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WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E ....updated now day 5, final table


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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E ....updated now day 5, final table Hand #39 - David Singer Eliminated in 6th Place ($337,440) Hand #39 - (Razz) Kenny Tran: A David Singer: 10-5-J Bruno Fitoussi: 8-Q-A John Hanson: 2 Freddy Deeb: 6 Amnon Filippi: 7 3rd: Singer brings it in for 20,000, and Fitoussi calls. 4th: Singer bets 80,000, and Fitoussi calls. 5th: Singer moves all in for 60,000, and Fitoussi calls. They show: David Singer: 8-4-10-5-J Bruno Fitoussi: 4-2-8-Q-A And the final boards are: David Singer: 8-4-10-5-J-5-4 Bruno Fitoussi: 4-2-8-Q-A-9-7 Fitoussi makes a 9-8 low on sixth street, and Singer is drawing dead. Fitoussi wins the pot with an 8-7 low. David Singer is eliminated in sixth place, earning $337,440. The next player eliminated will receive $444,000 for fifth place.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E ....updated now day 5, final table Hand #40 - Freddy Deeb Hand #40 - (Razz) Freddy Deeb: 2-7 Amnon Filippi: K-9 3rd: Filippi brings it in for 20,000, Deeb completes to 80,000, and Filippi calls. 4th: Deeb bets 80,000, and Filippi folds. Freddy Deeb takes the pot.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E ....updated now day 5, final table Hand #44 - Freddy Deeb Hand #44 - (Razz) Kenny Tran: 6-Q-4-J Bruno Fitoussi: 9 John Hanson: 5 Freddy Deeb: 5-10-8-3 Amnon Filippi: 9 3rd: Fitoussi brings it in for 20,000, Deeb completes to 80,000, Tran raises to 160,000, Fitoussi folds, and Deeb calls. 4th: Deeb bets 80,000, and Tran calls. 5th: Deeb bets 160,000, and Tran calls. 6th: Deeb bets 160,000, and Tran folds. Freddy Deeb takes the pot.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E ....updated now day 5, final table Hand #50 - Bruno Fitoussi Hand #50 - (Razz) Kenny Tran: A-6-10 Bruno Fitoussi: 5-9-4 John Hanson: 9 Freddy Deeb: Q 3rd: Deeb brings it in for 20,000, Tran completes to 80,000, Fitoussi calls, and Deeb folds. 4th: Tran bets 80,000, and Fitoussi calls. 5th: Fitoussi bets 160,000, and Tran folds. Bruno Fitoussi takes the pot

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E ....updated now day 5, final table Hand #52 - Amnon Filippi Hand #52 - (7 Card Stud) Freddy Deeb: 7d.gif3s.gif8h.gif Amnon Filippi: 2c.gif4c.gif6s.gif 3rd: Filippi brings it in for 20,000, Deeb completes to 80,000, and Filippi calls. 4th: Deeb checks, Filippi bets 80,000, and Deeb calls. 5th: Deeb checks, Filippi bets 160,000, and Deeb folds. Filippi takes the pot.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E ....updated now day 5, final table Hand #53 - Amnon Filippi Hand #53 - (7 Card Stud) Bruno Fitoussi: 7d.gif5h.gif3h.gif John Hanson: 2d.gif Amnon Filippi: qh.gif5d.gifda.gif 3rd: Hanson brings it in for 20,000, Filippi completes to 80,000, Fitoussi calls, and Hanson folds. 4th: Filippi bets 80,000, and Fitoussi calls. 5th: Filippi bets 160,000, and Fitoussi folds. Amnon Filippi takes the pot.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E ....updated now day 5, final table Hand #54 - Freddy Deeb Hand #54 - (7 Card Stud) Kenny Tran: 3c.gif John Hanson: 3d.gifac.gif5c.gif Freddy Deeb: ks.gif7s.gifas.gif Amnon Filippi: 2h.gif 3rd: Filippi brings it in for 20,000, Hanson completes to 80,000, Deeb raises to 160,000, Filippi folds, and Hanson calls. 4th: Hanson checks, Deeb bets 80,000, and Hanson folds. 5th: Deeb bets 160,000, and Hanson folds. Deeb takes the pot.