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WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E ....updated now day 5, final table


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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4

Limit Hold'em The game switches to limit hold'em, with blinds of 30,000-60,000, and limits of 60,000-120,000.

All In forThor Hansen Double up or go home. As expected, on the first hand of the final table, Thor Hansen moved all in for his last 40K. He paired his door card on 4th street and was ahead on fifth and sixth street. On seventh street he turned up two pair, 7s and 5s, but that was not good enough to beat John Hanson's bigger two pair. We lost out first player of the final table. Down to seven.
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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 Hand #1 - Thor Hansen Eliminated in 8th Place ($188,256) Hand #1 - (7 Card Stud Eight or Better) Kenny Tran: ah.gif Bruno Fitoussi: qh.gif10s.gif4h.gif John Hanson: jc.gif9c.gif6h.gifkd.gif Thor Hansen: 3h.gif3c.gif7d.gif2d.gif Amnon Filippi: 2h.gif8h.gifjh.gif9h.gif Barry Greenstein: da.gif 3rd: Filippi brings it in for 15,000, Fitoussi completes to 50,000, Hanson calls, Hansen is all in for 30,000, and Filippi calls. 4th: Filippi bets 50,000, Fitoussi calls, and Hanson calls. 5th: Filippi bets 100,000, Fitoussi folds, and Hanson calls. 6th: Filippi bets 100,000, and Hanson calls. 7th: Filippi checks, Hanson bets 100,000, and Filippi folds. Hanson takes the side pot, and shows Q-Q-J for two pair, queens and jacks. Hansen shows 7-5-5 for two pair, sevens and fives. John Hanson takes the pot. Thor Hansen is eliminated in eighth place, earning $188,256. The next player eliminated will receive $259,296 for seventh place

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 Hand #5 - Freddy Deeb Hand #5 - Bruno Fitoussi has the button in seat 3, Tran raises to 120,000, and Deeb calls from the big blind. The flop comes kd.gifjh.gifjs.gif, Deeb bets 60,000, and Tran calls. The turn card is the qh.gif, Deeb bets 120,000, and Tran folds. Freddy Deeb takes the pot

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 Hand #6 - Barry Greenstein Hand #6 - John Hanson has the button in seat 4, Greenstein raises under the gun to 120,000, and Filippi calls from the big blind. The flop comes jc.gif7d.gif7s.gif, Filippi checks, Greenstein bets 60,000, and Filippi folds. Barry Greenstein takes the pot.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 Hand #8 - Amnon Filippi Hand #8 - Amnon Filippi has the button in seat 7, he raises to 120,000, and Greenstein calls from the small blind. The flop comes kc.gif8c.gif6c.gif, Greenstein checks, Filippi bets 60,000, Greenstein bets 120,000, and Filippi calls. The turn card is the as.gif, Greenstein bets 120,000, Filippi raises to 240,000, and Greenstein folds. Amnon Filippi takes the pot.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 Hand #9 - Freddy Deeb Hand #9 - Barry Greenstein has the button in seat 8, Hanson raises to 120,000, Deeb reraises to 180,000, and Hanson calls. The flop comes ah.gif7d.gif5c.gif, Hanson checks, Deeb bets 60,000, and Hanson folds. Freddy Deeb takes the pot.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 Hand #11 - Bruno Fitoussi Hand #11 - David Singer has the button in seat 2, Fitoussi raises from the small blind to 120,000, Hanson reraises from the big blind to 180,000, and Fitoussi calls. The flop comes kd.gif6c.gif2d.gif, Fitoussi checks, Hanson bets 60,000, and Fitoussi calls. The turn card is the 4d.gif, Fitoussi checks, Hanson bets 120,000, and Fitoussi calls. The river card is the 9c.gif, Fitoussi checks, Hanson bets 120,000, Fitoussi thinks for a full minute before he raises to 240,000, and Hanson calls. Fitoussi shows 2c.gif2s.gif for a set of deuces, and Hanson mucks. Bruno Fitoussi wins the pot.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 Seat 1 - Kenny Tran - 2,225,000 Seat 2 - David Singer - 1,350,000 Seat 3 - Bruno Fitoussi - 1,115,000 Seat 4 - John Hanson - 1,725,000 Seat 5 - Freddy Deeb - 4,030,000 Seat 7 - Amnon Filippi - 4,105,000 Seat 8 - Barry Greenstein - 290,000

