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TGF Poker Wants YOU!!!!


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468x60_tgf.gif Sign up HERE (possibly) :unsure This was brought to my attention by Footie-Tipper - cheers mate. :ok
Subject: Local live poker representatives required Body: TGF Poker is looking for 3 players to play a live event every week in every casino in the UK for the rest of 2007 If you and two others can commit to playing once a week in your local casino for a buyin up to 20 pounds plus fee we will sponsor you to play. We will provide you with logo clothing and business cards to promote TGF Poker You will also have the chance to win a 10,000 pounds sponsorship deal to represent TGF Poker in 2008. The player with the most referrals combined with best tournament results will win this package. In total we are after 50 players to start with so if you think you can commit to this then email me jon AT tgfpoker DOT com or msn statjonh2 AT aol DOT com
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Re: TGF Poker Wants YOU!!!! Stoonami, my mate Declan is a definite he used to own apokerclub in Merthyr, if you email me at ********* I'll send Jon all our details together! EDIT by GaF - have PM'd your email addy to stooonami and removed here to protect you from spam :ok

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Re: TGF Poker Wants YOU!!!! Hi All Just a quick message to say I havn't forgotten about you. We have had alot of applicants fron all over the country and will be arranging to come see you all over the next few weeks Please make sure you have emailed me your name and a contact number along with the various casinos/poker rooms you can play, and on what days and the buyin. We will consider putting a player in to more than one game if they can play more than once a week in different venues. If you have freinds that can make up the 2nd and third person to play on the same day then please send their details along with yours and we will meet you all at the same time. I look forward to meeting you all Jon [email protected]

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: TGF Poker Wants YOU!!!! This is on my myspace page..

Hi Guys For those of you that registered to be a memeber of Team TGF Poker you will be pleased to hear we have finally received the Team Shirts and will be contacting you in the next week to arrange to meet up and finalise everything. For details on the offer go to www.tgfpokernews.com
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Re: TGF Poker Wants YOU!!!! Met up with the guys from TGF Poker on Friday night. The deal is as good as it sounds and played my first tournament for TGF poker on Friday night. Hope you guys can get sorted too. p.s anyone signing up to a new account you can refer me if you like. my alias is TGFRosco you get an addition $50 bonus on top of the one offered on the site if you use this. thanks

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  • 2 months later...

Re: TGF Poker Wants YOU!!!!

Speak to Rosco' date=' he was telling us about it in Blackpool last Saturday. He's signed up with them so should be able to give you the low down on the whole thing - he seemed very happy to be getting his buy in's paid for.:ok[/quote'] Did they see watch Roscoe play at Blackpool ?
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