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E ....updated now day 5, final table Hand #55 - Kenny Tran Hand #55 - (7 Card Stud) Kenny Tran: qd.gifah.gif5c.gif10s.gif Bruno Fitoussi: 6h.gif John Hanson: 9h.gif6s.gif Freddy Deeb: 10c.gif3h.gif2c.gif5s.gif 3rd: Fitoussi brings it in for 20,000, Hanson limps, Deeb limps, Tran completes to 80,000, Fitoussi folds, Hanson calls, and Deeb calls. 4th: Tran bets 80,000, Hanson folds, and Deeb calls. 5th: Tran bets 160,000, and Deeb calls. 6th: Tran bets 160,000, and Deeb calls. 7th: And both players check. Tran shows A-K-3 for a pair of aces, and Deeb mucks. Kenny Tran wins the pot.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E ....updated now day 5, final table Hand #56 - John Hanson Hand #56 - (7 Card Stud) Kenny Tran: 10h.gif Bruno Fitoussi: as.gif John Hanson: 8s.gif Freddy Deeb: 2d.gif Amnon Filippi: 2h.gif 3rd: Deeb brings it in for 20,000, Fitoussi completes to 80,000, Hanson raises to 160,000, Deeb folds, and Fitoussi folds. John Hanson takes the pot.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E ....updated now day 5, final table Hand #57 - Freddy Deeb Hand #57 - (7 Card Stud) Kenny Tran: 3s.gif John Hanson: kd.gif3c.gif5s.gifas.gif Freddy Deeb: 10h.gif8s.gif7s.gifjs.gif Amnon Filippi: ac.gif 3rd: Tran brings it in for 20,000, Hanson completes to 80,000, Deeb calls, and Tran folds. 4th: Hanson checks, Deeb bets 80,000, Hanson raises to 160,000, and Deeb calls. 5th: Both players check. 6th: Both players check. 7th: Hanson bets 160,000, Deeb raises to 320,000, and Hanson folds. Freddy Deeb takes the pot. Hand #58 - Amnon Filippi Hand #58 - (7 Card Stud) Kenny Tran: 5h.gif Bruno Fitoussi: 10h.gif John Hanson: 2s.gif Freddy Deeb: qh.gif3s.gif Amnon Filippi: 4s.gif9s.gif 3rd: Hanson brings it in for 20,000, Deeb completes to 80,000, Filippi calls, and Hanson folds. 4th: Deeb checks, Filippi bets 80,000, and Deeb folds. Amnon Filippi takes the pot. Hand #59 - Amnon Filippi Hand #59 - (7 Card Stud) Kenny Tran: 6s.gif10c.gif Bruno Fitoussi: 9c.gif John Hanson: 7d.gif Freddy Deeb: jc.gif Amnon Filippi: 10s.gifkd.gif 3rd: Tran brings it in for 20,000, and Filippi calls. 4th: Filippi bets 80,000, and Tran folds. Amnon Filippi takes the pot

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E ....updated now day 5, final table Hand #60 - John Hanson Hand #60 - (7 Card Stud) Kenny Tran: 3h.gif7s.gif Bruno Fitoussi: as.gif8s.gif10d.gif John Hanson: kd.gif5d.gifjd.gif5h.gif Freddy Deeb: 7h.gifqc.gifjh.gif6s.gif Amnon Filippi: 6d.gif3c.gif 3rd: Tran brings it in for 20,000, Fitoussi completes to 80,000, Hanson calls, Deeb calls, Filippi calls, and Tran calls. 4th: Fitoussi bets 80,000, Hanson raises to 160,000, Deeb calls, Filippi folds, Tran folds, and Fitoussi calls. 5th: Fitoussi checks, Hanson bets 160,000, Deeb calls, and Fitoussi folds. 6th: Hanson bets 160,000, and Deeb calls. 7th: Hanson bets 160,000, and Deeb folds. John Hanson takes the pot.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E ....updated now day 5, final table Hand #63 - Amnon Filippi Hand #63 - (7 Card Stud) Kenny Tran: 2s.gif Bruno Fitoussi: 8h.gif4d.gifqh.gif9s.gif Amnon Filippi: ks.gif7c.gif5h.gif3s.gif 3rd: Tran brings it in for 20,000, Fitoussi limps, Filippi completes to 80,000, Tran folds, and Fitoussi calls. 4th: Filippi bets 80,000, and Fitoussi calls. 5th: Filippi bets 160,000, and Fitoussi calls. 6th: Filippi bets 160,000, and Fitoussi thinks for about two minutes before he calls. 7th: Filippi bets 160,000, and Fitoussi folds. Amnon Filippi takes the pot.