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 Hand #14 - John Hanson Hand #14 - Freddy Deeb has the button in seat 5, Hanson raises from the cutoff to 120,000, and Greenstein calls from teh big blind. The flop comes qd.gifqc.gif3c.gif, Greenstein checks, Hanson bets 60,000, and Greenstein folds. John Hanson takes the pot.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 Hand #16 - Kenny Tran Hand #16 - Barry Greenstein has the button in seat 8, he raises to 120,000, Tran reraises from the small blind to 180,000, and Greenstein calls. Tran bets 60,000 in the dark before the flop, which comes ac.gif10h.gif7d.gif. Greenstein looks at the flop and folds. Kenny Tran takes the pot.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 Hand #21 - Split Between Bruno Fitoussi & Barry Greenstein Hand #21 - (Omaha 8 or Better) Freddy Deeb has the button in seat 5, Fitoussi raises to 120,000, Greenstein moves all in for 140,000, and Fitoussi calls with da.gifjc.gif10h.gif6c.gif. Greenstein shows ah.gifks.gif8s.gif4s.gif. The flop comes 10d.gif5d.gif2s.gif, and Fitoussi catches a pair of tens, and Greenstein has a gutshot straight draw and an 8 low draw. The turn card is the as.gif, giving Fitoussi two pair (aces and tens), and giving Greenstein a made 8 low with a spade flush draw. The river card is the ac.gif, and Bruno Fitoussi wins the high side with a full house, aces full of tens. Barry Greenstein wins the low side with an 8 low

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 Hand #22 - John Hanson Hand #22 - (Omaha 8 or Better) Amnon Filippi has the button in seat 7, Fitoussi raises to 120,000, Hanson calls, Filippi calls from the button, and Tran calls from the big blind. The flop comes kh.gif9h.gif9d.gif, Tran bets 60,000, Fitoussi folds, Hanson calls, and Filippi folds. The turn card double-pairs the board with the ks.gif, Tran bets 120,000, Hanson raises to 240,000, and Tran calls. The river card is the 3h.gif, and both players check. Hanson shows A-K-x-x for trip kings with an ace kicker, and Tran mucks. John Hanson wins the pot.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 Hand #23 - Barry Greenstein Eliminated in 7th Place ($259,296) Hand #23 - (Omaha 8 or Better) Barry Greenstein has the button in seat 8, Hanson raises to 120,000, Filippi calls from the cutoff, Greenstein moves all in for 125,000, Hanson calls, and Filippi calls. The flop comes qh.gif9h.gif9s.gif, and both players check the side pot. The turn card is the 9d.gif, Hanson checks, Filippi bets 120,000, and Hanson folds. Filippi shows as.gifqd.gifjs.gif6h.gif, and Greenstein shows ah.gif10c.gif5h.gif4s.gif. The river card is the 4c.gif, and Filippi wins the pot with trip nines with an ace-queen kicker. Barry Greenstein is eliminated in seventh place, earning $259,296. The next player eliminated will receive $337,440 for sixth place.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 Score One for Robin Hood Although Barry Greenstein busted out in 7th place, a percentage of his $259,296 in winnings will be going to charity. Not only does he donate most of his prize money, he also gives away an autographed copy of his book "Ace on the River" to the player who knocks him. Amnon Filippi collected his bounty prize today. In a city filled with card sharks, it's nice to see someone with a big heart such as Barry Greenstein. Score one for the good guys.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 Hand #24 - Kenny Tran Hand #24 - (Omaha 8 or Better) Kenny Tran has the button in seat 1, Deeb raises to 120,000, Tran calls from the button, and Fitoussi calls from the big blind. The flop comes qc.gif9d.gif3d.gif, Fitoussi checks, Deeb bets 60,000, Tran calls, Fitoussi raises to 120,000, Deeb calls, and Tran calls. The turn card is the 8d.gif, and all three players check. The river card is the js.gif, and they check again. Fitoussi shows 9-3-x-x for two pair, nines and threes, and Tran shows J-9-x-x for two pair, jacks and nines. Deeb mucks. Kenny Tran wins the pot.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 Hand #25 - Split Pot Between John Hanson & Bruno Fitoussi Hand #25 - (Omaha 8 or Better) David Singer has the button in seat 2, Fitoussi limps from the small blind for 60,000, Hanson raises from the big blind to 120,000, and Fitoussi calls. The flop comes 9s.gif8s.gif3c.gif, Fitoussi checks, Hanson bets 60,000, and Fitoussi calls. The turn card is the 6h.gif, Fitoussi checks, Hanson bets 120,000, and Fitoussi calls. The river card is the 7d.gif, Fitoussi checks, Hanson bets 120,000, Fitoussi thinks for a full minute before he calls with 8-6-x-x for two pair, eights and sixes. Hanson shows A-7-4-x for a pair of sevens and a 7 low. They split the pot.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 Hand #28 - Freddy Deeb Hand #28 - (Omaha 8 or Better) Freddy Deeb has the button in seat 5, Hanson raises from the cutoff to 120,000, Deeb calls from the button, and Tran calls from the big blind. The flop comes ac.gifjs.gif9h.gif, Tran checks, Hanson checks, Deeb bets 60,000, Tran folds, and Hanson calls. The turn card is the kd.gif, Hanson checks, Deeb bets 120,000, and Hanson folds. Freddy Deeb takes the pot.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 Hand #30 - Bruno Fitoussi Hand #30 - (Omaha 8 or Better) Kenny Tran has the button in seat 1, Filippi raises from the cutoff to 120,000, and Fitoussi calls from the big blind. The flop comes 9h.gif3h.gif3c.gif, and both players check. The turn card is the 2d.gif, and they check again. The river card is the qc.gif, Fitoussi bets 120,000, and Filippi folds. Bruno Fitoussi takes the pot.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 Round Analysis: Hold'em There were 19 hands of Hold'em. Kenny Tran won 5 of them while John Hanson and Freddy Deeb won 4 each. Barry Greenstein took the biggest hit and slipped to under 200K in chips by the end of the Hold'em round. Deeb's aggression paid off as he inched closer to chipleader Amnon Filippi. At one point, less than 500K separated the two players. Towards the end of the round, the action became passive with players folding to the big blind on three instances

