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TGF Poker Wants YOU!!!!


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Re: TGF Poker Wants YOU!!!! Ok If i`m being blunt so be it Has anyone else heard from TGF apart from ROSCO? If they were serious about this would they not respond, but then again, after so many people have downloaded the site they did not have to! Normally this would be called spam if i am not wrong? I still have the emails about them going round the country recruiting players? FFS this is one of, if not the biggest site, so why have we not heard from players playing for them Think someone got good publicity for feck all But then again we wil see TGF Response £20 a week at a guess for looking after one of PL players?

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Re: TGF Poker Wants YOU!!!! I will look into it. Although I would be patient. They have said they want lots of people promoting thier site and sponsoring them to play live. Maybe they are testing this for a team of 6 or 7 in one area. To gain an understanding of the market and seeing the return in investment. This is more understandable then sponsoring 100 people from the start. It would be difficult for any up and coming site to start paying £4000 a week to players without any market research or testing. Be patient this has been an excellent opportunity for me and I hope they continue it and offer the sponsorship to other Punters.

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Re: TGF Poker Wants YOU!!!! Cheers for your response, and i understand you have a duty to support them, however, surely they must have looked at the market to offer this, also they posted it in June, 5 months is a pretty long time in poker! I am just suspicious about why they have not responded to anyone who has asked a question. I think if you look at teaul c with his sponsorship, Ash has answered any questions and said he wil be looking for players who do well on his site, so i can see the difference between the two sites and know who i would support and spend my money on Do you know how many teams they are sponsoring? Rant over, what results have you had yet mate?

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