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Boddog Tournament Credits


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Re: Boddog Tournament Credits No - haven't got round to doing anything with mine yet :sad Will probably end up just playing STTs and seeing how much cash I can convert them to :sad Whenever I've looked at BoDog tournies, they just seem to be at ridiculous times for Europe - they're clearly more interested in the North American market!!!

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Re: Boddog Tournament Credits

Whenever I've looked at BoDog tournies' date=' they just seem to be at ridiculous times for Europe - they're clearly more interested in the North American market!!![/quote'] Is this the same GaF speaking as the one who stayed up until 4am twenty nights in a row playing the Mansion $100,000 guaranteed?
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Re: Boddog Tournament Credits

:sad Will probably end up just playing STTs and seeing how much cash I can convert them to :sad
Contrary to what was stated on RR forum you can't use them for SnG's, this has since been confirmed on the aforementioned forum. I was having a look around bodog last night and got into a tourney with about 5 mins to spare. 6pm(1pm in their lobby) $30-3 freezeout $10k Guaranteed. 5k starting chips 12min blinds. Last night had 275 entrants paid out 27 places. I made 18 for about $80, loads of arrogant Americans and quite poor play. I can't see one running tonight but there's one in the lobby for tomorrow night:ok
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Re: Boddog Tournament Credits Credits can only be used for MTT's. Tonight's $40k guaranteed ($100 + $9 buyin) started at 6pm and only had 266 starters. 27 places paid (top prize of $11k), and after 4 hours there are 20 left. 2500 starting chips. Many of the other guarantees have overlays (correct term for extra value?), and the daily $10k guaranteed ($30 + $3 buyin) has 5000 starting chips, and starts at 6pm our time. :hope to all in your ventures

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Re: Boddog Tournament Credits I am a truly awful MTT player. Played one a day since the money went in and blew the whole lot with barely a sniff of a payout. Put in $20 to allow me to withdraw. Ended with a measly $75 ($55 ''winnings'' then). So, just to prove the point to myself, today I played five $10 STTs and my balance is now up to $144. When we won the $315 I told my kids it would be a doddle to change that into cash by playing $20 or $30 Stts, so it was very disappointing to be pushed into playing MTTs instead. Anyway, I'm going to continue playing a few STTs on here as the general standard seems pretty poor...just staying clear of the MTTs as they are just not my game (except when we have a league of course!, but that's completely different).

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Re: Boddog Tournament Credits I was getting more than a little worried over Bodog... Tried to withdraw $75 to my moneybookers account on Saturday...it says takes 24 hours to process. Contacted them by email on tuesday and received reply that there is a back log and it would take a little longer.:\ I get :loon paranoid:loon at the best of times so the alarm bells started ringing. Continued to profit from the STTs, so this morning decided to cancel the withdrawal and place a new one for double the amount, then wait and see how long that would take.:hope Lo and behold they have transferred $150 to my moneybookers within an hour of my asking.:nana Great relief...I can now count on Bodog as one of my personally trusted sites. There must have just been a glitch over the weekend then. ...OK alls well that ends well, so back to those STTs for some more dosh then!:ok

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Re: Boddog Tournament Credits Jolly, I see that you came 117th of 243 - still a good bit of overlay for a $10k tourney. Was it 5,000 starting chips or 3,000? What did you think of the overall standard of play? I think that there are fewer muppet plays in the larger MTT's, but would appreciate your thoughts.

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Re: Boddog Tournament Credits McG, It was 3k starting chips, I think the standard,particularly early doors, is quite poor. Played my usual TAG ,very aggresive with the goods, and they still call. I was up to 8.5k just after the first break. Then got impatient trying to build a bigger stack, 2 open ended straight/flush draws within 5 hands crippled me, I really had no business being in any of them.Main drawback is in the players list, I can't see how to get a positional list so trying to "see" where you are is quite difficult. I could,ve swore gazza271 was signed in at the start but I could,nt find him in the list at the end? the $10k Guaranteed freezeout with 5k starting chips is on tomorrow (Sat) at 6pm

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Guest gazza271

Re: Boddog Tournament Credits I did register mate but then thought it would be a rather long game and I was tired and a bit pi$$ed so unregistered before it started :lol Still got all the credits left so will start playing some soon :ok

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Re: Boddog Tournament Credits

I can't see how to get a positional list so trying to "see" where you are is quite difficult.
Thanks for the feedback jolly. I've got to the final 80 or so of the 250 player money tourneys, and it does tighten up a fair bit then. Amazing that they don't have a straight player list showing chip counts. I tend to open the "Tourn Info" tab to check on Largest and Average Chip Stack and work my way down "Table Information", table by table, then clicking on "Chip Stack" twice to sort that table's players in order. No wonder I don't have time to play the game properly :loon
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Guest gazza271

Re: Boddog Tournament Credits I'm in tonights $5k tourny starting in 5 mins :hope May play the 100k later, on the stella so will see how I feel nearer the time :lol :lol

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Re: Boddog Tournament Credits Emailed them to check no expiry date, and there isn't :ok They gave me a bit more info though, suggesting that they can be used on some STTs :ok

Thank you for contacting Bodog Poker Customer Service. In answer to your question there is no expiry date for Tournament Credits. These credits can be used to buy in to any of our regularly Scheduled Tournaments, T$ Builder Sit and Go's, and qualifier Sit and Go's. When you double click on a registering Scheduled Tournament, a window will pop up asking you how you would like to pay for the buy-in. You can then choose to use your tournament credits, real money, or a combination of the two. Tournament Credits have an equal dollar value for buy in purposes. Please note, for rebuy tournaments, Tournament Credits may be used for the buy-in, but the rebuy or add on must be paid by eCash.
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Guest gazza271

Re: Boddog Tournament Credits

Emailed them to check no expiry date' date=' and there isn't :ok They gave me a bit more info though, suggesting that they can be used on some STTs :ok[/quote'] Nope, cant use them on STT's :@
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