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 Last 10 Hands: #21-30 Here's a rundown of who won the last ten hands: Hand #21 - Bruno Fitoussi (High), Barry Greenstein (Low) Hand #22 - John Hanson Hand #23 - Amnon Filipi Hand #24 - Kenny Tran Hand #25 - Bruno Fitoussi (High), John Hanson (Low) Hand #26 - David Singer Hand #27 - Freddy Deeb Hand #28 - Freddy Deeb Hand #29 - Amonon Filippi Hand #30 - Bruno Fitoussi Barry Greenstein was all in for the first time today on Hand #11. He survived and won the low to split the pot with Bruno Fitoussi. Greenstein's tournament life was at stake on Hand #23. He moved all in on the flop with ah.gif10c.gif5h.gif4s.gif. His hand could not improve against Amnon Filippi's as.gifqd.gifjs.gif6h.gif, as he headed to the rail in 7th place. For a split-pot game, there were only two post that were actually split. We're down to six players and Freddy Deeb holds a slight lead over Amnon Filippi

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 Hand #33 - Split Pot Between Kenny Tran & Freddy Deeb Hand #33 - (Omaha 8 or Better) John Hanson has the button in seat 4, Tran limps under the gun for 60,000, Deeb limps from the small blind, and Filippi checks his option. The flop comes da.gif6s.gif3h.gif, Deeb checks, Filippi checks, Tran bets 60,000, Deeb calls, and Filippi calls. The turn card is the ks.gif, Deeb checks, Filippi checks, Tran bets 120,000, Deeb calls, and Filippi calls. The river card is the 8h.gif, and all three players check. Filippi shows A-Q-7-2 for a pair of aces and a 7-6 low. Tran shows A-4-4-3 for two pair, aces and threes, and an 8-6 low. Deeb shows J-5-5-4 for a 6-5 low. It's a split pot, as Tran wins the high, and Deeb wins the low.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 Official Chip Counts Seat 1 - Kenny Tran - 2,540,000 Seat 2 - David Singer - 1,140,000 Seat 3 - Bruno Fitoussi - 1,340,000 Seat 4 - John Hanson - 2,235,000 Seat 5 - Freddy Deeb - 4,030,000 Seat 7 - Amnon Filippi - 3,585,000

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 Round Analysis: Omaha 8 Omaha 8 or Better went a little slower than Hold'em with 13 hands of action. Bruno split three pots (won four overall) and Kenny Tran split two. Freddy Deeb took over the chiplead during Omaha 8 on Hand #28 and has 4.03M to Amnon Filippi's 3.58M. David Singer slipped into last place with 1.14M.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 Hand #35 - John Hanson Hand #35 - (Razz) David Singer: A-A-3-10 Bruno Fitoussi: 9 John Hanson: 2-J-5-A Freddy Deeb: Q Amnon Filippi: 6 3rd: Deeb brings it in for 20,000, Singer completes to 80,000, Hanson raises to 160,000, Deeb folds, Singer reraises to 240,000, and Hanson calls. 4th: Hanson bets 80,000, and Singer calls. 5th: Hanson bets 160,000, Singer raises to 320,000, and Hanson calls. 6th: Hanson bets 160,000, and Singer calls. 7th: Hanson bets 160,000, and Singer thinks for over a minute before he calls. Hanson shows 4-3-x for a wheel (5 low), and Singer mucks. John Hanson takes the pot.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 Hand #37 - Bruno Fitoussi Hand #37 - (Razz) Kenny Tran: 2 David Singer: Q Bruno Fitoussi: 6-4 John Hanson: 9 Freddy Deeb: 6-J Amnon Filippi: 8 3rd: Singer brings it in for 20,000, Fitoussi completes to 80,000, Deeb calls, and Singer folds. 4th: Fitoussi bets 80,000, and Deeb folds. Bruno Fitoussi takes the pot.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 Hanson Almost Wins 2M Pot Hand #35 was the largest of the final table worth 1.94M. John Hanson made a Wheel and didn't even look at his card on seventh street when he fired out a bet. David Singer reluctantly called then mucked his hand when Hanson showed the nuts. Singer slipped to the short stack while, Hanson increased his stack to over 3.3M.

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