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E ....updated now day 5, final table Seven Card Stud, Eight or Better The game switches to seven card stud, eight or better, with antes of 20,000, a bring in of 20,000, and a completion of 80,000. The limits are 80,000-160,000. Play continues without a break.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E ....updated now day 5, final table Round Analysis: Stud There were 13 hands of Stud. Amnon Filippi won 5 pots along with John Hanson. Kenny Tran won one pot while Bruno Fitoussi was quiet during the last round. Freddy Deeb won two pots, but he laso lost two pots worth over 2.6M or a net loss of 1.3M. Stud was the round when the players decided to start with messy stacks, so we lost the ability to have an updated and accurate chip count. It appears that John Hanson and Amnon Filippi are the top two

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E ....updated now day 5, final table Hand #66 - Amnon Filippi Hand #66 - (7 Card Stud Eight or Better) Bruno Fitoussi: 6h.gif8h.gifkh.gif John Hanson: 4c.gif9d.gif Amnon Filippi: kc.gif9c.gif10c.gif 3rd: Hanson brings it in for 20,000, Filippi completes to 80,000, Fitoussi calls, and Hanson calls. 4th: Filippi bets 80,000, Fitoussi calls, and Hanson folds. 5th: Filippi bets 160,000, and Fitoussi folds. Amnon Filippi takes the pot.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E ....updated now day 5, final table Hand #67 - Amnon Filippi Hand #67 - (7 Card Stud Eight or Better) Freddy Deeb: 7h.gif8d.gifqc.gif Amnon Filippi: 5c.gif3c.gifas.gif 3rd: Filippi brings it in for 20,000, Deeb completes to 80,000, and Filippi calls. The 6h.gif is accidentally exposed as the other players fold. 4th: Filippi bets 80,000, and Deeb calls. 5th: Filippi bets 160,000, and Deeb thinks for about 30 seconds before he folds. Amnon Filippi takes the pot.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E ....updated now day 5, final table Hand #68 - Bruno Fitoussi Hand #68 - (7 Card Stud Eight or Better) Bruno Fitoussi: kd.gifqd.gif Freddy Deeb: ac.gifqs.gif Amnon Filippi: 2d.gif 3rd: Filippi brings it in for 20,000, Fitoussi completes to 80,000, Deeb calls, and Filippi folds. 4th: Deeb checks, Fitoussi bets 80,000, and Deeb folds. Bruno Fitoussi takes the pot.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E ....updated now day 5, final table Hand #69 - Kenny Tran Hand #69 - (7 Card Stud Eight or Better) Kenny Tran: kd.gif10h.gifkc.gif10d.gif Bruno Fitoussi: 4c.gif John Hanson: 6s.gif10s.gif7c.gifqh.gif 3rd: Fitoussi brings it in for 20,000, Hanson completes to 80,000, Tran raises to 160,000, Fitoussi folds, and Hanson calls. 4th: Tran bets 80,000, and Hanson calls. 5th: Tran bets 160,000, and Hanson calls. 6th: Tran bets 160,000, and Hanson folds. Kenny Tran takes the pot.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E ....updated now day 5, final table Hand #70 - Split Pot Between Bruno Fitoussi and Amnon Filippi Hand #70 - (7 Card Stud Eight or Better) Kenny Tran: 2c.gif Bruno Fitoussi: 8c.gifkc.gifks.gifjc.gif John Hanson: 6h.gifas.gifqd.gif Freddy Deeb: 6d.gifqh.gif6s.gif Amnon Filippi: 2c.gif4s.gif8h.gif3s.gif 3rd: Tran brings it in for 20,000, Fitoussi limps, Hanson completes to 80,000, Deeb calls, Filippi calls, Tran folds, and Fitoussi calls. 4th: Hanson bets 80,000, Deeb calls, Filippi calls, and Fitoussi calls. 5th: Fitoussi bets 160,000, Hanson folds, Deeb folds, Filippi raises to 320,000, and Fitoussi calls. 6th: Fitoussi checks, Filippi bets 160,000, and Fitoussi calls. 