken this form the PokerNightLive web site - does that help? Do you know the hand rankings?

Texas Hold’em Rules Blinds and Dealer One player is designated the dealer by a marker called the dealer button. The designated dealer moves clockwise around the table at the end of every hand. (as if each player was taking their turn to deal) The player on the dealer’s left posts a small blind and the player on the small blind’s left posts a big blind. These blinds or forced bets exist so that there is always something in the pot to compete for. The size of these bets depends on the stakes of the game. Pre-Flop Betting Round After the blind bets are placed, two cards are dealt face down to each player. The first betting round then takes place, with the player to the big blind’s left acting first. Play continues clockwise around the table. Each player chooses one of the following options:
  • Call – Match the biggest bet in the pot (this is the big blind until there is a raise)
  • Raise – Bet more than the current bet.
  • Fold – Throw your card away and sit out the hand.
Note: The player on the big blind may ‘Check’ if it’s their turn to act and no one has raised (but 1 or more have called). A check is when a player chooses to stay in the game without betting. Betting continues until someone has either won the hand (all other players fold) or the largest bet is called by one or more players. A raise is said to ‘reopen’ the betting as it allows all players on the table the option to either call or raise again. Flop Betting Round After the pre-flop betting round, 3 community cards are dealt face up on the table (called ‘the flop’). Community cards can be used by all players to make their best 5 card poker hand. Betting moves clockwise around the table, with the player to the left of the dealer being the first to act. Again, each player has the following options:
  • Raise
  • Fold
  • Call (Players can only call if there has been a raise)
  • Check (If no one has raised the pot yet, players can choose to check. No more money is added to the pot and play moves to the next player.)

The Turn A fourth community card is dealt, called the turn. Another round of betting round follows. The River A fifth and final community card is dealt, called the river card. This is followed by the final round of betting. If there are still players left in the hand after this betting round, players involved must expose their cards and the best 5 card poker hand is the winner (see hand rankings). This is called a showdown. Note: If two or more players have the same hand, the pot is split equally between them.

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Re: Training Software I have managed to play 100 hands now over the last few days all on Play Money and tonight everything went my way and I turned $25 to $234 though some of it was pure luck and a few bluffs. A question to ask is that during those 100 hands I noticed that many people folded during the first round of betting (Pre-Flop) and I don't know why. I am sure that you would fold once the flop was dealt as you would then now what cards you have to play with. For instance if you had 3sJc as your holes cards why would you fold on them because the flop could bring you As2s3s and then you would have a good hand. Tell me to go away and read up if I need it :lol Watching the chat people were using slag etc, what is T9 Also I found the trainer on Party Poker this evening, so I can practice with out making a fool of myself :lol

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Re: Training Software Starting hands are critical - you cannot play every hand, because you have to PAY to see the flop - it's just too expensive....... As a very tight player I can sometimes see as few as 7% of flops - that means I'm folding 14 out of 15 pre flop. A particularly loose player would maybe play 30% of hands - that means that they are folding 2 out of 3 hands pre flop, and they are ..... As a beginner I would recommend that you aim to be a tight (but aggressive) player - don't play many hands, but when you so - raise rather than call ...... by playing this way, your decisions post flop are easier (which will help until you have more experience) The Party Poker Trainer is Limit I believe - that's a very different game to No limit - so be carefuul mixing the two......

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Re: Training Software As GaF said you don't want to be playing with any 2 cards because it costs - the times you do hit will not pay for all the times you don't hit and so you're a losing player until you get more advanced and become a good LAG player like Gus Hansen but this is extremely difficult and a lot harder to learn and become good at then TAG. 11 time WSOP bracelet winner Phil Hellmuth recommends only playing the top 10 hands as a beginner. These hands are: AA, KK, QQ, AK, JJ, 1010, 99, 88, AQ, 77 This way you don't have to make as many tough decisions as you have a strong starting hand :ok

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Re: Training Software Thanks All. Have now played several freerolls to get practice. Learnt alot. Played Tight folding many hands pre-flop, but what once caught me out in one freeroll was that I had crap holes cards time after time and I was getting 23 24 25 most of the time and some times 2s was dealt 3 times as a hole in a row so I can presume that the virtual deck is shuffled each go, how else would 2s keep coming up. Anyway after I kept getting these bad hole cards I never got to see the flop and because of the raising blinds every 10mins I was soon down to nothing even though I never actually bet any chips, so I knew that the next round I was going out as I was on the big blind which would of zero's my bank so with a 3s7d I had to call the 1st round and go onto the flop and it was soon realised that I had to fold. I did however have a good time.

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