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Big Satellite Tournament Strategy


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Hi Guys, I need some help on this one. I have a ticket (from a FT finish on an Inside Poker freeroll) to a $109 online satellite to the UKGPT event at Newcastle. In terms of Buy-in this will be the biggest tournament I have ever played. I am assumimg that the majority of my opponents on Sunday evening will be experienced tournament players, and we will be playing for 2 seats (1 per 27 players, 2 guaranteed. There were 41 players last Sunday). My problem is how to play it. It is a slow structure (3000 chips, 20 min blinds) so I am tempted to play somewhere between TAG and tighter than a ducks arse. Equally with such a steep prize structure, and given the fact it is in essence a freeroll for me, should I play a looser game? Any thoughts on this would be appreciated!:ok

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Re: Big Satellite Tournament Strategy stick to your game,it is not worth trying to change your game too drastically as i found to my regret:sad . you have a good game in you so relax and enjoy it:ok , oh,and throw away pocket 9`s,they will get you into trouble :lol :lol

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Re: Big Satellite Tournament Strategy HappyHornet, I had one of these tokens from the previous Inside Edge Freeroll and expected the game to be pretty high standard!! I was wrong, it was a $109 re-buy and I had one idiot re-buying 5 times in the first 20 minutes! Must have more money than sense. Of course, I sat there waiting for the right hand to trap him - a quiet check with KK and the all-in from him! Needless to say, he knocked me out. My advice is to wait and see the players at your table and play the game best suited, i.e. if table is tight raise a few hands that you woudn't normally. Good luck! TQM

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Re: Big Satellite Tournament Strategy Thanks guys.:ok I guess I was planning on playing my normal game, but just needed to see what some of you more experienced guys thought. I'm sure i'll post my progress in the daily thread. Unless, of course, I'm out third hand calling an all in push with my pocket nines!!:loon

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