7th: Fitoussi checks in the dark, and Filippi checks behind him, showing A-x-x for an 8-4 low. Fitoussi shows 8-x-x for two pair, kings and eights. They split a large pot.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E ....updated now day 5, final table Hand #71 - Kenny Tran Hand #71 - (7 Card Stud Eight or Better) Kenny Tran: jh.gif4h.gifkd.gifjd.gif Bruno Fitoussi: 9d.gifqh.gifda.gif3s.gif John Hanson: 3c.gifjs.gif Amnon Filippi: 3d.gifjc.gif 3rd: Hanson brings it in for 20,000, Filippi limps, Tran limps, and Fitoussi limps. 4th: Fitoussi bets 80,000, Hanson folds, Filippi folds, and Tran calls. 5th: Fitoussi bets 160,000, and Tran calls. 6th: Tran bets 160,000, and Fitoussi folds. Kenny Tran takes the pot.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E ....updated now day 5, final table Hand #73 - Bruno Fitoussi Scoops Hand #73 - (7 Card Stud Eight or Better) Kenny Tran: 3h.gif Bruno Fitoussi: 5d.gif2d.gifkd.gif4c.gif John Hanson: jh.gif10h.gif3h.gif8d.gif Freddy Deeb: 6s.gif Amnon Filippi: da.gif7c.gif9s.gif10c.gif 3rd: Tran brings it in for 20,000, Fitoussi limps, Hanson completes to 80,000, Filippi calls, Tran folds, and Fitoussi calls. 4th: Filippi bets 80,000, Fitoussi calls, and Hanson calls. 5th: Filippi checks, Fitoussi bets 160,000, Hanson calls, and Filippi calls. 6th: Filippi checks, Fitoussi checks, Hanson thinks for about a minute before he bets 160,000, Filippi calls, and Fitoussi calls. 7th: All three players check. Fitoussi shows 7d.gif3d.gif-x for a king-high flush and a 7-5-4-3-2 low. Filippi and Hanson muck, and Bruno Fitoussi scoops the high and low sides of the pot.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E ....updated now day 5, final table Hand #74 - John Hanson Hand #74 - (7 Card Stud Eight or Better) Kenny Tran: 8s.gif9d.gif Bruno Fitoussi: jc.gif John Hanson: 2h.gif7s.gif5s.gif Freddy Deeb: 4d.gif6d.gif10s.gif 3rd: Hanson brings it in for 20,000, Deeb limps, and Tran limps. 4th: Tran checks, Hanson checks, Deeb bets 80,000, Tran folds, and Hanson calls. 5th: Deeb checks, Hanson bets 160,000, and Deeb folds. John Hanson takes the pot.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E ....updated now day 5, final table Hand #77 - Bruno Fitoussi Hand #77 - (7 Card Stud Eight or Better) Kenny Tran: 3h.gif Bruno Fitoussi: 9c.gif3c.gif3d.gif5h.gif John Hanson: 6s.gif Freddy Deeb: qc.gif Amnon Filippi: kh.gif6h.gif8c.gif5d.gif 3rd: Tran brings it in for 20,000, Fitoussi limps, Filippi completes to 80,000, Tran folds, and Fitoussi calls. 4th: Filippi bets 80,000, and Fitoussi calls. 5th: Fitoussi checks, Filippi bets 160,000, and Fitoussi calls. 6th: Fitoussi checks, Filippi bets 160,000, and Fitoussi calls. 7th: Both players check. Fitoussi shows 7-7-x for two pair, sevens and threes, and Filippi mucks. Bruno Fitoussi takes the pot.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E ....updated now day 5, final table Fitoussi is using his monster chipstack well with only Freddy Deeb really providing any kind of resistance as Amnon gets frustrated and close to the flet and Hanson seems to be MIA during level 59/the Seven Card Stud round. It's only a matter of time before Bruno really will be King.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E ....updated now day 5, final table ...and Bruno gets one step closer as he eliminated Amnon in the Stud/8 or Better round and it's now my two picks versus Bruno. I'm hoping for a Twilight Zone reversal of fortune here but I think Hanson seems resigned to second/third place.

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